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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. From what I can tell, the protagonists of the movie are the “deplorables”, while the people who are hunting them down are a bunch of wealthy elitist snobs.
  2. There’s one thing I have to ask. From what I understand, this movie is essentially about a bunch of liberal snobs hunting down innocent conservatives. If that’s the case, wouldn’t that suggest that this movie is actually portraying the left in a negative light, and not the right?
  3. It seems like this was done at least partly in response to the backlash from prominent conservatives. I mean, I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but this might as well be considered a reminder of how ugly American politics have become. For the record, I’m not saying that conservatives are the sole people to blame for this, so for anyone here who’s conservative, please don’t take this as a personal attack. I was simply commenting on how there’s a certain irony to this situation.
  4. When you think about it, it’s actually kind of amazing that TLA managed to make over $100 million domestically and over $300 million worldwide, despite having absolutely atrocious critical and audience reception. If the movie had actually been good, it probably would’ve made enough money to justify a trilogy.
  5. I guess that’s a reasonable point. Maybe I’m just biased because I personally didn’t care for her romantic subplot with Vision.
  6. Why in God’s name are people here talking about how other random people are apparently sexualizing Isabel Moner? Do there really need to be these kinds of conversations on a forum for a movie based off a Nick Jr. cartoon? Is people sexualizing Isabel Moner really such a rampant thing on the internet, outside of that creepy review by Todd McCarthy?
  7. Bruce was Tony’s friend. It just seems weird that Tony would allow his friend to take the fall for the woman who manipulated him into into creating Ultron in the first place. I know Tony Stark is a fictional character, but if I was in his situation, I certainly wouldn’t let her off the hook, especially when she became such a hot button topic of concern after the opening scene in CW. Anyway, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for there to be some acknowledgement of Wanda’s questionable actions in AoU, but it seemed like the Russos preferred to just pretend they never happened. That’s probably just me, though, and I’m certainly not expecting it to be addressed at this point.
  8. What reason did Tony have for not telling them? For that matter, even if the government never found out about that little stunt she pulled, it still would’ve been nice if there had been some acknowledgement of what she did, as opposed to the writers just expecting us to forget about it. I honestly had serious trouble sympathizing with her in CW and IW when she gave absolutely no indication that she felt any remorse for what she did.
  9. I don’t know if I’m in the minority on this, but it annoys me that the entire situation regarding Wanda brainwashing the Hulk has never been brought up after it happened. The Hulk went on a rampage because of her, yet she faced zero repercussions for it. You’d think something like that would’ve been brought up in CW, but nope. Even a brief scene in IW of Bruce being uncomfortable working with her would’ve been better than nothing.
  10. I’m inclined to agree, but considering how long the rubber nipples and bat credit card jokes went on for, it might take a while before that happens.
  11. Just click on “More Info” and you’ll see it.
  12. Didn’t the gay stuff get cut out of the Chinese release? I remember hearing that.
  13. Are you talking about how the film will possibly star an LGBT character?
  14. Out of curiosity, is Sony still holding out hope that Tom Hardy’s Venom will crossover with the MCU, or have they given up on that by this point?
  15. It would make more sense for Kong to be Batman in this situation.
  16. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/08/04/arrowverse-crisis-on-infinite-earths-crossover-batman-bruce-wayne-kevin-conroy That’s certainly interesting.
  17. As I said, whatever the next biggest movie of all time happens to be, I’d rather it not be another franchise film, even if something like that is unlikely.
  18. People are still talking about Endgame vs. Avatar, eh? I guess there’s really not much else to talk about at the moment. I do wonder what the next biggest movie of all time will be. I would hope it wouldn’t be another franchise film, but given the current state of Hollywood, I’m not sure that’s even possible. I’m not a Cameron stan, but I still stand by my belief that Titanic was the most impressive run of any movie at least in the past 40 years, and I don’t think we’ll see anything like it again.
  19. December 2020 was certainly starving for a big event movie (unless you count Uncharted, I guess), so maybe this movie will be able to fill that role. It’s going to be an uphill battle, but hopefully it can pull that off. At the very least, I think it has better odds in December than it did in November.
  20. Their pre-Marvel work isn’t especially noteworthy. In all honesty, when it comes to the MCU, it’s a little tough to figure out just how much credit the directors deserves once you take into account Kevin Feige’s influence. The Russos have certainly gained some clout in Hollywood after having directed what is currently the highest grossing film of all time, but I don’t know if their names alone would be enough to get people hyped for a project.
  21. I don’t particularly feel like watching H&S, so I guess I won’t be seeing that teaser until WB officially puts it online. Anyway, I do think it’s pretty fascinating that Nolan is still able to drum up hype for a film that isn’t part of an already popular IP. He and Quentin Tarantino are some of the only directors I can think of who can do that these days.
  22. Based on the track record for the majority of movies Disney has released this year (not counting the stuff from Fox), they’re most likely lowballing the OW numbers for TLK by a few million.
  23. I don’t know where else to put this, so I’ll just point out here that there’s now a Wikipedia page for the so called Snyder cut of JL. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versions_of_Justice_League For anyone who cares (which I’m guessing isn’t very many of you), it is a convenient way of getting an idea of just how different Snyder’s version of the film was compared to what ended up in theaters.
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