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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Discuss how much James Corden sullied Ryan Murphy’s magna opus here!
  2. Mando/Moff yeah yeah yeah That’s what I’m talking about
  3. Noo. We need to fix this!! 🥺🥺🥺
  4. I have such a strange feeling. I believe they’re called endorphins. I think they make you happy. I haven’t felt them in a year. But I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on right now when I heard this announcement. I wonder if he’s going to use his Cap Voice, Or come up with something a little different. I’m so excited.
  5. It's not all in vain, we did get this joke out of it: (Should start at timestamp 11:30)
  6. The first couple seasons of The Flash was Genuinely Good. Definitely 1-3
  7. It was amazing. Action sequences in board daylight. What a novel concept.
  8. I won’t lie, considering Robert directed this, this comment is deliciously ironic
  9. December 5, 2020 Only Angels Have Wings Selected by @Jake Gittes ---> NOTE THIS IS STARTING AT 1PM INSTEAD OF THE NORMAL 2PM <--- December 9, 2020 Cool Hand Luke Selected by @DAR December 12, 2020 What’s Up Doc? Selected by @lorddemaxus December 16, 2020 The Thin Man Selected by @Plain Old Tele December 19, 2020 It’s A Wonderful Life Selected by @Ahsoka December 23, 2020 Miracle on 34th Street Selected by @Ahsoka December 27, 2020 Swordfish Selected by @MrPink --> This will be scheduled for either Sun or Mon, depending on what the group wants <-- December 30, 2020 The Apartment Selected by @Ahsoka and @Jake Gittes January 2, 2020 Tokyo Godfathers Selected by @Spaghetti January 9, 2020 The Grapes Of Wrath Selected by @Ahsoka
  10. I also think we tend here to think about Disney has a “studio” instead of a “brand”. They’re a large, evil media conglomerate, for sure, but they’re also about building EVENTS. Whether you are going on a cruise, or taking that trip to Disney Land/World, or having the fairytale wedding, or going out the big Marvel blockbuster — it’s all about going out, socializing, and spending money on that Disney lifestyle/fandom. Going strictly streaming doesn’t really jive with that overall mood. I am not saying that aren’t banking on Disney+ or they won’t hang on it as a clutch going forward. I fully expect a “month theatric exclusive”, then a month or two of theater/Disney+ exclusive, then open to all PVOD as their MO to come.
  11. The Body Snatcher (1945) The Room Is Alive: Cap is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Cap's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT
  12. I have recently started Doctor Who "from the beginning" (aka NuWho) on HBO MAX. I had watched most series as it aired basically until mid Capaldi/Peak Moffat Up His Own Ass Bullshit had me drop it. I watched a couple of Thirteen, but never finished. It's fun cause I remember the broad stroke of things, but not a lot of the details. NINE. In one word: Fantastic. Christopher Eccleston is criminally underrated, and its such, such, such, a shame that due to some BTS nonsense he only did one Series. Highlight: Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. I could watch Nine/Rose/Jack for DAAAAYS. TEN/ROSE. Great episodes from a writing POV. Solid, full concepts. Highlights: Tooth & Claw. NGL, I was ready for her to move on by the end of it. Sexy!Doctor got old quick, and they were a little too swarmy/up each other's own ass a the end of things. I am mostly here for the Mickey Redemption Arc. And Harriet Jones, PM ("We Know Who You Are!") TEN/MARTHA. It's just such a god damn shame. The Doctor is so mean to Martha. I hate it. That two-parter where he's human and she's stuck as the servant is torture. It's not all bad though, cause Martha, despite the Doctor being a DICK, is Brilliant. Her and Jack bonding over the Doctor being a dick... :chef'skiss: Highlights: The Shakespeare Code, Blink I JUST started Ten/Donna, and I AM SO READY. God, I hope it's a good as I remember. But, don't tell. As River Song would say, "Spoilers."
  13. Kevin remembered his twitter password 🥺
  14. Same! I ended up with: Jurassic Park Jaws Close Encounters of The Third Kind Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade 1941 ET Schindler’s List Hook Catch Me If You Can Empire of The Sun Because much to @Plain Old Tele’s Chagrin, I ranked mind based off of my favorite John Williams’ scores And sorry not sorry, Hook and 1941 are fantastic. I went back-and-forth between Jaws and Jurassic Park. I don’t particularly like Jaws, but I firmly believe that movie is so iconic because of the score. It does about 94% of the work. The other 5% is that brilliant scene of the three of them on the boat talking about the Annapolis. With the last 1%, obviously, being that line: “you’re gonna need a bigger boat.” But I have to give it to Jurassic Park. The “Welcome to Jurassic Park” Scene is such a mic drop. It’s what movies are made for. 🥰🥰
  15. We’re going to start Duel in half an hour. Let’s see if it lives up to the hilariously idiosyncratic THX 1138. Cap is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Cap's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT from @Eric Karga:
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