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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. This guy's looking a little too excited about a disappointment of cosmic proportions. Probably was assuming he'd enjoy it more when he took the photo lmao.
  2. Reviews on rottentomatoes have started coming in more frequently now. Starting yesterday there have been 23 reviews with ratings added (28 total), and 7 of them have been top marks. So far leaning well above the average for big movies.
  3. They just couldn't give me the first Raimi film in 9 years on my birthday, so had to move it. It got a way better date, but I can't guarantee there won't be consequences.
  4. Wait, 00:24 I thought I had that line figured out and everytime I rewatch the trailer I can hear it, but now here it sounds different and I'm lost again.
  5. I am 100% certain Jay gives zero fucks about the box office, and the tweet is only about what he thought of the movie lol.
  6. Ah yeah that's gonna be a very watchable copy for many. Hopefully it slips by mostly under the radar.
  7. Haven't felt the need to watch the trailer so I'm gonna keep that up. Unless ofc I get attacked by it in a theater.
  8. Love 1, 2 is great, 4 is almost just as good, 3 sucks. Trailer for this was pretty good, but the film looks like it'll be much better. Oh and the show has two good seasons in it too, specifically the second.
  9. Finally saw this and thoroughly enjoyed it. Very refreshing to see a sequel actually commit to what the lackluster previous film was doing, even when the decisions in it didn't go down very well. Gotta love a big, weird and messy epic.
  10. I'm so fucking excited for this, gearing up for a marathon of 1-4 soon.
  11. 61% on RT now and I've seen a couple of fresh reviews that haven't been added yet. Will be unclear for a while where it'll end up.
  12. Theeere we go, certified fresh. Would not have expected that a month ago, let alone fresh, lmao.
  13. It's gonna dramatically depend on how much the audience is expected to know about the events in CoG going in. If it can function well as practically a stand-alone movie, then simple and straightforward plotting should do well for it.
  14. It's gonna have to do a lot to earn a "pleasant surprise" status from many critics. They also need to find a way to make it accessible to a general audience (and critics) because hardly anyone is gonna remember what happened in CoG.
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