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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Top 10: Guys Sonic Dumbles North Memory EEAAO Talent City Stu Morbius Nothing too interesting
  2. Truly shocked to learn after all these years that MCU’s Norse corner does not track 1:1 with real world myths. I hope no one tries to tell me that Infinity Stones aren’t real, don’t think my heart could take it
  3. NWH overindexed here. Hopefully DS2 will as well, but maybe not.
  4. 400 is dead, bury it. One drop that will be highish coming off holidays and then crushed by strange
  5. That is why it will be as low as 60-65. Opening will be 75-85ish
  6. Yeah, so 25ish. Good start, I don’t think it will hit 100 but maybe beat FB3 at least. Maybe 12ish Northman, 9x IM is one the lower side but not too bad.
  7. I agree with the larger point of course, which I might state as “Cinemascore should have no correlation with quality after conditioning on your self-assessment”
  8. Uhh... But... It obviously does though. Not at R=1 or anything, but I bet a positive correlation for pretty much everyone on the planet. (Sorry, pedantry, but was quite surprised to read this from you 😛 )
  9. I think it should be possible to beat NWH’s 60M with this start, but market conditions are pretty much untested for a big blockbuster. It would need to be performing nearly at 100% for that, which may be unrealistic, hard to know until we know.
  10. Noice. Should be good for 24+ easy. Did Talent improve from Deadline’s 3ish? Seemed like a lowball and their other fri numbers were indeed way too pessimistic.
  11. Looks like 185-190 today, starting to slow vs IW as expected, still on track for mega PS finish. IIRC NWH is 5th for HW?
  12. It is about that, but some ridiculous countries wanna ban for innocuous stuff with minor characters. That's too bad but completely those countries fault. If Italy decided to ban people whose last name ends in Z and this movie got banned there, doesn't mean marvel should change anything about it, the offending country should change the stupid policy.
  13. Ah, a reporting visibility issue rather than interest in dunking on issue. Yeah, I agree then. Though the netflix tanking feels like it might spark a larger conversation about some of these ridiculous spends to me.
  14. Waht? Streamers get relentlessly dunked on for overspending on this shit. You don't see it as much around here because it's not DTCTheory, but still.
  15. I’ve gotta grab some food and start my shift, so I’m gonna leave this be for now, but I wanted to close by reiterating this part. I don’t want it to come across like I’m attacking small movies because I hate them or something — but it seems to me that the very people who want a lot more movie’s like Northman should be the most concerned about keeping the budgets of those movies reasonable relative to expected return. The world will give you more of things that were more profitable, ceteris paribus.
  16. Keeping talent happy is a good angle to think about, but the reason to keep talent happy is that you expect they will make enough profit down the line to make it worth it.
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