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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Anyway, yeah, pretty weak. But it’s been a long time since this calendar and there are some unique circumstances. Gotta wait until Mon before declaring this a full on disaster level crumble
  2. Thanks for the report old chum, guess we can expect 2nd week increase then
  3. Tomorrow and Monday weekly drops will be a good sign.
  4. Doesn’t seem too concerning to me tbh, Mon should have the weakest Xmas bump of the 7 possible calendars.
  5. About 585 today, like 10% drop. Good but not too indicative of general legs just yet.
  6. Titanic +157 (Th) MI +119 (Sun) Hobbit3 +118 (Th) Avatar +107 (Fri) AQM +103 (Tues) TFA +80 (Fri) Hobbit2 +77 (Wed) RO +69 (Sun) Hobbit1 +63 (Tues) TROS +59 (Wed) TLJ +56 (Mon)
  7. TFA was Friday, Fri/Th is about as good as Sat/Fri in winter break. It should beat the rest but O/U 37 seems reasonable.
  8. That would be nice. I was getting 30-32 from Fri as well, as I said (with a 20 est). Using Zack’s Fri as 21 (chain ratios may change on eve, I dunno) then I guess 31-34ish. Still gotta hope it’s unrepresentative.
  9. If your theater was nationally representative we’d be in for a really ugly Sat. Using both last Sat and Fri I get like 30-32. The good news is — your loc will probably just end up unrepresentative.
  10. You’re at the point where you could start doing vertical comps instead/in addition. PSm should be better than 7 days earlier but it’s more consistent in some ways that comparing to the previous day — especially once we hit 2nd mon.
  11. Still two weeks to go, nice growth, must be on downslope of U still. I assume 5 Th /15 OW still possible on high end? Should be weekend top 3 with anything 10+ I guess — beat ow gross and wknd rank for an Indian release in can/us?
  12. I’m not saying that people won’t bitch about movies they thought were bad — just that in my experience if someone says “actually Revolution was great” the reaction is more of a stunned silence, rolled eyes, move on. I think it’ll be similar here.
  13. Sure, I just think it’ll be more boringly divisive than excitingly divisive. I don’t see people who disliked this one wanting to stick around and argue about it like TLJ.
  14. 6.4 on imdb and still plenty to drop. This one was a showkiller imo, and good riddance — the writing has been on the wall in terms of misunderstanding and disrespect of the source material from ep 1. Best news I’ve heard since this ep premiered is that S3 hasn’t been greenlit after all — time to go Bebop on this shit.
  15. 1M likes achieved. Feels a bit weak to me but of course the circumstances are rather apples and oranges.
  16. Xmas is a big day in SK so I wouldn’t read too much into it — but I expect Sun sales will also show a very robust hold vs last week which is more apples to apples.
  17. Hmm? Looks exactly flat to me at CGV, 184k vs 184k.
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