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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Ah man, look at all those Kenny Winonas That’s a sure sign you’re doing something right
  2. Jesus Christ man, seriously? Not even gonna take a step back and reflect on how silly that is?
  3. Oh, of course. The fact that I’ve been correct about how the movie will do pretty much every step of the way isn’t because I was applying good reasoning and looking logically at history, it’s because I was wrong but am getting lucky. Whereas all the people who were way off, well, that’s not cause they were predicting badly. They’re actually the ones doing the sound analysis, and they just got tragically foiled by an “unlucky” reality. That’s definitely the natural conclusion 🙄
  4. I don’t have some kind of grudge against It. I’ve been calling for numbers on the lower side because I was seeing things with clear eyes and a lot of people were on an unjustified hype train. I said PS were a bit low and it seemed more like 80 than 110. It was more like 80 than 110. I said 30M True Fri seemed optimistic and the IM probably wouldn't beat It 1. 30M tru Fri was too optimistic, and it didn’t beat It 1’s IM. I said I’d take the under on 233M — it’s probably going under 233M. Being spot on about a movie when other’s are overpredicting isn’t a hatchet job or indicative of a biased hate or something— it’s a sign of sound analysis.
  5. Well that’s pretty baseless, lol. I could just as easily say “considering you’ve had a thing for this movie from the start, if you think it’s ‘great,’ it’s probably just ok.” ... and that would be more accurate.
  6. There’s plenty not great about the numbers It Chapter 2 is making. Like the fact that they’re not great. It’ll be big for R. It’ll be big for horror. It’ll be big for September. It’s not a flop or a bomb or a failure or anything like that — but about 65% sequel retention is not great. It’s just... okay.
  7. Well, some sports fans get CRAZY. Like, really, really, really, crazy. I hope there aren’t any movie fans to match the full extreme of sports fandom. But don’t need to be similar in degree for my point, just in nature. People are happy when the team/franchise they’ve chosen to root for is doing well (whether in absolute or relative terms) — even though they have no direct e.g. financial stake in that success, as TMP pointed out. As for the rest, you don’t need objective rules or zero-sum for fans to exist. It would be quite surprising if there weren’t movie fan in that way, liking to see things that you like succeed is just basic human nature.
  8. 460 from current markets probably misses 500, and it’s not hard to see current markets below 460.
  9. If the biggest non-Disney opening this year is FFH that will be just 26% of Endgame. Previous largest discrepancy this millennia between highest Ow and highest OW from a different studio was 2017 with It 1 at 56% of TLJ. Just bonkers.
  10. The connection between deliberately lowballed studio “expectations” and what causes meltdowns around here is... rather faint.
  11. 84 might not be too exciting, but I suspect people would be shocked and melting down in the 70s. Anyway, I *am* pretty curious how this drops next weekend vs Hustlers.
  12. To be fair, it’s more an indication of how within expectations the opening is (albeit low side). If this was pulling a Solo or a JL (say, maybe a 70M debut) we’d be a lot more lively.
  13. The weekend threads have been so dead since TLK. Wonder if Joker will save us or we need to wait for November.
  14. I guess Red Sox fans didn’t “win the World Series” either. I mean they aren’t actually a part of the team. C’mon man, this is a pretty high level of being deliberately obtuse.
  15. Not quite sure what you’re getting at here. The pronoun pretty clearly dereferences to “MCU fans.” Are you surprised to learn that I’m an MCU fan 🤔
  16. Hmmm... my Christrivia might be failing me here. Nothing to pair with in 2018, 2014 offers Before We Go, 2012 offers The Iceman, 2011 offers Puncture and What’s Your Number. I haven’t seen any of those, but are they really in contention for yearly top 2?
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