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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Tired: ban for anti CCP comments or lgbt Wired: ban for random newspaper stand writing Inspired: ban for Statue of Liberty
  2. Dumbledore cope in his thread seems wild. So what if it hits low 400s, that is still absolutely miserable.
  3. Some pretty bad 3rd act plot stuff floating around out there. Also seen some bullshit floating around at least, as usual.
  4. Don’t see 400 from there, maybe Japan can carry it though.
  5. Yeah that is some nuclear grade shit. Could be useful to throw the spoiler thread up now and go full ban on any leak mention or hint outside of it.
  6. 2018-2023 will have more inflation than any of them. Kang will be its Hulk, and it should lose the comedic side characters and actually be a big scale lore important movie. Also the first AM movie since they appeared in Endgame. 300+ should be quite safe with an outside chance of 400
  7. Hey this really didn't turn out too far from the mark. 25 too low Dom ow but OS total and Dom legs are on point.
  8. On that, I will agree. Much of 2021 (PA, day and date, shipping so much high profile releases going pure streaming) seems to me a mistake (not necessarily that experimenting was a mistake, but that the experimenting it made sense to do revealed them to be nonoptomal models) that has been and will continue to be reverted. But -- never fully back to a 2019 or prior paradigm.
  9. I can assure you 100% that streaming “business owners mentality” are more worried about stock price developments than their current sub counts, because what they care about is eventual sub count*(rev/sub-cost/sub) and stock price has more to do with that than current cub count. Nothing to do with tangibles vs intangibles (though if it did, it’s not like that’s wrong — “intangibles” often end up quite important!). Bubbles and the popping thereof is generally pretty well understood to be about expectations for the industry’s growth. If they fall from a high positive number to a low positive number, that’s still popping (and is reflected most quickly in stock prices), so I don’t think “well the industry will still grow somewhat” does much to rebut the claim. But if we have differing interpretations of Mulder’s comment and want to know what they really meant, we can just ask @Mulder
  10. Yes, it is right. If things are different in the future they will be different. What matters is the present expectations of the future, not one possible hypothetical future expectation of the future. They said there was a bubble. You said there wasn’t. I think there is. My replies are out of disagreement! Your comment about rose-colored glasses seems to suggest this is more of a “you agreed with us all along and misspoke” situation than vice versa. Rose colored glasses off== bubble popping.
  11. Currently the highest weekly score is 93.892 from @Sandro Mazzola in Wk5 and the highest holdover score is 95.497 from myself in Wk4.
  12. Nah, can’t agree with this, seems very silly. This seems a lot more defensible, but the issue is still that it’s a present measure, not forward looking. Of course, no ones saying it did. Agreed here. Again, seems like kind of a motte-and-bailey. No one’s saying the industry will die.
  13. Strong derby weekend, currently got 7 players above 91%. Might be able to get 95% cracked with actuals, or at least 95% holdover score.
  14. A miniscule subscriber count drop is much less informative than the massive stock drop. Markets aren’t perfectly rational or anything but it’s the number that actually has info about what their current financial outlook is vs what it seemed like recently. Netflix isn’t the industry, but it’s a huge chunk of it and a harbinger for the rest in some ways (as I said, they aren’t fated to follow its path exactly but many of the challenges generalize).
  15. Miniscule? It’s down 72% in 6 months, that’s absolutely gargantuan. Will it probably grow over 5-10 years of course, stocks go up over the long run as the economy generally does (especially ones currently in a long plunge). Will it ever regain a market cap/gdp or market cap/S&P that it had just recently — I am skeptical. Other companies in streaming have a lot of other business whose success are to some extent negatively correlated with streaming fortunes, whereas Netflix is a pure streamer. Some of their recent woes are that they were the first mover, furthest along in the growth curve, and so first to run into issues actually trying to make the content spend and pricing power dance work out with a largely mature sub base. But these same issues are waiting in the wings for other streamers not so far down the road, and most of them are not gonna end up winners.
  16. They’re just throwing away free labor with that kinda of attitude, they should start caring
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