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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Awesome. Still got a lot of reveals to come, I don’t think you need to fear much about generic.
  2. Iirc DC4 and DC5 have been either announced or strongly suggested by director.
  3. Almost went with this, but gap from 21 to 20 is a real one. Depends how modest vs ambitious you wanna be.
  4. Nah Not anymore. Things are still growing but this is not just growth, it’s insane hype and audience appeal for this specific one. I don’t expect anything to get even close until 2023 CNY or later.
  5. So, DC3 is highest Maoyan among action-ers. TPP: DC3 and Hi Mom 9.3 rest lower We did it. Biggest PS also reception winner. Let’s aim for WW top 25.
  6. Oh for sure. But it’ll get to like 1.1 before the evening probably, so... 😅
  7. It’s adding like 1M/minute this hour, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Occupancy is already like 58%, so surely it will just plateau some point. But I dunno, maybe add another couple thousand sessions, 80% occupancy for 1.2B? This has gotta be the craziest CBO day ever.
  8. Ticket price will probably be low $7, so more like 65M admits if it hit 457, which is optimistic. Speaking of, Maoyan is now down to ¥648M, seems like they got a little ahead of themselves there and needed a correction.
  9. Fun fact, somebody asked me on reddit to get absolutely crazy with it and by pure coincidence I ended up here. Didn’t convert to USD until very end. Just to emphasize, top paragraph is not actually anywhere close to being on the table. Purely for people who like to fantasize.
  10. In theory we could here about release plans for this at today’s earning call. But a time that makes more sense could be the shareholder meeting on March 9, when they have another month of data on virus trajectory and have initial observations on how hybrid PA fared with Raya.
  11. 330 in 5 days+midnights looks kind of pathetic now. This also increases my interest in Shang-Chi getting a CNY date at some point. #1 probably needs to come out in summer, but if well-received maybe try to work it out for Shang-Chi 2.
  12. Tired: beating Endgame’s $157M “single day” record once Wired: beating it twice
  13. Full subtitles for episode 6 leaked this morning. If you’re averse to spoilers might want to more on guard than you would normally need to on Thursday.
  14. 61k, ended up pretty predictable. Fri PS just 10k. I’m going to shoot for 53k here. Maybe 220 weekend.
  15. I go into withdrawals on Saturday, but overall really grateful for weekly structure. If we just got the finale on Jan 15 and then had to wait for March 19 to get all of Falcon and Winter Solider, that would be a much longer content drought overall.
  16. Maybe it slows down in final hours, but so far just accelerating. Kind of looks like 680+ 🤭
  17. Yes, DOM single day record (with previews) is my final target here. Looks like 1017M required at today’s ER, maybe will be different tomorrow 😛
  18. Not joking about that 1B OD. Not at all. Last Friday CNY was in 2018, we saw: Bonnie Bears 70.6% attendance on 7.7% of sessions MH2 72.8% attendance on 35.6% of sessions DC2 76.3% attendance on 25% of sessions With current gross:attendance ratio, those attendances would take DC3 to respectively 1.005B, 1.036B, and 1.086B (comical). I think at least 1.01, 1.02ish can happen.
  19. I think trends, and parrot, and Nielsen will all reveal roughly same picture: Mando has a strong pilot, then drop for 2-7 all same-ish, then explode for Luke finale. WV strong pilot, then larger drop in wk 2 interest, but ramp up from Wk2 to wk 7 rather than being flat-ish, and likely another finale spike of as yet unknown magnitude. Won’t really make sense to compare until finale. And I know Mando is only good comp right now, but MCU vs SW is just awkward in terms of regional strengths. Will be glad that for every future marvel, will have past Marvel to compare to.
  20. Parrot can be interesting but never sure how much stock to really put in it. We should get some Nielsen fro the premier soon. Still imperfect but more reliable apples to apples comparison in my book. Edit: Lol, took a while between started this post and finishing, completely sniped by @Eric Gardner
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