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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I remember reading the leak about how Steve comes back by possessing a random man, and then goes on to have sex with Diana. I already thought that sounded like a questionable idea, but my hope was that there would be some acknowledgement of how such a thing is morally questionable at best. I’m not sure why they even felt the need to go that route. They should’ve just had Steve materialize back into existence, Endgame style.
  2. Does anyone else think this will be the last time Gal Gadot plays Wonder Woman (not counting the Snyder Cut)?
  3. Without having seen the movie for myself (I still haven’t gotten HBO Max), the main problems people are having from what I gather are the length, the lack of action and too many cornball moments?
  4. I guess that’s that. This is now Patty Jenkins’ first movie to not be certified fresh.
  5. Outside of maybe Armond White, I never got the impression that his movies had a particularly big alt-right following, until people like MovieBob insisted that the Snyder Cut movement was an alt-right harassment campaign. It’s just like how these people began latching on to Joker after all those news outlets and journalists kept calling the movie a “rallying cry for incels”, even though the movie has some leftwing themes. It seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, the far right doesn’t seem very fond of this movie, what with Maxwell Lord resembling a certain someone.
  6. All things considered, Joker has a pretty high average rating on Rotten Tomatoes. With that said, the movie as a whole isn’t really a masterpiece, but people really exaggerated how “dangerous” and “problematic” it is. Anyway, I think I’ve officially given up on hoping this movie stays in certified fresh territory. It seems it just wasn’t meant to be. Oh well. I’m assuming critics will respond better to The Suicide Squad, but R-rated James Gunn has a hit and miss track record with critics, so who knows?
  7. You can make whatever arguments you want about that movie, but Zack Snyder is not even a conservative. That was my point.
  8. I just don’t like the movie. I think it’s a lazy copy of the Deadpool films, and many of the decisions made in it simply baffle me. I don’t understand why it needed to follow a non-linear structure, or why they called the kid Cassandra Cain. Also, I’m not the biggest comic book purist, but what exactly was the point in calling the kid Cassandra Cain? Mind you, I have an inherent dislike for Harley Quinn in general, so maybe I’m not the most objective person on this, but I was really bored when I saw the movie in theaters. Anyway, back to WW84, I’ll admit that I have no idea if I’d like the movie, but it’s still sad to see it take such a beating with critics, especially since I like the first one.
  9. To get back to the subject of this movie in particular, it’s now down to 71%. It’s kind of sad that out of the past three DC movies, the one that managed to hold on to its “certified fresh” status is BoP. Sorry to keep bringing up that movie, but it’s beginning to drive me crazy.
  10. That’s based on a Frank Miller comic book, but besides that, Zack Snyder’s critics have a tendency to try and paint him as a far right bigot, which is pretty absurd. Not liking his movies is all well and good. I’m not much of a fan of his movies either, but Breadtubers keep trying to paint him as a “fascist”, while constantly taking things from his movies out of context, or distorting things to fit their argument. My favorite is when Maggie Mae Fish cited Steve Mnuchin being the executive producer of BvS as “proof” of how politically rightwing the movie is, even though Mnuchin was the executive producer for every WB movie around that time, including The Lego Movie.
  11. This thing might just lose its certified fresh rating after all. Good lord...
  12. Since we’re on the subject of political biases when judging movies, I’m just going to say that I will never understand why some people are so insistent on this idea that Zack Snyder’s movies appeal to far right sensibilities. Since Snyder is the producer for this movie, I thought that was relevant to bring up.
  13. It’s one thing to have certain biases when determining one’s enjoyment of a piece of media, but to base whether or not something is a good movie primarily around those biases does not make for a good review. That’s why it baffles me that Mediaversity is a Rotten Tomatoes approved publication. That website’s very own mission statement is to judge movies not based on quality, but on inclusiveness. They even dock points off of movies that have problematic people involved in them. To give an example of how weird that website is, there’s a critic who actually did two reviews for Joker, with one of them being for Mediaversity. The Mediaversity review gave the movie an F, while the other one was actually moderately positive.
  14. Wait, are people seriously docking off points from this movie for not doing a queer story? Why?
  15. Outside of Mediaversity, critics are not going to give a movie a negative review for being about a white man. That’s stupid.
  16. I guess ViewerAnon was right after all. I’m not really looking forward to any future DC films either, so that’s an unfortunate way to go out.
  17. I guess my hopes of this not getting a lower score than BoP are dead. With how consistently negative reviews have been pouring in, I wouldn’t be surprised if this drops below a 70.
  18. As much as I have come to accept that movie theaters probably have no future, I’m at least glad that Sony is the one studio that isn’t trying to compete with Netflix. We have way too many streaming services as is. I just hope Apple doesn’t buy them out.
  19. Didn’t Grace Randolph embarrass herself regarding The Mandalorian recently? Still, if she’s right about this, I would think they’d try to get Henry Cavill back, now that he’s become a bigger name. A J.J. Abrams Superman movie doesn’t exactly excite me, but it would be nice get at least one more Superman movie before I die.
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