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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. And that was absolutely crazy, but it’s highly unlikely that this movie would’ve had the same luck. Unfortunately, the first movie was not a big hit overseas, and this movie seems to be making even less in China and Japan compared to that one.
  2. It was a massive under performer, yes. Speaking as someone who was never interested in it to begin with, due to how much I fundamentally hate Harley Quinn in all her incarnations, even I was surprised by how much it underperformed. Back in February, I figured that the movie’s box office performance didn’t fare well for James Gunn’s Suicide Squad movie, but I guess that doesn’t really matter at this point.
  3. It looks like even under normal circumstances, this probably wasn’t going to outgross the first one worldwide, much less make a billion dollars. It seems like predicting which Hollywood movies are going to do well in China is a crapshoot.
  4. And I wasn’t saying that you were questioning that. I’m saying that since this thread is specifically about WB, there’s not much of a reason to bring up Disney.
  5. This is a WB thread. It’s no surprise that people here are calling them out for this decision, while not really focusing on Disney.
  6. No one said they don’t do what they think is best for themselves. That’s always the purpose of these corporations. There’s still not much of a comparison in this case, because they’re not dumping an entire year’s slate onto Disney+ (for now). To put things into perspective, most people weren’t mad when it was announced that WW84 would be going straight to HBO Max. There are a lot of things to be mad at Disney for, but when it comes to this particular comparison, it’s not hard to see why people are more outraged at WB.
  7. Giving people the option to see something in theaters doesn’t mean much when those movies are being streamed at the same time. Unless Disney decides to move their entire 2021 slate to Disney+, there’s not much of a comparison. Also, it feels really gross that I’m being forced to defend something related to Disney.
  8. Not a very good comparison. Four or five movies is not the same as over a dozen movies.
  9. The name started off as a fan term, but HBO Max has used it in an official capacity to refer to these movies. Still, that intro was never used exclusively for movies in this continuity. It was also used in several television shows.
  10. Regarding the people who said this movie looks bad, or that the test screenings made it sound bad, is that just because of the tone?
  11. Are there overweight Amazons in the first one? I know some of them are pretty muscular looking, but I don’t remember any of them being plus-sized.
  12. Judging from that clip and the reviews, it sounds like this really is a love letter to Christopher Reeves’ Superman movies.
  13. Why would anyone assume that Disney would even be allowed to buy WarnerMedia?
  14. In a non-COVID world, this probably would’ve made less money domestically than the first, but more money overseas. I don’t think it would’ve hit a billion, but we’ll never know for sure.
  15. People seem to be using the rationalization that Nolan somehow forced WB to release Tenet at the end of August/early September, thereby making him “complicit” in this. It’s a dumb argument that apparently isn’t even rooted in reality, but the man has had some vocal detractors for years, presumably because some of his fans have been known to be obnoxious. Just look at how Twitter exploded over that dumb chair story from earlier in the year.
  16. Realistically, the fact that this movie is going straight to video on demand in at least a few regions will likely will make pirating it much easier.
  17. Anyone remember back in 2014, when everyone was talking about what a train wreck Sony was? Good times...
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