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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Can’t say I think it deserved it. It’s not as sloppy as Suicide Squad, but it tries way too hard to be a female version of the Deadpool movies. If nothing else, I can at least appreciate how short it is, which this movie clearly isn’t.
  2. I would just hate the idea of this getting a lower score than Birds of Prey.
  3. There has been a huge flood of negative reviews in the past day, including from top critics. To be honest, it’s a little disheartening.
  4. My favorite part is when he randomly brings up how unfair he thinks the Russia investigation was. All because the villain of this movie kind of looks like Trump.
  5. I’m sure most of the critics who don’t like this movie have respectable reasons for it, but Christian Toto’s review is a load of crap.
  6. You know what? I’m starting to think that if this does go straight to VoD, maybe that won’t be a big deal. It might be time to accept that the future of movie theaters is looking more and more bleak.
  7. And Barry Jenkins is too good to be doing a prequel to the 2019 Lion King remake.
  8. In all honesty, I think I’d prefer that over dubbing something into a foreign language, at least as far as live action movies are concerned. Parasite wasn't dubbed in English, and that did fine in North America.
  9. I don’t know anything about her as a person, but I could swear that for the past three and a half years, people on the Internet had nothing but praise for her. Even YouTube weirdos like Geeks + Gamers and The Quartering supposedly liked her.
  10. Isn’t it basically just China and Japan at this point? I mean, in fairness, the first movie didn’t do fantastic business in either of those places either.
  11. Just so we’re clear, I have no trouble believing that people in China genuinely don’t like this movie. I just needed to vent my frustration regarding the clickbait YouTube videos that are trying to suggest that this movie’s low box office performance is because it’s “anti-Trump propaganda”, just because they’re salty that Maxwell Lord kind of looks like him. Apparently, these people are unaware that the evil businessman has been a common trope in fiction for a long time.
  12. EG is not only the sequel to IW, which China responded extremely well to, but it also has a massive third act battle.
  13. Lack of emotional substance doesn’t seem to be listed as one of the complaints. I’m not saying people in China don’t care about that, but it definitely sounds like their disappointment is primarily because they were expecting a big epic action movie, and not a “rom com.”
  14. That’s what I figured was the reason it’s doing poorly in China. China generally likes superhero movies that are full of action and cool set pieces. That’s why Aquaman did so well over there.
  15. Ugh. The usual suspects on YouTube are trying to pin this movie’s low box office numbers as a result of it being “woke” and “anti-Trump”, even though I’m pretty sure that people in China don’t give a crap about that stuff.
  16. https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/wonder-woman-1984-review/ This guy seems mad.
  17. The MeToo movement didn’t truly take off until the Harvey Weinstein exposé, which was after WW was released.
  18. Even if you believe they made the right call in moving everything to streaming, the fact that they apparently didn’t inform people about it ahead of time was clearly a bad business move on their part. They’ve now burned a bunch of bridges, and are opening themselves up to potential lawsuits. At the very least, they should’ve planned this out better.
  19. Regardless of what the future of entertainment might be, it doesn’t seem like Jason Kilar is qualified for what he’s setting out to do. Everything he’s done so far would suggest that he and the higher ups at AT&T are horribly out of their element in trying to run a Hollywood studio.
  20. What’s this about mixed responses to this? Are people talking about the IMDb score? Also, no one knows when the pandemic will blow over.
  21. I’m pretty sure there are no rumors about the budget right now. The movie isn’t even done filming. The shutdown probably inflated the budget.
  22. The concerning thing in this case is that the movie is doing noticeably worse in China and Japan than the first one did.
  23. What could possibly happen at this point that would prompt another delay? If this thing isn’t ready two years from now, I’ll seriously have to question what exactly James Cameron is doing.
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