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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. It still seems like it’s too late to truly salvage the 2024 film slate, but what’s really important is that the actors (hopefully) got a fair deal.
  2. Something something “you could not live with your own failure.”
  3. I’m well aware that Jeff Sneider’s track record is spotty at best. That doesn’t make what he did any less annoying.
  4. I’m willing to wait and see how Superman: Legacy does before concluding that the genre is definitively dead, but the signs certainly aren’t promising right now.
  5. I’m not blaming the actors either. I’m just annoyed that people like Jeff Sneider decided to get everyone’s hopes up by making it sound like it was all a done deal.
  6. We keep hearing whispers about how they’re supposedly close to getting a deal done, only for it to turn out that they need an extra day of negotiations. Rinse and repeat.
  7. Yes. Right before SAG went on strike. Same with Captain America 4.
  8. Funny how people often talk about Martin Scorsese as if he’s this grumpy “get off my lawn” geezer, when that’s a lot more applicable to Ridley Scott.
  9. Sounds good to me. It’s not like the CEO’s do much work to begin with.
  10. Which is basically what happened with George Reeves in The Flash. To the best of my knowledge, he doesn’t have any living family members, so who exactly gave them permission to digitally recreate him?
  11. They could’ve killed Leia off in between films, but I suppose that would’ve potentially been controversial in its own right.
  12. I did, and it only served to reinforce my view of what a cynical corporate product that movie was. I just would’ve hoped that it flopping as badly as it did would’ve perhaps made Hollywood less inclined to continue doing that crap, but apparently not.
  13. Please for the love of God, no sequels where they bring back Katniss. TFA really melted people’s brains if they just expect every franchise now to do some nostalgia bait sequel. It’s ok for a story to just end. On that note, I’m very relieved that this movie looks like it’s going to be a one and done, instead of being a two parter or the beginning of a new trilogy.
  14. Why is it so important to these sociopathic CEO’s that they be allowed to use the likenesses of dead people without permission? You would think the backlash against the Flash movie would’ve made them realize that it perhaps isn’t worth it.
  15. Didn’t James Gunn supposedly refute the idea that Patty Jenkins was unprofessional? It seems more likely that they dropped her because they’re doing a reboot. Also, nothing that either Matthew Vaughn or James Mangold have made has been as successful as the first Wonder Woman.
  16. Just look at Andy Muschietti. He directed a massive superhero bomb that was released this past Summer, and he’s being signed on to direct a Batman movie for the DCU. A similar argument can be made about James Mangold and Matthew Vaughn, who still have quite a bit of work lined up.
  17. No no I didn’t. I brought up Avengers to make a point about how it shouldn’t matter whether or not audiences see this as a “true” Captain Marvel sequel, as long as the character plays a major role. If you read my comment and assumed I was trying to suggest that this movie would be as big as an Avengers film, that’s on you.
  18. I don’t see how this crosses a billion. It’s not like it needs to either. Universal’s made their money back and then some.
  19. No? I’m saying that I seriously doubt the reason for this movie’s poor tracking is because people don’t see it as a sequel to CM.
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