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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I feel like those kinds of YouTube grifters weren’t quite as mainstream (if we can call them that) back then as they are now. That kind of Internet content seemed to really take off with Captain Marvel.
  2. How would the next Halloween film work? They obviously can’t have it be part of this particular timeline, unless they plan on having someone other than Michael Myers be the killer. Are they going to do another sequel to the original that ignores all the other films, or a complete reboot?
  3. The only DC movie since Shazam! to not get a B+ on Cinemascore has been The Batman. Oh, and I guess there’s also Super Pets.
  4. From what I’ve seen, many people believe that a big problem with movies like Eternals, MoM and L&T is that their directors were supposedly given too much freedom to do what they wanted.
  5. This movie could’ve used some better editing. That’s my big takeaway. All in all, it’s a pretty standard superhero movie. There’s nothing really unique about it or noteworthy about it. It really does feel like something that should’ve been made back in 2014 or so. I’m not entirely sure how general audiences will respond to this. I think the crowd at my theater liked it, and the mid-credit scene got some reactions, but I don’t know if this is the kind of movie that would get a strong rating on Cinemascore.
  6. I just don’t understand why people would still be dumb enough to fall for this.
  7. I can’t imagine this being as divisive as the MoM and L&T. The first movie managed to be one of the biggest crowd pleasers in the MCU, despite not technically being an “event” film. Ryan Coogler seems to know and care about what he’s doing, unlike Taika Waititi, who apparently just wanted to goof off.
  8. HBO Max has better variety. The problem is that Disney+ has far more commercially appealing IP’s.
  9. I feel like Jumanji 2 should sort of count as an example of what you’re talking about. Yeah, it’s a sequel, but I don’t think expectations were all that high without Robin Williams.
  10. If they did that, then they likely wouldn’t have been able to add a certain someone to the movie.
  11. Out of all the boneheaded decisions Zaslav has made, I’ve since come to the conclusion that what he’s been doing to HBO Max doesn’t really matter. People on Twitter can go on about how great HBO Max is all they want, but the simple fact is that the service wasn’t doing so hot in terms of subscribers. It doesn’t matter how great your content supposedly is if not many people are interested enough to subscribe to your service for it. HBO Max simply didn’t need to exist and it’s existence has caused more headaches for the studio in the long run. AT&T was arrogant to think that WB was beloved enough to justify such an endeavor. That doesn’t excuse Zaslav axing movies that were already well into post-production, though. At the very least, they could’ve sold those movies to Netflix or something.
  12. I’ll post my comment on HBO Max over in the WB thread, since I don’t want to derail this thread. Ouch on those BA numbers. Edit: Jesus, it’s under Catwoman and Fant4stic?
  13. Was HBO Max a “perfectly fine streaming service?” It apparently wasn’t even all that successful, otherwise there wouldn’t have been any need to fudge the numbers. The Batgirl and Scoob decisions were certainly bad optics, though. Anyway, has this movie already been released OS?
  14. Does anyone suppose it might’ve been a mistake to release the teaser as early as they did?
  15. Is the movie at 50% with 50 reviews now? The score still hasn’t updated for me. Edit: Yup
  16. I saw the movie with 51% at 35 reviews, so it just looks to me like it’s consistently been declining at a steady pace.
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