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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. It's not hating to call a disappointing performance disappointing. Transformers is pulling in disappointing numbers so far. Also, I knew Disney were lying about Cars 3 being number two for the weekend. What did that get them exactly? I guess they were embarrassed that a film that made 11 mil less last weekend overtook Cars 3 this weekend.
  2. Nice to finally see good reviews for a genre blockbuster again. June only had one big film that had really good notices.
  3. Words cannot express how happy I am about Wonder Woman's amazing success. 318mil so far after a 25mil weekend. Three under 50% drops in a row. I was listening to slash films summer box office prediction podcast and every single person was down on the movie. They even brought up that female lead comic book movies don't do money because they're female-led lie. Like, Catwoman and Elektra failing had nothing to do with the fact that they were uniformly awful films that to tell the truth, were not well marketed either.
  4. If Cars is really number two I will be absolutely stunned because that means that the movie had a 10% drop from Saturday to Sunday and right now I just don't believe that.
  5. Are Transformers fans arguing against Phantom comments? Who said it didn't have a lot of success as a franchise? Obviously financially the franchise was incredibly successful but I don't see what that has to do with where the franchise is right now. They basically did the same movie five times so I don't know about rebooting or anything like that. I mean Paramount never paid attention to the criticisms before so why would they start now?
  6. No one is claiming that Transformers will not make any money. It's going to make money but it's the last big money Transformers movie because it's all downhill from here. Especially if its legs are awful in China and it makes much less than what people are thinking. King Kong didn't do amazing but it's sequel could do better, Transformers sequel has no chance of doing better and in fact is guaranteed to do much worse
  7. ThisIsUs is a huge hit on tv and 47 Meters Down will be a minor hit in theaters. Mandy Moore's career is looking really good right now.
  8. Yes a sequel will probably be made but what happens when due to bad word of mouth from this film the next one drops another 250-300mil? You still think they will be making 200+mil Transformers movies when the next one does 350-400mil worldwide?
  9. So poor word of mouth is hurting it in China. it will be interesting to see where it ends.
  10. I liked it but the word of mouth was bad. It's legs were terrible. It wasn't like it was some hard to understand art house film so despite my like for it I acknowledge that it has to have some huge problems for the word of mouth to have been as poor as it was.
  11. It's hard for movies that make Deadpool money to increase but it's not like it's impossible. Do I think an increase is unlikely? Sure I do. I wouldn't rule out it just being below the the first one though. Like, I could see it doing 350mil.
  12. I'm black, I get that so-called black movies or movies with predominantly black casts are under predicted at the box office but All Eyez on me wasn't really one of those cases. Yes it opened with slightly more than the average 20-25mil prediction but it also always showed that it was massively front loaded. I hated the fawning articles about it's box office last weekend that barely mentioned that it was sure to die after opening weekend. Eyez was only an event on it's inflated opening day and that's it. I don't think it's opening weekend deserved all of the attention and accolades that it received. The film is already a distant memory.
  13. There was no Drake and Josh in 1993 (when the show was most popular), you must be young.
  14. Yeah the constant she's a terrible actress and can't carry a movie and is too skinny and has no boobs vitriol wasn't too much but praise is? Give me a break. I looked back on that Wonder Woman thread and there were so many posts of people calling her a terrible actress and miscast.
  15. I feel really bad for the people who think that Baby Driver is going to be a big hit just because it's a great movie. This might be Scott Pilgrim/Nice Guys all over again.
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