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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. 2 years. 6 movies. 9B dollars. And for a combined production budget just 1.4B or so.
  2. Popular spot for CBMs. 200k more ruins everything though 19 Minions Uni. $1,159.4 $336.0 29.0% $823.4 71.0% 2015 20 Captain America: Civil War BV $1,153.3 $408.1 35.4% $745.2 64.6% 2016 21 Aquaman WB $1,148.0 $335.1 29.2% $812.9 70.8% 2018 22 Captain Marvel BV $1,128.3 $426.8 37.8% $701.4 62.2% 2019
  3. Hmm, I was thinking 95-105 after checking 13:00. Should be clearer in just a couple hours.
  4. Doubt it catches TJB, but should be solidly second place for Disney LA reimaginings?
  5. 37.5 at 12:00, would eyeball about 100 but I haven't been tracking hourly or anything. Doubling point ~14:30
  6. If only there were a recent movie that we could apply this "trailer buzz!=BO outcome" revelation to
  7. Multiplier off the 1st Mon-Sun week: derived required gross for FFH 400M Ant-Man — 2.51: 271M SMH — 2.41: 274M AM&TW — 2.46: 272.5M Transformers — 2.39: 275M TASM — 1.97: 294M TASM sticks out like a sore thumb, because it got demolished next weekend by TDKR. Depending on how good you think FFH’s reception is and how much you think TLK will hurt, I’d guess transformers will have the closest 1st Mon-Sun week multi to it. So yeah, basically 275 to keep it in play, like 278 being a lot more breathing room.
  8. One of the most obvious examples of sarcasm I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I feel like sarcasm gets missed on this board even more than usual on the internet. Like, yes, text can’t convey tone of voice. But between emotes and context it really shouldn’t be that hard to figure out...
  9. No. Pretty sure it started at 8.9 and was never at 9.2 or above. These are all the posts in this thread mentioning Aladdin’s Maoyan, quite sure that if it was ever 9.3 or above somebody would have posted about it. Movies without much of a fanboy rush won’t see the same reliable drop from initial Maoyan to final.
  10. (For the following post, I’m using CGV presale on 0:20 to “final” CGV reading on 23:20 as the PSm) Endgame first Friday:1.63x PSm Endgame 2nd Friday:1.95x PSm +20% CM 1st Fri:2.75x PSm CM 2nd Fri:3.58x PSm +30% FFH first Fri:2.68x PSm FFH 2nd Fri: 3.35x PSm? +25%? Feels a bit conservative even, wouldn’t be shocked to see CM’s 30% PSm increase and a 3.5 PSm. Fresh from the oven morning PS is 35k, so final CGV of ~ 117-122 and actual admits maybe 225-250ish. Tl;dr Looking good for a +50% Fri just like CM and AEG
  11. Tomorrow is Aladdin's last chance for one last daily top 3.
  12. First I was like "how in the world is he pulling these 3 specific numbers out of a random picture of spider-man!?" Then I was like "woah, nice." This makes sense to me.
  13. 8 limbs for Peter (4 mechanical+4 biological) 8 limbs illustrated on the costume chest 8.8
  14. Oh my, this one will take a bit more work.
  15. Some discussion on CBM and other blockbuster franchise ODs (though I believe most of those are Thurs?). CM was € 765.871. Yuge start for Spidey here, should make top 10 SH pretty easily.
  16. 15.15 is 4% down from 15.7. I was just joking about how people overreact to change sbetween early estimates and late estimates, there’s nothing bad happening with the Sony deal.
  17. Dropped 4% in just a few hours. Sony rumored to pull out of MCU deal, calling it “the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.”
  18. Looks like roughly -17% for FFH today. This Friday and Sat bounces will determine a lot about just how high it’s headed.
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