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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Movie was nice. Prefer that and 90 to a meh movie and 100. Still some hope though, like a 5-10% tracking miss in the right direction or a nice true Fri would keep 100 in play.
  2. WOW, the turnaround. I guess it really is great to be back at the moovies. My showing is in 50 minutes
  3. Sure, but I don’t care. I’m not talking “will the headlines make it out to be good or bad” I’m talking “how will we, the BOT community, and even more specifically, I Loki’s legions, interpret certain numbers, given what realistic expectations are.” And anything below 85,737,841 I will take as pretty bad, because that’s way on the low end of where things look like they should go. I won’t actually meltdown unless it goes below AM&tW numbers I guess, the choice of words in my original post was just hyperbolic to continue a bit with Portos. But I’d be quite disappointed with 85, and reasonably so.
  4. Well, you’re discovering that clearly a lot of people don’t agree with the opinion expressed on your first sentence
  5. Those things don’t matter much I guess 😛 The characters, humor, and pacing are awesome imo, plus good use of songs and emotional moments.
  6. I mean, if it did 75 (which it won’t, so this whole discussion is kind of silly) that’s definitely pretty sucky. That would be true whether they “industry expectations” were 10-20M, or 50-60M, 65-75, 75-85, 100-110, or 250-260. It simply doesn’t matter. “Industry expectations” are not actually what the smart people in the industry expect, they’re just corporate expectations setting for PR. Detached from reality, ignore them when judging performance 🤷‍♂️
  7. One bummer is no RDJ though 😔 Hopefully they can get him for future seasons.
  8. Man, I am sooooooo hyped for this. Could end up making my McU top 3 (with IW and TWS) if execution is good.
  9. Solo first entries current ranking for me: Iron Man gotg BP Ant-man TFA DS spidey Thor CM Hulk If this can beat DS I’ll be pretty happy
  10. Yelena’s next appearance (barring a Shang-Chi cameo or some thing — next major appearance) is Hawkeye. Though I think she has already filmed it yeah.
  11. Felt uncomfortable giving this an F since it seems too kind.
  12. Another fine ep, but didn’t fully measure up to the ending of last episode. As usual with these shows, I feel it’s setting up a little bit too much to rest on the finale, and the history there has not been great. I hope for a finale that let’s me rank this like 10/27 MCU. Expecting a finale that makes me rank it 27th/27.
  13. My Labor Day in Asia, Memorial domestic, June in markets that need it plan would have worked great — except for spoilers I guess, but they did AM&tW very staggered and it was fine.
  14. Yeah the OS covid situation got real bad kinda recently, unfortunate. Might be able to pick up some stuff on those territories later, but not as much.
  15. I don’t know what this 737 meme is, that’s just Dark World’s OW 😛 Which is not as rando a choice as it may seem — if you look at the OW ranking achieved by all the solo films, the geometric mean is 32.5 and the geometric standard deviation is 2.656, so an OW rank of 86 would be -1 standard deviation. At the moment that just so happens to be… Dark World
  16. As everyone knows I’m hoping for 100 plus, but I’m going to set the disappointment/flop/crumbling/meltdown bar at 85,737,841 @Porthos
  17. Uhhh, I agree that this might be what’s going on. But it only reinforces my point, right? Bigger Thursday might get more deflated by informal capacity behavior.
  18. I am with Menor here, expecting true fri at least 1.9x previews (previews 34.5% or less of OD) and IM 6.25+. Yes general trend of MCU becoming more preview heavy, but seems like pandemic may be deflating previews/inflating true Fri’s and IMs, and PS also pointing that way.
  19. Uni misreported the GBP as the USD seems like
  20. Was referring to 350 there. Of course in theory movies can always overperform on legs, but hitting 400 even from 120 would be almost impossible imo.
  21. No, even 350 would be great legs from there. Could happen with a combination of reception being great and reopening helping legs (larger factor in some markets).
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