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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. They should be open with where local case and death curve are headed by then. 50% capacity basically doesn’t matter at all.
  2. The situation is nothing like Tenet though. Numbers will likely be much better than August, and more importantly with a very different mood given levels of vaccines and deaths. BW can go pure theatrical on May 7 and earn 250+ DOM/750+ WW
  3. The article is literally complete speculative. They will wait until Raya to decide anything... at which point it will be clear that pure theatrical is the way to go.
  4. Haha, to be clear, the first part of the messages around 00:30 Korean time are not estimates — I’m just reporting what the PSm (at CGV) actually was and what the day actually came in at for the day that just ended, as compared to the projection in the 2nd part of the self-quote. Then the next paragraph reports what the presales at CGV are for the upcoming day, and gives a projection for it. Though I have also been pretty happy with those, lot of <10% errors.
  5. Yeah, expecting normal PSm for culture day, but not sure what that will be. Only first Wed culture day on the sheet is F2 and the magnitudes/PSm are... a little different 😛 The DS at megabox situation could impact the CGV %, though I don’t think it will be by that much — should be plenty of megabox seats for both.
  6. Oh, nevermind, nevermind, Culture Day. Still not going to project per se, but the 15k looks perfectly normal. If there’s not much effect from DS at megabox, would think maybe 33 final at CGV for some 65k day.
  7. PSm dropped to 2.65, within normal range. 43k day. Wed CGV PS are 15k, which is nuts. I can only assume that megabox cut a bunch of Soul screens for DS, artificially diverting more of Soul’s total business to CGV. Hard to say how that will affect Soul’s walkup business at CGV, or the CGV %, so no projection for today. DS has 81k total PS. Not sure how many are megabox for D-0 vs other chains D-7.
  8. Could it have possibly opened to 150+? Sure. At least 150M? Nah.
  9. PSm 3.07, 45k. Increase from Thurs is nice. An increase on Tues would be even better. Tues PSm May drop to something like 2.8, PS are 8342 so let’s go for 46k.
  10. Ah, missed day and date. I deeply hope Disney is not stupid enough to do day-and-date hybrid release. Learn from the mistakes of others. Pure theatrical should be fine anyway. Nice 350M+ global opening.
  11. About my current thoughts as well. Seems easy. Doubt it gets hybrid, but if it does this seems like a solid OW range for the region.
  12. She’s fine. But doing more than 3 movies had got to look a lot less attractive than it might have 2 months ago... On the other hand they don’t have that much else going on — it WW3 rebounds doing a 4th is probably good business sense.
  13. They literally each got 1 solo trilogy. 3 solo films. They were also in other movies, as I said, so we are back to you agreeing with my post whil misrepresenting it to seem like a big disagreement 🤷‍♂️
  14. 125k indeed, 410k cume, Coco 1st weekend multi takes to 1.5M and IO’s takes to 2.3M. Before seeing today PS I was expecting PSm to roughly double to 4.6. But Mon CGV PS are very robust at 7.5k. Going to go conservative with a PSm of just 3 for a day around 44k.
  15. Per Elizabeth Olsen: Sounds to me like Act 1 is over and we’re about to get some Woo/Darcy/Sword perspective.
  16. Not seeing anything like that. Last year 24,25,26 were part of Lunar New Years but this year it’s Feb 11-13.
  17. Not , good. Feb 3 would be a better release date for it anyway. Sould actually saw PSm grow to 2.3 today, should be about 125k day. Very curious to see the Mon drop.
  18. You seem to have deliberately failed to quote the part of my post which.., says exactly that: I honestly have no idea what you hoped to gain by making the exact same point I already had but editing my statement to make it seem like a rebuttal instead.
  19. But the real headscratcher — if we get a sequel to Quantumania, is it breaking trilogy limit for Ant-Man... or completing the Ant-Man and the Wasp trikogy
  20. Yeah, not touching this SW stuff. I do think the topic of “are trilogies dead because audiences want more than 3 movies of development” is an interesting one though. I would say no. Or... not exactly. Even the MCU stuck to trilogies for Iron Man and Cap the two most pivotal characters in the Infinity Saga. But you do probably want either: a tightly plotted self-contained trilogy or a trilogy where the character also appears in other movies/shows before, in between, and possibly after
  21. Because of the box office quickly returning to pre-covid levels in areas where the virus gets beaten. Admittedly that’s not a huge sample size, and it’s geographically/culturally skewed. But it’s more evidence than I see for the opposite proposition. Not a huge % of the population, sure, but enough to make theaters pretty lucrative for studios (on blockbusters with good reception). Well, sure, per capita attendance has been trending down for over two decades at this point and I think that would continue and perhaps accelerate even without covid. I’m not at all convinced that theatrical attendance in, say, 2030 will be even close to 2019 — maybe things will have shifted to a primarily DTC model where movies release day and date in premium screens in a greatly contracted physical market+for a fee on the associated studio’s streaming service. But in 2021/2022 I think we’ll still be closer to a 2019 model of theatergoing.
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