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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. I just want to know if ASIB finally beat Halloween today.
  2. I mean, I get the general idea of what you’re saying, and it’s reasonable. But these 4 movies combined are going to make pretty close to 1 BP/IW. Even the most successful smaller scale films are still smaller scale.
  3. IW was not “expected” to out open TFA or even get close to 2B by the majority of users here. You can verify as much by going back and reading any thread about it. Easily a more impressive performance than any non-Disney movie this year.
  4. RIP @CoolEric258’s club. It was a wild ride for the 10 months it was alive.
  5. So Disney has 8 movies so far this year, 4 superhero, 4 not. 4 superhero movies have a combined gross of 2200M DOM, 3050 OS. 4 nonsuperhero movies looking at maybe 500M DOM, OS 300+whatever nutcracker makes. What a crazy, crazy difference in what is making them money.
  6. Doctor Strange is the worst Phase 3 movie, but Phase 3 is fire so that’s not super meaningful. It’s obviously 100% getting a sequel, won’t dignify that with further discussion.
  7. Hoping Nutcracker opens just enough that a “natural” run would be ~99, and the club survives by virtue of triple fudge.
  8. I’ll go 500 for now, but I think it’s more likely over than under.
  9. I see Wonder Woman was unable to resist returning to its original spot on my birthday weekend. I was was looking forward to it being earlier, but I also felt like Aquaman, Shazam, Joker, WW in a span of 12 months felt a bit rushed, so overall I guess I approve.
  10. Jesus, a 35.5M Sunday AM estimate from Deadline. Looking more and more likely that this awful movie will get another movie made in Sony’s “spider-man universe but no spider-man”
  11. Does Mortal Engines even cost enough to beat Solo if it finished with 0WW?
  12. Well, I’m much more interested in the Wed dailies than I expected to be.
  13. 70M would be good for #1 October OW... and also not a top 100 OW overall. As records go this is a pretty meager one, so it doesn’t surprise me to see a relatively subdued thread.
  14. There’s thinking differently, and then there’s thinking things that are just bonkers. Like, people are obviously free to prefer the Emoji Movie to The Return of the King if that’s really their personal preference, but “different people have different tastes” won’t stop me from calling it a bad take.
  15. If serious, these Venom>Ant-Man takes are some of the worst I’ve seen in a while. Looks like Venom will be well above 100M DOM, bummer.
  16. Sony’s awful spideyless-spideyverse is probably moving forward with a preview like that, unless it manages to totally collapse over the next 10 days or so.
  17. MT lead for ASIB has grown from .6 (18.3 vs 17.7) to 2.0 (21.4 vs 19.4). It’s pretty hard to interpret that thanks to the Wednesday showings though. Edit: 6PM Pacific, +2.4 (24 vs 21.6)
  18. Even if they’re neck and neck in presales, I’m sure Venom can pull it out in the end. After all, adult-targeted romances with a musical component and Oscar buzz are notoriously frontloaded
  19. BOP has Venom at just under 1.5x ASIB, but I think it will be closer.
  20. Just realized that in 2018, Disney released 4 superhero movies, to the tune of 2.2B DOM and 5.2B WW — 4 movie averages of 550M DOM (good for top 10) and 1.3B WW. This’s totally crazy.
  21. The basis of the joke is pretty clearly that Asian women are the same/interchangeable :/
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