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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Universe coming through for me 😎 This is is a slick Wednesday, about 4% over Monday which is quite unusual. Sign of a minor Endgame ticket boost imo.
  2. CM went from about 68% of Us 24 hours ago to 85% now. Wonder if this portends a nice Wednesday drop or just MT being idiosyncratic.
  3. 130 DOM 260 OS Trying to give myself a good chance to look back and say it beat my prediction.
  4. Won’t match this level of PS impressiveness though. Gotta wait until Russos return for 2 part Secret Wars in 2028/2029.
  5. Damn @Menor, you scooped me by a couple of seconds XD
  6. “Don't you think that we should all have a weapon numbers like that?” “No. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness.”
  7. I strongly expect it to bump above 60 (say perhaps, to 62.5 or so) with tomorrow’s first MT update since it will flush all traces of discount Tuesday out of the system. Assume it drops pretty steadily from then until at least late Sunday night.
  8. That was the hour before, but actually the one for 80 minutes ago was the last of the night Will be interested what it has jumped to when numbers update again in 10 hours
  9. 10 mins from now will be the final update of the day, right? Shazam should about tie Dumbo, AEG might break 60, and hopefully Pet Semetary edges out CM and shows up. Edit: Nope, frozen already. Next update should be in 10 hours. Really hope Pulse is back soon
  10. You could charge $20 more for nothing other than the 60 minute head start and they’d easily sell out XD
  11. It’s rising today because the other movies are losing their discount Tuesday juice, which contributes to almost double sales over other weekdays iirc. Saturday sales for current releases should be ~3x Wednesday, but I’m really not sure how much E.G. will sustain itself. We will be < 3 weeks from premiere then, so maybe.
  12. Like I said, Endgame continues to climb the MT, now with 59.1. Us 8.3 (20.3 adj) Dumbo 7.6 (18.6 adj) Shazam 6.5 (15.9 adj) CM 4.9 (12.0 adj)
  13. That would be epic. Never out of the MT top 5 in the whole run. I think it will fall down to at least #6 by Saturday though
  14. Now up to 57.4. A big factor imo is that each Wednesday hour update the currently playing movies lose an hour of Discount Tuesday sales. Honestl would not be surprised if AEG climbs the rest of the day and then start properly falling over the course of Thurs. Shazam now up to 4.8 vs CM’s 6.1. That’s 11.3% of non AEG sales though.
  15. Shazam up to exactly half of CM on MT this hour. Would like to see it pass by tonight.
  16. Realistic worst case for Pulse is probably that it comes back with the Sunday midnight reset. At least we we have a new tier of akvalley comps: N/A
  17. Solid bump, but nothing that screams “today was affected by Endgame tickets starting.”
  18. That was their point. People who used it for 3 Endgame showings can’t see anything else with A-list until after. It’s what I’d do if I had A-list.
  19. Do y’all remember 24 hours ago when there were concerns that Endgame might not be able to get as many showings as IW because of the runtime
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