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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I’m not really the kind of person who does the ranking thing, but if I had to choose what I’d consider to be the best CBM of the decade (even though 2020 is technically part of the 2010s), I would probably go with Into the Spider-Verse.
  2. I guess that means Rian Johnson can’t do go in that direction now. You can’t subvert people’s expectations if they already know what to expect.
  3. As far as his taste in movies is concerned, Trump claims that his favorite movie of all time is Citizen Kane, but I’m fairly certain that’s at least partially an attempt to give the impression that he has “the best” taste in movies. When he talked about the movie, he said that the number one piece of advice he’d give to Charles Foster Kane was that he needed to “find a better woman”, which would suggest that he took the wrong lesson away from the film.
  4. What exactly were you expected when you clicked on something called “Fanboy Wars Thread”?
  5. There was so much backlash to TDK not getting nominated for Best Picture that the Academy actually expanded the number of films that could be nominated for the award. I’d say that’s a pretty impressive accomplishment, especially for a superhero movie.
  6. Looks like Marvel Studios is really going forward with a Deadpool 3. Anyone want to bet that Disney will fight tooth and nail to ensure that the film gets released in China?
  7. I guess that means that Joker is now just your typical CBM, and not some super dangerous and disturbing incel fantasy. I can’t decide if that’s an improvement or not...
  8. JL was never reported to be canned. It’s true that Tsujihara wouldn’t allow the movie to be pushed back, but it was already just a couple of weeks away from filming when BvS was released. Flat out cancelling the movie would’ve looked terrible to investors. They couldn’t do that.
  9. It was green lit well before BvS was released, and was already in pre-production. They couldn’t just cancel the film.
  10. I have no trouble believing that his cut of the movie is a mess, but I’d still like to see it for myself.
  11. I don’t think very many people wanted that. That was more a case of them trying to give what they believed fans wanted. In the case of the Snyder Cut movement, people are asking to see an alternate version of an already existing film. WB wouldn’t even have to dump anymore money into the thing. Besides, the JL movie that we ended up getting was already an attempt by WB to give people what they wanted. A lighter tone? Check. The John Williams theme? Check. Brighter color pallete? Check. A more upbeat and traditional Superman? Check.
  12. I can’t say I agree. Not giving the fans what they want, especially when it doesn’t inconvenience them in anyway, is pretty lame. Besides, the Justice League movie they ended up giving us was so bland and safe that I’d take anything over it.
  13. https://comicbook.com/dc/2019/12/24/zack-snyder-justice-league-shirt-crashes-sales-servers/ I’d love to know what exactly it would take for WB to swallow their pride and just release Snyder’s version of JL. The demand for it is clearly there, and it would be a perfect hook to convince people to sign up for HBO Max. If they’re hoping that people will eventually move on and forget about it, well, it’s been two years and the movement is stronger than ever.
  14. Ugh, people are going to blame TRoS underperforming on the movie supposedly giving the finger to TLJ, even though TLJ is technically what got them into this whole mess to begin with, aren’t they?
  15. Unfortunately, that won’t be possible now that Disney has bought Fox. These bastards pretty much own Hollywood at this point. Entertainment in the 2010s has basically been all about the rise of the Empire, AKA Disney.
  16. Kathleen Kennedy definitely deserves her part of the blame in all this, but maybe they would’ve been able to map out a plan for the ST if Iger had given them more time for TFA?
  17. I would argue that a lot of the blame also falls on Bob Iger’s feet. He’s the one who wanted a 2015 release date for TFA, while simultaneously throwing out the ideas that George Lucas proposed.
  18. I think TRoS might potentially be a solid meme spawner, but this isn’t the spoiler thread, so we can’t really get into that.
  19. Disney does have a tendency to lowball the OW for their films, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the final OW is closer to $180 million. That would still qualify as underperforming, though.
  20. I want to say that them sandwiching these spin-off films in between their main trilogy films might’ve also played a factor in TRoS underperforming, but there were only two of them, and at least one of them was pretty well liked, so I don’t know how accurate that assessment would be. Regardless, this should hopefully hammer the point home to Disney once and for all that cranking out a Star Wars film every single year is not a viable strategy.
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