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Everything posted by Cap

  1. After sitting with it for a couple hours, I feel like 99% of the film’s quote/unquote Issues would’ve been fixed if they just dropped Kit Harrington’s character. He’s pretty superfluous and that like 5-10 minutes out of the film with him gone would’ve tighten everything up.
  2. tbh I was most mad that the Big Spoiler I knew cause @Valonqar posted it a while back. 🤡
  3. Meanwhile, confirmation on who is the Best Chris:
  4. No. For whatever faults people might or might not find in this film, I doubt the visuals will be one of them. It’s gorgeous. The Celestials are stunning, and Zhao brings all her lush sensibilities to the IMAX screen. (I think I was the only person excited when I realize they were in South Dakota. I was like… yessssss Chloe, goood)
  5. I can't believe I stayed off the internet for two weeks to avoid the Harry Styles spoiler. Think of al the Succession Episode 3 memes I missed because of this. Also, that was HILARIOUS, since (1) when it broke my friend was like "TBH this doesn't affect you and I at all" and she was right! (2) when he showed up I was like, Wait, Orion's here -- and then I had to remember that was the version of this story that Jack gave **DC** not Marvel. L O L. I also LOL at the DC Comics references. What a perfect property to finally acknowledge those comics exists.
  6. ETERNALS Fox Run Mall - Regal Eternals 296 516 57.36 Movie Est Regal - Fox Run Mall Widow 8.9 Shang Chi 6.43 Venom 11.04 No Time To Die 10.65 Dune 7.25 Average: 8.854 The lack of showings is killing this. Maybe that's what they get for a 2:40 minute movie 🤷‍♀️ So in my panicked state I forgot to get Flagship Falmouth's ticket count before running off to the movie. I will say that when I checked around 5:00PM it was only about 1/2 full from the two showings they had. Definitely behind Widow and Shang Chi up here, around the same as Bond. I don't know if that's cause of lack of interest, or if it's because this is the first movie where pre-sale tickets went on sale AFTER the IMAX theater was open. (Like, for Dune, they went on sale AFTER the theater was already half sold.) Our IMAX was sold out tonight, so that's 150 people who had to go to Falmouth cause it was the only game in town, not going to Falmouth anymore. Will be interested in to see if that's a trend going forward with the theater or not.
  7. This is seriously my favorite horror movie ever. And yeah, we did it last year in October!
  8. SPENCER OPENING WEEKEND THREAD After months of anticipation and speculation the most anticipated film of the season arrives: SPENCER. Kristen Stewart sheds her non-acting awkward persona to completely transform into Diana Spencer, aka Princess Diana, the Dutches off Wales and most-beloved women of her time. Will Stewart finally shed her teenage persona of "that chick from Twilight"? Will her harrowing performances earn her an Oscar nomination and win? The Academy Awards are suckers for these totally immersive, ripped from the history books roles (Renee Zellweger for Judy, Meryl for Margaret Thatcher, Salma Hayek for Frida Kahlo, et al, ad nauseam). We will know in a few months; until then, we can only hope to keep this thread's pandemonium in check; thus: RULES AND REGS 1. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS. NOT EVEN SPOILERS POSTED UNDER SPOILER TAGS. POSTING SPOILERS WILL BE AN AUTOMATIC THREAD BAN FOR THE WEEKEND: NO WARNING, NO RETURN 2. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. (Side Note: Big SHOUT OUT to @Porthos for singlehandedly getting me through last week. You're the best, you're my Huckleberry.) Please use these! And remember: N : Not Cool I : Ignore R : Report D : Don't Response/Reblog 3. DON'T BE A DICK. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS OF ANY KIND. THEY WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC THREAD BAN FOR THE WEEKEND: NO WARNING, NO RETURN. You want to criticize a movie, that's okay. You want to criticize a movie via attacking a fellow member or group of members for liking it, that's not okay. This also applies to the filmmakers and the actors. You want to say that Billy Wilder is an overrated hack of a director that only got by on the strength of his writing, that's okay. You want to criticize his work by throwing out antisemitic vile about him, that's NOT remotely okay. And, we're's done! Right?! Okay, cool! Thanks, everyone. Have a great weeknnnnn -- All right, fuck, let's do this. (obligatory gif, omg he's so damn pretty, how are you so damn pretty) ETERNALS OPENING WEEKEND is upon on, and it clearly is not going how I’ve imagined it going in my head for the past year (or three). This really shouldn’t shock me. It’s 2021. Everything is never ending battle against life's dumpster fire that burns on disappointment, disengagement, and dread. Of course the one film that's been keeping me going for three years is going to botch its landing. Why would I expect any differently? And as I drafted this thread at least ten times this week, game played out every Nexus Level variation, and gone through the five stages of grief at least four times, I realized we're about to enter a bunch of no-win scenarios for everyone involved: SCENARIO 1: This movie's actually a flaming bag of dog do-do. Then everyone's who's been hating on Marvel for all these years will smell blood in the water, and spend the next weekend/month dancing on Kevin's grave. Here you go, I even linked the meme template for everyone. SCENARIO 2: The movie will not stay above the random magic number we've assigned it in our heads to prevent a nuclear meltdown of doom posting. Is the Marvel Cinematic Universe Dead? Is Cinema Dead? (Sorry, I mean, are movie theaters dead because we all know the MCU isn't cinema.) Should we just shut the board down and start writing our Think Pieces TM before rigor mortis sets in? SCENARIO 3: This movie's actually fantastic, the reviewers are lying liars who were bought by WB to say Bad Things TM about Disney, and we get to have a whole weekend discussion about how Film Criticism Is Dead, and Rotten Tomatoes is Bad TM, and Do CinemaScores Even Matter? The conclusion that I've come to: (obligatory post of JUDY cause JUUUUDY) We we just not? Please. Please. Because the most likely scenario is: SCENARIO 4: It makes a totally respectable but underwhelming $70-$80 million, since that's what Shang Chi and Black Widow did. Maybe that's just the new Marvel numbers post-pandemic/reopening until the market fully stabilizes. Yes, we have films coming out more, and we have vaccines, but let's not pretend we're 100% back to where we were in 2019. Maybe because it's two hours and forty minutes (omg WHY!!! :jeff goldblum face:) we're not get a big number since the theaters don't have the staff to schedule 2AM showings. Some people are going to like the film, and some are going to not. Film is subjective, and people respond to things differently based on their aesthetics and lived life experiences. Just because you think something is quote/unquote "wrong", doesn't mean you're quote/unquote "right". Not with art. Chloe's going off to do her Dracula for Universal, and Kevin and Nate need to focus on getting Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Captain America 4 finished. So when it's finally time to do Eternals 2 in 2024/2025, most of this will all have blown over, and they'll have workshopped through whatever issues held back this film. I mean, they did two Thor movies before a total reboot. I highly doubt this is last we've seen of these characters. (Kingo Mock Reality TV Series for Disney+ NOW!!!) TL;DR: If I can keep my emotion in check this weekend, so can everyone else. (And trust and believe, just like Mariah and Carly Rae, I am full of EMOTIONS.) PLEASE remember the rules: No Spoilers, Report Issues to the Mod/Don't Feed The Trolls, NO PERSONAL ATTACKS, Don't Be A Dick. And if that's not enough, please keep in mind: you can start whatever you want this weekend, but I will finish it. And just like the Hulk, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. THIS THREAD WILL REMAIN LOCKED UNTIL WE HAVE A HARD NUMBER/FRIDAY DEADLINE UPDATE. In the Meantime, we have: THE ETERNALS SPOILERS THREAD THE ETERNALS THREAD ETERNALS REVIEW THE MOVIE (Unlocks at 6PM EST tonight) (obligatory gif #3)
  9. Talk about how amazing the film was here. (Unlocks at 6:00PM EST on Thursday)
  10. I mean, Rex does perfectly capture a dumpster fire, but he wasn’t really acting for that 🤭
  11. It sounds so weird, but I can’t tell if I’m going because I’m genuinely excited, or I’m going to hate watch the whole thing. I’m of the opinion that Robert Preston’s Harold Hill is The most complete and definitive performance I’ve ever seen from a male in a musical. He is so damn good. So Jackman has some shoes to fill. Luckily, he’s got Sutton Foster to help him out
  12. @TalismanRing @Ezen Baklattan @Blankments I finally rescheduled my tickets for Music Man that got delayed due to COVID. So now they're May 7, 2022. So I'm gonna be in NYC that weekend...
  13. I love Sony’s deep commitment to the 2000s comic book trash aesthetic for these things. Never won’t make me laugh. Also HELLO KEATON! Look at Sony spoiling that after credit scene in the trailer.
  14. I just want to know if RDJ is going to act again? I always remember that line from tropic thunder where he’s like “I don’t drop character until after the DVD commentary.” Is the endgame DVD commentary over? Like if Good Night and Good Luck Jr shows up that’s wicked exciting.
  15. @el sid Last year I had @chasmmi, And I ordered directly from G-market. And I was able to get the gift there within like a week. And then I think one of them got back ordered and arrived after the holiday.
  16. For those interested we are watching this on Wednesday in Film Club! 9:30PM EST
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