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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Actually, now that I think about it, didn’t the 1979 remake call the character Dracula anyway? I suppose they can simply do the same for this movie. No point in calling him Count Orlok.
  2. This movie seems like something that would be dead on arrival. I don’t think there’s any real appetite left for Transformers movies. Bumblebee managed to do ok thanks to positive reception and a holiday release, but even then, it was still the lowest grossing Transformers movie. I believe this franchise has run its course.
  3. And here I thought DC films were the only ones that got people panicking over test screenings.
  4. I never said that. I’m saying that if inflation is that severe, then that, on top of the fact that most movies nowadays essentially have one or two extra days counted in their OW gross, means there’s not much of a point in getting excited about this stuff, because it’s so heavily skewed compared to how things were just three years ago. Once more, the last thing I’ll say is this; WF won’t beat TGM, and since the first one apparently equals $840 million in today’s dollars, that means a massive drop in attendance was always inevitable, which would go to show how much moviegoing has taken a hit.
  5. Less than $600 million in 2019 dollars is great, but it wouldn’t exactly be a record breaking phenomenon. My only point is that if ticket prices have risen to this absurd of a degree, then it’s difficult to even bother getting excited talking about box office numbers anymore, because it just feels like cheating at this point. Same goes with having Thursday night previews that begin at 3 or 2 PM, on top of “early access screenings.” Its just not fun anymore.
  6. It’s been “discussed a lot” by the same three or four people on these forums. Also, if that’s the case, then I’d hardly describe TGM’s run as “bonkers awesome.” That’s like praising a grown adult for beating a 10 year old in a footrace. Anyway, Wakanda Forever was never going to beat TGM. It’s excessive to predict an OW on par with NWH like you guys have been doing.
  7. Again, I didn’t say it needed to pass BP adjusted. I’m just saying that if ticket prices have truly skyrocketed that much, it makes TGM look significantly less impressive, and yet it’s still apparently the best we can get these days, outside of an ultra-fanservicey movie with three Spider-Men, and maybe the upcoming Avatar sequel, and the latter is going to make much of its money from even more expensive tickets.
  8. We all know this won’t be the last Halloween film. It seems the only thing that can potentially kill a slasher franchise is legal issues, as has been the case with Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. That doesn’t mean we can’t still hope for this particular timeline to have a definitive end.
  9. Because that movie was billed as an insane box office phenomenon that managed to bring people back to the movies, and is unlikely to be surpassed by any movie this year or next year, except maybe for Avatar 2. Also, I didn’t say TGM needed to beat BP adjusted, but if BP truly adjusts to $840 million, that would mean that TGM hasn’t even come remotely close.
  10. If the first BP adjusts to $840 million today, then moviegoing might as well be considered dead, because even TGM hasn’t gotten anywhere near that.
  11. For me personally, I’d consider it underperforming if this makes less than $500 million domestically. I was never expecting this to match the first one, but if it has a particularly egregious drop, that would be concerning.
  12. You say that is if there isn’t a Batgirl and a Batwoman. Besides, Shuri being Black Panther does have actual precedence in the comics. The Black Panther is a mantle that’s passed down from generations. Of course, even if it weren’t, legacy characters are a thing in superhero comics. Dick Grayson isn’t the only person who’s donned the Robin moniker, for instance.
  13. I think they may have had some semblance of a plan under Walter Hamada (though whether or not it was a good plan is another story), but I seriously doubt Zaslav has one that goes beyond “milk recognizable characters and actors as much as possible.”
  14. These trailers have been so melancholy. I realize that’s inevitable, given the circumstances, but it sure does make for a sharp contrast with the marketing for the first one.
  15. Kind of reminds me of how TFA went from being seen as a breathe of fresh air for Star Wars after the prequels, to a creatively bankrupt rehash of ANH.
  16. If it opens to $40 million, I don’t think $80 million will be possible. The last one was incredibly frontloaded, even for a seasonal horror film, so unless this one is seen as a major improvement, I expect that to be the case here as well.
  17. Making this movie as cheap as Shazam! would’ve been difficult, what with the inclusion of the Justice Society, and the general scope of the action that we’ve seen.
  18. I mean, that would be a better hold than all the other re-releases this year.
  19. DS2 was certainly more divisive than Disney was likely hoping it would be. A B+ on Cinemascore is pretty subpar for the MCU.
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