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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. To be frank, of all the currently scheduled MCU movies, this seems like the one where a Disney+ premiere would feel most appropriate.
  2. An R-rated MCU movie under is officially happening. What a world we live in.
  3. Assuming Henry Cavill wants to get a producer’s credit on a possible upcoming Superman film, they might as well let him have it. The man is a noticeably bigger star now than he was from 2013-2017, so I think he has enough clout for that at this point.
  4. If they were to do a new Superman in the Matt Reeves universe, I would want to see Bruce Wayne interact with Clark Kent before bringing in Calvin Ellis.
  5. It’s basically just female Deadpool. I wouldn’t consider that creative.
  6. The latest critic gave the movie an F-. That seems a bit exaggerated...
  7. Matrix 4 is the only film in WB’s 2021 slate that ever showed any promise, but I’m not expecting them to budge on that one.
  8. Wasn’t it already established that they didn’t talk to anyone about this outside of the crew behind WW84?
  9. Is Denis Villeneuve even in a position to make demands about something like this? He’s a great director, but his track record at the box office isn’t exactly spectacular.
  10. All this drama when it comes to these DC movies is precisely why I often find myself wishing WB would just scrap everything to do with the DCEU, as it’s called. The only thing that really keeps me on the fence about it is that I’d like to see Henry Cavill play Superman again, but I don’t want it to just be a cameo in the Flash movie.
  11. His career wasn’t exactly on fire to begin with, but he recently nabbed a major role for an ABC limited series, so there’s that.
  12. Would people really call for Hamada to be fired just because of Ray Fisher? Maybe if Zack Snyder were the one speaking against him, but Fisher?
  13. In case anyone is confused, this was the placeholder photo they used while they were filming BvS. The decision to set the first Wonder Woman movie in WWI came about sometime after Patty Jenkins signed on. Evidently, Jenkins didn’t approve of the idea of Wonder Woman posing with severed heads for a photo.
  14. I mean, that’s what I figured they’d do, since they already alluded to it back in June, and Ben Affleck probably wouldn’t be willing to commit anymore to this franchise beyond one more movie, but I’d rather they just focus on Pattinson’s Batman.
  15. It would be neat if Cavill were to be in this movie, and that just might give it the hook it needs to keep people’s interest, but I’m not counting on WB being smart enough to sign off of that. For whatever reason, they seem completely allergic to giving Superman another chance in anything that’s not a low budget CW show.
  16. I guess if there’s something that could maybe be considered good news for this movie, it’s that the Rotten Tomatoes rating is currently back to 61%, with a couple more positive reviews from Top Critics having been added. It’s not much, but it does mean that the movie’s “fresh” status can live to fight another day. Of course, now that I said this, watch as a bunch of additional negative reviews come in.
  17. There’s no real frame of reference to compare this movie’s drop to. We’re gonna have to wait and see how future WB movies that are being released simultaneously on HBO Max hold.
  18. It seems like the only one of their 2021 movies where it might be worth reconsidering their strategy for is Matrix 4.
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