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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. You want them to have another game of chicken with Marvel? Because that worked so well when they did it with BvS...
  2. As much as I didn’t care for this movie, I do have to wonder; if this movie were to get a sequel, would it be a remake of The Return of Jafar? Because, that would be pretty hilarious. Who would they cast as Abis Mal?
  3. The key difference between Independence Day and Black Panther is that the latter had a cast that predominantly consisted of black people, and in general, was seen as a film that celebrates African culture. I certainly didn’t think the film was anything phenomenal, but it’s not difficult to see why it would be seen as culturally significant.
  4. I know I’ve said not too long ago that I’m sick of Batman, and would rather DC just give the character a break, but at this point, I sincerely hope Matt Reeves’ Batman does well, otherwise we might as well be at a point where the only movies in theaters are Marvel movies and Disney remakes.
  5. Star Wars will still continue regardless of the fact that it’s no longer top dog in Hollywood. Disney isn’t going to let that franchise go.
  6. I guess the MonsterVerse is in some serious trouble. Well, at least there’s still the John Wick movies...
  7. Marketing won’t have anything to do with anything. Venom was a PG-13 action blockbuster movie that had the Marvel brand attached to it (there were apparently a fair amount of people who mistakenly thought it was set in the MCU) and a fairly bankable actor in Tom Hardy. Joker is supposed to be an R-rated character study that stars an actor who hasn’t been in a hit film in over a decade.
  8. I’m dreading the release of Joker, not necessarily because it’ll be bad, but because I can just imagine how people will react when the movie makes significantly less money than Venom. We already had people freaking out over the numbers for Shazam!, and that movie starred a character that a lot of people weren’t even familiar with.
  9. It was rumored for a while that this movie would have some Cold War themes in it, which would be a bold move, seeing as how that could potentially hurt the film’s chances of getting released in China.
  10. No, it was definitely scheduled for 2018 at one point. Aquaman moved to December 2018 shortly after Avatar 2 moved out of that spot.
  11. When people talk about the lack of originality in movies, they’re usually referring specifically to Hollywood.
  12. Did I watch the same movie as everyone else here? The movie felt about as hollow as I was expecting it to be. I guess I’ll give it points for making more of an effort to deviate from the animated film compared to Beauty and the Beast, but it still felt like another factory made remake that is completely inferior to the animated one, and that just dragged on, despite not even being that long.
  13. The Arrowverse deserves credit for leading to a resurgence in live action superheroes on the small screen, but at this point, I won’t lose sleep if it ends. It had its time in the sun, but I think that sun has just about set. At this point, I don’t really see what the DC shows on the CW have to offer that you can’t get elsewhere. Even in terms of feminism and LGBT representation, you can easily get that elsewhere at this point. It doesn’t help that the CW’s attempts at being “woke” have arguably led to even more backlash than something like Captain Marvel. While I didn’t particularly care for the Batwoman trailer one way or another, I definitely don’t know what they were thinking with lines like “when it fits a woman” and “I’m not letting a man take credit for a woman’s work”. I know that the CW is all about female and LGBT empowerment, but did they seriously think that lines like those would go over well with people? The shows on DC Universe seem to be faring much better than the stuff they’re putting on the CW anyway. Yes, even Titans.
  14. At this rate, the biggest non-Disney film of the year (outside of Spider-Man: Far From Home) will probably be an Illumination sequel, which isn’t very promising for the future of cinema...
  15. Not always. In Disney’s case, though, they usually only lift the embargo for their movies late if they either have little faith in them, or if they want to avoid spoilers from spreading (as was the case with Endgame). There was obviously nothing of value to spoil with a remake of film from 1992, so Disney lifting the embargo so late suggested that they didn’t have a ton of faith in it. Still, all things considered, this movie’s critical reception could’ve been worse.
  16. It sort of reminds me of the situation surrounding Justice League, although in this case, they’re at least willing to push the release date back.
  17. I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve seen a Rotten Tomato score drop this rapidly in such a short period of time since Man of Steel.
  18. 71%, eh? For a second there, I thought this movie being certified fresh would be a sure thing, but it looks like it’ll maybe end up with a score similar to CR. Suddenly, the world seems just a smidge less crazy.
  19. I haven’t cared for these live action remakes as a whole, and I’m not particularly looking forward to Let it Go once again being in the public spotlight, so there’s that.
  20. I guess TLK is getting a 90% percent score on RT. Should we prepare ourselves for the live action Frozen within the next five to eight years?
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