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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. God, it’s really dawned on me that Disney acquired an unholy number of sci-franchises when they bought 20th Century Fox.
  2. The next saga in the MCU is rumored to be called the Eternity Saga. I’d prefer the Mutants Saga myself, which could theoretically culminate in an Avengers vs. X-Men film.
  3. I can’t tell if Mangold’s tweet is just him having fun, or if he’s genuinely not happy about the idea that his movie is no longer the emotional goodbye to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine it was once meant to be.
  4. Continuity has never been a strong point of the Fox movies. The Deadpool movies don’t even try to have anything make sense, especially with the end credits sequence in DP2. Trying to make sense of the timeline of any of these movies is a fool’s errand, which I assume DP3 will (once again) poke fun at.
  5. So much disaster has resulted from the very existence of HBO Max. It’s making the Quibi debacle look tame in comparison.
  6. So, basically, what people thought MoM would be. Yeah, can’t say that excites me.
  7. Yes, I’m aware. My point is that I’d rather they not dig the Fox movies back up to begin with. Let the past die.
  8. If the plan is for Hugh Jackman to be the MCU’s Wolverine, that’s pretty lame, but I can’t say I’m surprised by that. I wish Marvel could’ve just left the Fox X-Men “universe” behind, but I already knew they wouldn’t be doing that the moment they announced a third Deadpool movie.
  9. I could see a Lego Avatar special happening, but there’s not going to be a theatrical Lego Avatar movie.
  10. Looks like the trolls are trying to discredit the movie’s audience score on Rotten Tomatoes now. That’s pretty pathetic. These people have taken audience scores as gospel when it came to something like Amazon’s Lord of the Rings, but now they’re claiming it doesn’t count when it goes in the other direction.
  11. I never got to see the original movie in 3D, because they were sold out at my local theater, so we settled for watching it in 2D instead.
  12. All I know is that I’m beyond tired after four years of this. If Cavill isn’t coming back, either him or someone at WB needs to come out and announce it, so we can all move on. And for God’s sake, WB, please stop with the headless “cameos.”
  13. Now KC Walsh is claiming that his source told him Cavill isn’t in BA. God, this constant will they, won’t they is beyond tiresome.
  14. It seems like it might’ve been the Rock who got them to do that, because I have trouble believing they would care otherwise.
  15. The trailer on the main channel has over 600k likes. That’s pretty solid for a non-Marvel trailer.
  16. The first movie didn’t have a “proper first trailer” until a little over a month before release.
  17. Meh, sure, why not? The Russo Brothers didn’t exactly have a prestigious resume either.
  18. Well, it was originally scheduled for this date because The Flash had previously taken the November 4th date. As for why they decided to keep that date, even after WB moved The Flash? I don’t know. Maybe they figure moving the film ahead by a week would only exacerbate the VFX time crunch?
  19. If the re-release opens to $10 million or so, that should be seen as a definitive win.
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