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Everything posted by Cap

  1. @Porthos It’s honestly scary how much you and I agree sometimes. I watched the first four. Duel: Inject this into my bloodstream. I could’ve watched three hours of this. Really spot on. My only note was that I think they could’ve used a little bit more elemental animation. Kurosawa always had a lot of wind and rain and elemental movement in his work. Rhapsody: This is quintessential bad dubbing 2000s Toonami anime shit and I am I here for it. Says in Bob The Drag Queen voice: “This is wiiiild” Twins: This is what the sequel trilogy should’ve been. Loved the gimmick of the dual destroyers. And shot out to Alison Brie for channeling her best Sailor Moon Villain impression. Bride: This to me felt like the most Lucas of them all. Like, this is the one George would write and endorse. Felt could’ve gone another 5 minutes, but yeah. This felt like Star Wars.
  2. I would assume you’re going to get a sequel, or you’re going to get another two (so it’s 3 over all) Before they go their separate ways. Both non championship matches. I don’t see any reason to put the belt on Bryan. He’s over enough and doesn’t need it. (Or at least not this early.)
  3. I used to back in the day. Their animation wing was putting out some of the best DC Comics content period. But it’s been a while. == and to not double post, but I am so effing high on AEW right now it’s insane. Bryan Danielson, Kenny Omega, CM Punk
  4. Again, all, We have a Sub Forum for this. I sent a link to it. If we want to talk about this not specifically related to Eternals, I have no problem moving all of the posts to the Sub Forum and letting the conversation freely flow there. Just tell me that's what you want.
  5. I'm honestly gonna make this my new signature. L M F A O, David. ILU.
  6. https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/forum/8-and-the-winner-is/ As I said before, this Sub Forum exists, and literally exists for these type of discussions. Might be a time to take it over there.
  7. I think people would take notice of Eternals, Marvel or not, cause Zhao is directing it. And she is hot right now. People want to see her next move/movie. I think Black Panther absolutely should have won Best Picture. I can’t even remember what else was nominated that year, and I legit forgot Green Book won or existed until I stumbled upon a post a couple months ago. I also think that, eh Fuck It, let’s tango: I think instead of blaming Marvel for the [insert whatever complaint you have here], it might be worth examining how the Industry did this to itself. Just look at Oscar Season. The worse thing the Industry did to prestige/adult/drama/whatever you want to call it films was create an “Oscar Season” where All of the festivals happen in a set schedule, then all of the films that get buzz from the festivals are released within a specific two/three month. All cause of Oscar Bait. So instead of spreading out those films through the year, you’re expecting people to watch like 15 movies in 10 weeks. It’s asinine. No wonder the movies don’t have lingering effect. No wonder the movies don’t create additional buzz. They’re nothing but commodities that are easily replaced, because the only goal is to win an award and then move on and win another award. Shang Chi just made $80 million on Labor Day weekend. I think in a post pandemic world, we need to abandon the old release schedule. And hopefully by abandoning that schedule, the oscars will realize that movies which come out in March or July are just as worthy as movies that come out in December. Or again, maybe they won’t, since the Oscars are nothing more than a PR stunt to gather more attention for the studio, and show off some pretty dresses for hit designers Fall Collection. I also think that the Oscars don’t take place until like next March. And this is a very very long time to continuously have this discussion. So I would encourage folks to maybe go over to the sub forum specifically for award shows to continue this. Or maybe if you feel like you have said your piece, it might be Time to move on. And since I’ve said my piece, I’ll see you all on the other side. 😂😂
  8. I think Bond's this weird franchise that is better remembered for its Highs than its whole collective work. Cause let me tell you, I rewatched a bunch of these when TCM was showing them, and the Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton ones are sexist hooey. The Connery stuff is a mixed bag, yet Goldfinger more than makes up for it. Of the old ones, On Her Majesty's Secret Service might be my favorite cause DIANA RIGG. Yet, one the other hand, cause of my age, I have SUPER fond memories of Pierce Brosnan. Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies are amazing. Goldeneye might be my vote for Best Bond Movie Ever.
  9. It’s absolutely that movie in my head. That’s what’s been going on in my mind for the past two weeks. Nothing else matters except those two being happy forever and forever and ever
  10. @john2000 I don’t have sympathy for politely telling all of you to not discuss the contents of the tweets, and then you discussing the contents of the tweets. That is why you got a frowny face. Next time you will get warning points. ETA: I also think it might benefit everyone, including Simu who is still active on his social, If everyone just went to bed. And we can pick this conversation up in the morning.
  11. saying this again for the people who got sad faces also, I thought of a really great way for Marvel to fix this problem. Have Shang Chi 2 be Nothing but Tony Leung for two hours. 🥵🥰
  12. @RRA The best thing that he could do right now is basically say I need some time to myself and delete everything. And then go away for like a month or two months and come back. The press tour is basically over. So all he’s really doing on Twitter right now is taking a victory lap. He can afford to go outside for a little bit
  13. MODERATION: Hey all, your queer Admin here. And to think, I was having such a nice evening. I just want to say clearly those thoughts comments -- whether they're made by Simu Liu or not -- are asinine and quite frankly dangerous towards LGBTQ people. It plays on the old stereotype that gay people are "corrupt" and "sick" and "coming from your children." I would greatly appreciate if in your future posts you refrain from discussing specifically what was said or quote the tweets. That said, This is clearly a serious issue. It might affect box office going forward, and Shang Chi 2. So I'm not going to shut down discussion on this. But please keep it focused on the PR blowback and not what the statements said. We don't need to debate the validity of the statements. Thank You, Cap
  14. Fury's Big Week Cha Cha Killmonger Zombies Strange ** Captain Carter exists in the weird limbo of it's the absolute worse cause fuck you for not getting Evans back and it's the absolute best because PEGGY!!!! SKINNY STEVE!!! ICONIC OTP ALWAYS WINS!!!
  15. No exactly the most "objective" source (even though he might be cause he hates West Side Story), Sondheim talks about how the film "sparkles"!
  16. this is why I am waiting for my theater to reopen
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