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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Having trouble linking gifs, so I'll just say We're Dead. We're all dead.gif. You know the one. With Dash.
  2. I don’t see extreme concern for hospitals based on the overseas (few weeks ahead) data. Some systems will get stressed, of course, which is not good — but not much reason to think they’ll break. Re: Staff shortages the CDC loosening quarantine was a good step and it makes sense to relax testing and quarantine even more imo. If you’re vacced and asymptotic it’s pretty much fine to just keep coming into work and being around people. BOwise I agree that there’s some impact, but it’s been present for the last few weeks as well, so I don’t know if we should expect too much week-over-week impact. Especially since grosses are going to be so low now (esp weekdays) — if you’re having some staff shortages at a 10plex because of covid, you can pretty much just give 3 screens to NWH, one to sing, one to 355, one split KM/Underdog, don’t even run the other 4 and it’s not like you’re going to be missing much business. And yeah, we should be on the downslope in like 2 weeks, so… we’ll just weather the storm a bit, then sunny days by the time the next big movie comes out (in March, lol).
  3. Not spontaneously, that would be deranged. But I f the topic comes up naturally, sure? And the topic comes up very naturally given the thread we’re in.
  4. For a brief period of a year or two, I forgot how much I was going to enjoy this movie missing people’s ridiculous expectations 😂
  5. The 1M cases are from spiky weekday reporting, but the 7DMA is at 500k and clearly has a lot of room to grow. Actual infections likely over 10x that, coming up on perhaps 50M infections per week — operation “everyone in the country gets omicron” is well underway at this point and only as a matter of weeks before it’s fully burnt out. And along the way there isn’t much risk except to those who decided to remain vulnerable (and a small minority who are unable to get vaccinated, for which this is a really awful tragic time but it isn’t really sensible to drive society level policy around them).
  6. Sure, maybe under 20%. The freakish success of the first just isn’t obvious franchise material to me in this day and age. Be interesting to see how it goes.
  7. The scream data looks solid so far. The oddly long PS run complicates forecasting but the pace doesn’t seem to be suffering too much at this stage.
  8. As a Sun cume that’s good but as a Mon cume it’s bad.
  9. Why would they not? It’s not like the ending has improved with time, it’s the same as it was in 2013.
  10. Oh no, has the jimbo plague spread? Avatar can get back to me when it passes 7.77B.
  11. The wknd/mon multipliers are radically different in 2011 vs 2005, so 🤷‍♂️ Wed should be a little more reliable 🤞
  12. Nah, US mostly realizes omicron isn’t a huge deal (even the people for whom it actually is a huge deal think that it isn’t 🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃)
  13. Nah, there’s just no way it can end with 700M now. The math isn’t there anymore after this weekend+Monday number.
  14. Top 5 admits from past 5 years? You guys are practically an emerging market down here 😛
  15. Today was bigger than expected, so I guess that would be fine. 2022 Tuesdays should be a lot bigger boost than 2016 Tuesdays as we get later into the run though.
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