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Joyous Legion

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Everything posted by Joyous Legion

  1. Yeah I feel I am being a bit optimistic penciling true FSS at 4.2x Th for DPW. For IO I think it can crack 10x, so just huge huge gap there already being factored in.
  2. Not really? I mean, the “being good” part, yes — but for the “looking attractive to mass audiences” part the proof is kind of in the pudding
  3. Movies succeed if they look attractive to mass audience. Being very good is certainly one way to help with that but they’re only loosely correlated
  4. As usual with economic stats, good to be careful with interpreting 2020 or throw it out entirely. In this case, of the 2.2B gross for 2020, ~1.8B is from Jan/feb/March pre-shutdowns, so while I wouldn’t take that number super at face value it’s probably reasonably close to meaningful — if you really dig deep and made a bunch of sophisticated tweaks to further correct it I doubt it would change by more than a few %.
  5. Notably, Here are those prices in 2023 dollars (adjusting Dec of year to Dec 2023 in all cases): 2023 —10.84 2022 — 10.88 2021 — 11.19 2020 — 10.81 2019 — 10.93 2018 — 11.12 2017 — 11.16 2016 — 10.99 2015 — 10.92 2014 — 10.70
  6. Hmm, I think you’re drawing a good distinction here, but I want to expand on it a bit further. A mini studio that reliably pumps out 20M grossers on a 2M budget may be very satisfied with their ROI and content to make such movies forever — but it doesn’t contribute enough in raw $ for exhibition to pay for wages rents etc. Not a sustainable model in equilibrium. A megablockbuster flop that does 400M DOM but loses money from bloated costs and poor os performance is a massive boon for theaters while it’s out — but it’s not a sustainable model either because studios will not continue making such movies if they’re too consistent money losers. Only way for things to work out is with movies that have good ROI (so studios will continue making them) and high raw gross (so venues can continue above water on various fixed costs). That was achievable easily enough from 1950-2020, but for now… we’ll see
  7. IO sales seem… fine. Not clearly indicating doom — also not clearly forestalling doom. Just going to have to wait til the end to find out exactly to what degree it breaks like a relatively original animation vs a sequel animation in a franchise with a bunch of fans. I can see why people who might have hoped for a more obviously strong start would be nervous getting “not that, but if you wait and see could still work out fine” instead.
  8. They can afford it as much as they ever could because it costs the same it always has We should not attribute a change in one variable (theater admissions) to an unchanged 2nd variable (real ticket prices)
  9. ... yes? If the biggest movie in a particular period had been bigger then the negative record which is true in reality might not be true in that counterfactual. I mean -- that is definitely a true statement to make but I dont know if it implies what you're hoping to inply here 👀
  10. I mean, look -- this is the 10th month in a row with no releases making the Dom top 100 (or even top 115). Now I'm not saying you can't celebrate the solid singles and occasional double for what they are, but that is a pretty dang historically notable drought of actual big hits no matter how much you much want to stick your head in the sand about it Very ironic name btw
  11. Ignoring? Wouldn’t say that. I just don’t think ~25M admits for the single biggest movie in that period is very positive. Biggest opening weekend was the concert movie. They aren’t all as bad as May but it’s variations on the same theme 🤷‍♂️
  12. Yeah, it’s important to take a step back and look at that bigger picture. There just wasn’t anything that audiences were especially interested in in May
  13. Marvel brand was able to prop up 2021 (1.36B out of 4.5B), 2022 (1.5B out of 7.4B), and helped in 2023 to a degree (1.05B out of 8.95B — the only moderately acceptable market-marvel gross). Even this year might chip in 800+ with all the sony shit, but will really be feeling the diminished status. But one big movie a year and some flopping with 100M total isn’t really enough to be a big part of keeping the lights on like it would have been if they kept quality up and were cranking 1.5-2B/yr
  14. Tbf I think “don’t open threads on early preview estimates, be they Jat or DHD” Is probably a reasonable policy. But if you’re going to start on one set of highly variable early nums I’d definitely keep allowing the other, and people do seem to like starting the chatter early even if they know nums can change
  15. If there are 5 non back row seats that show blocked then wouldn’t it be 0+7+2 sold for 9?
  16. I would say the story of the past few years (and esp 10 months) is that this is wrong That said I do think BB and IO should do decent-great for other reasons
  17. Edited, started to write the sentence as Thor reception being worse and then changed the framing in the middle haha
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