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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. DC will recover and I think their path to success will be a similar to the MCU in that they will rely on their lesser known heroes. A Superman sequel is clearly low on WB's priority list and it seems Reeves is being allowed to take as long as he wants for the Batman film.
  2. Woah yeah Aquaman is out 3 weeks early in China. Has that happened with any other major Hollywood production?
  3. It was annoying to go to Box Office Mojo and check what the average MCU gross was only for it to be skewed because they had counted Inhumans as well. Glad it's gone now.
  4. Hmm it is Marvel's MO to "reward" certain franchises if they've done super well previously to give them the prime May release but I wonder with the huge February success would they just leave Black Panther 2 for February 2021. At least this definitely means they won't be rushing this to be out by 2020.
  5. I think Thor is worth another go with a 4th film since essentially Ragnarok was a soft reboot but yeah generally three solo films is good plus supporting roles in other films.
  6. Marvel has done a good job of getting new audiences to come aboard without confusing them or alienating the existing casual fans. I mean I wouldn't have imagined Infinity War getting the legs it did considering the amount of previous knowledge required but clearly that wasn't a problem. And yeah the return of FF4 and X-Men is going to help tremendously.
  7. On the contrary MCU's solo films have only been increasing every Phase, The team up films (if they even do Avengers films post-Phase 3) won't do as well. And hard to imagine the DCEU doing worse than Justice League.
  8. Saw the first three episodes and I echo a lot of the same thoughts @Porthos had. Definitely much closer in tone to both Rebels and The Clone Wars then I was expecting. While both those shows took a decent amount of time to find their identity I feel like Resistance knows exactly the show it wants to be and in executing that vision it does a good job. The main lead does feel a bit too similar to other characters we've had before in Star Wars animation but I do like the supporting cast the show has introduced so far. It does have a bit more slapstick humour than the other two shows but that doesn't bother me as much as some others. The animation itself works very well in terms of showing action. Character animation isn't as good but not as jarring as say Rebels was at first. It especially works well whenever we see the ships either racing or in aerial combat. Designs of the various ships are really good too with some good variety but not seeming out of place of the Star Wars galaxy. So yeah overall the show seems like another good addition to the Star Wars animation catalogue of shows. I do wonder without giving away spoilers how long this show can go on for seeing its close proximity to The Force Awakens. I would love for the show to show the aftermath of that film (and I guess therefore The Last Jedi) but I could also see it ending in 2 or 3 seasons. Anyways I'm sold and am more invested than I previous thought I would have been.
  9. I think the film could have worked had the whole film had 100% fully committed to the whole film being as wacky and weird as Tom Hardy's performance. But yes the juxtaposition between Tom Hardy and the rest of the film being as generic as any recent superhero origin story is where much of the (sometimes unintentional) comedy lies and works. But yeah I do think we could have gotten a legit good film with the same performance.
  10. Casting will be crucial for the other Sonyverse films. Tom Hardy was a lightning in a bottle casting.
  11. Sigh I wish Snyder got to direct JL and then certain fanboys would have seen it would have gotten the same box office result (because General Audiences don't give a damn who is directing the film unless it's James Cameron or Nolan). Anyways Venom was a blast whenever Tom Hardy and Venom were interacting. Otherwise it's mostly pretty boring.
  12. Yesterday's episode of The Good Place had a nice joke regarding the box office of The Greatest Showman
  13. We'll know if Sony is happy with Venom's box office total if a sequel gets announced soon after. I think around $400M would be their minimum but who knows.
  14. Haven't been this excited for a Star Wars project since TFA. Also the armour looks alot like the proposed armour Boba Fett was gonna have in Star Wars 1313 which also was originally supposed to be linked with Lucas' live action Star Wars tv show. While the time periods are totally different I can definitely imagine Favreau taking some inspiration from those ideas.
  15. Too early to tell with WoM but could definitely imagine this film being far more liked by audiences than critics. Gotta wait until those 2nd Weekend drops though.
  16. First Avenger? Didn't it have 2.7x vs the 2.44x multiplier of Suicide Squad. Yes congrats on Suicide Squad on having better legs than the most frontloaded MCU film.
  17. Sony also expected TASM 2 to make $1 Billion so falling far short of those expectations definitely dented their confidence. https://variety.com/2014/film/news/spider-man-2-facing-formidable-foes-at-foreign-box-office-1201157653/
  18. Would be a definite possibility with Dave Filoni rumoured to be directing a couple of episodes.
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