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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Out of reacts, but thanks for the post as always... even if it’s missing the Sat number I was 2nd most interested in 😛 Looks like Solo will indeed beat DP this weekend, expecting them to swap sometimes next week still.
  2. Soon it will achieve the amazing milestone of 60% DP2 Reaaaaally leaning on those walk ups with this movie, see how it goes.
  3. Hmm, good point. Guess we’ll need Brie Larson or Frozen:Let it Goer to come through with that 210.
  4. Guys, all this arguing is silly. It’s so obvious where this movie is going to finish, based on all the data we have so far and the valid historical comparisons. 500-800M
  5. From 59, 185 takes a 54.5 Sun — 9% drop. That would be cool, and it’s possible, but with a 60.5 Sat the paths to a 100M second weekend would be easy rather than tenuous. Edit: I should claify. It is not that there would be a path that is easily achieved, just that you could easily construct a path which is at least realistic.
  6. 59 is a great Saturday, honestly better than I expected based on Pixar comps. Incredibles is having an excellent, amazing performance. I do think that for a realistic shot at 100+ 2nd weekend (first US weekend of 2 100+ movies) we’d need actuals for Sat to come in just a couple million higher.
  7. FD and TS3 were both also opening with Father’s Day bump, and (iirc) lost their PLF screens the next weekend. Same as I2. Differences from I2 are that I2 has a better cinemascore (good for drop) and a higher absolute number (bad for drop). About 46% is exactly what I’m expecting so far, which could land it in the 95-100 range.
  8. So IW will stay in the top 10 next weekend as well, likely passing Hereditary and Superfly. Might have enough juice to be top 10 the weekend after as well, in which case we’ll see 25+ consecutive weekends with an MCU flick in the top 10.
  9. Beating Civil War will completely kill the chances of having a 70% MCU top 10 OWs. OTOH, besting BatB means a very good chance that we’ll have a 70% superhero top 10 OWs next spring.
  10. February, March, April, May, June, and July will all be topped by Disney superhero flicks. 6 months in a row topped by the same studio+genre combination has got to be some kind of record.
  11. Would need over 3x legs, not happening with a mid 8s Maoyan. Still, glad this club existed.
  12. TS3 and FD both had just A Cinemascores. Out of the previous 6 A+ Pixar flicks, (Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc., Nemo, Incredibles, Up, Coco) the worst multis is Incredibles 1 with some 3.7. It should play something like a mix of Avengers 1 and Incredibles 1 in terms of audience composition, so I’m thinking maybe 3.2-3.6 legs. With a 180 opening that would be 576-648. Hopefully it lands at 621, 622ish for... reasons.
  13. I’m legit wondering whether the 125 estimate is for the 4-day, and the source just forgot to specify. It still has a good PSA and should be regaining showings at a solid rate. @POTUS can tell you more, but I bet it can just barely crack 2.4 still.
  14. Panther ICOI Simon Incredibles Should be 4? Possible I missed one. Too bad IW missed out on that A+, having a year where the whole top 3 was A+s would be gas.
  15. 4 superhero movies released this year will be in the 4 top spots of the year come Tuesday. JW will probably unseat DP though.
  16. Oh, I missed the A+ CinemaScope. Not surprising, but bodes nicely for legs nonetheless. Pretty incredible that the 3 largest films of the year could all be Disney superhero flicks with an average cinema score closer to A+ than A.
  17. Also, Theater Report: HOLY &$@! The lines and crowds are worse than Infinity War and Black Panther for me.
  18. For a guy who’s usually pretty reasonable it’s bizarre to see you “proud” about avoiding a pair of great movies.
  19. Next Thursday we’ll have had 4 superhero films in the year. They’ll be the top 4 by a huge margin, with a combined 1.9B domestic or so. The 300 or so non-superhero movies will take spots 5-300+, with combined 2.7B or so.
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