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Everything posted by thedast

  1. This sounds like wishful thinking. There's no indication this is happening beyond a few fans wanting it (why do they want it??), and if it was just one quick scene they wouldn't need to move their marketing and release 3 months to a time with MORE competition.
  2. Cast really helped especially Timothee and Zendaya and Oscar who together appeal to a broad, younger audience. Then people wouldn't shut up about it being this thing you REALLY needed to experience in a theatre because of Denis, to give a middle finger to WB, to see more of Zendaya in part 2, to experience Zimmer. Feel like that was one of the few times that plea worked because they built an admittedly effective narrative around it where it was seen as some sort of indie, auteur underdog and an already massive hit at the same time, so an air of FOMO with a dash of criticism that its fan aggressively dismissed as impatient (it picks up in part 2!) or dumb (you only understand jokes from Marvel!).
  3. I think people are underestimating how much viewing habits have changed along with COVID. The huge spoilers and audience reactions are what got people fighting to see it the first few days. That's out of the way now and repeat viewings are more of a 'risk' than than they were two years ago. As others said, older, slower audiences may never go see this. It's Christmas. And honestly, the hardcore fans mayyybe overhyped NWH a bit and the high has come down. Pirated clips are all over twitter too. For me, I saw it twice, but now I'm good till it's out on streaming. It'll still do the best numbers the industry as seen in 2 years, I'm not sure what people on here want considering the circumstances.
  4. if by right I guess you mean did the exact same thing that's been done multiple times over multiple iterations sure.
  5. What about this deal? doesn't seem into include NWH per their tweet though https://variety.com/2021/film/news/netflix-sony-pictures-pay-1-starz-output-1234946413/ Might not be 9 months
  6. I wish I loved this more. I don't have a deep investment in the other trilogies so I guess that didn't help. Also being unable to avoid leaks but that's water under the bridge. Like it was good but hmm. Maybe I need a second watch.
  7. - The scale of this was def overblown - The Strange stuff was cool, can't wait for MoM - As someone who has some investment in MCU spidey I felt like his story got the biggest blow in the movie. It felt like a fanservice-y excuse to do a reset, which makes investment in his previous appearances these past few years feel a bit of a waste tbh. But maybe now the fanboys who they're caving to will whine a bit less. - Tobey is... not a good actor. Like he just stood out like a sore thumb next to Tom and Andrew. - I’m not a fan of the plot device to kill May. Like yes PP messes up but when he kept trying to help the villains half the theatre was just groaning. I wish they’d come up with a stronger reason for him being so desperate to help them - I wasn't expecting the forgetting spell's consequence. All throughout the film they made it out like they'd just forget he was Spidey, not forget Peter entirely. How does that even work? They just completely wiped his whole backstory somehow? In the end it had some really nice moments and I'm curious to see where this goes, doesn't feel like he's going to college? Idk. 6/10.
  8. See people on here say the franchise was killed by part 2 (disagree), I feel like there's a bunch of beloved franchises that kinda stumbled on the second go around, I still see a lot of references to it and I do think it could have found its place in the culture as a James Bond lite if they redeemed themselves with part 3. People still want that kind of thing. Prequel with unknown characters was such a dumb idea. That and the long wait between 2 and 3 (with 3 just being okay) will probably be the thing that kills it for good.
  9. I think the timing was bad. KM2 got mixed reviews, they should have regrouped and won back people with a better KM3 before playing with spinoffs. Doesn't help that it got delayed a ton and doesn't have any of the OG cast.
  10. I don't know, continuously moaninng and insulting the general public won't make them more interested in whatever film you're salty about so i don't get this song and dance everyone does whenever stuff flops now ...? The fact that streaming services are thriving is proof people are still watching things, it's not their fault they'd rather see those things at home than going to a theatre so the studio can feel good about large box office receipts. Keep saying it, Hollywood is dropping the ball on capitalising on that for mid budget movies and turning streaming launches into more of an event. If 2 million see your thing on HBO Max and it's a solid cultural discussion point for a couple of weeks it's still a GOOD THING.
  11. WSS is not surprising i feel like. The buzz just hasn't been there from the get-go. Every trailer release made little noise and the Ansel drama didn't help. Others have said they don't know this movie was for. True too. But really no one asked for this. And I don't get the Marvel shade because this is LITERALLY a remake of a popular film. Yes, one could argue younger crowds don't care for musicals but I think the bigger problem is the younger crowds don't care for musicals with people they don't care about, which has been the case with DEH and ITH. I see younger folks getting excited about Timothee or Florence Pugh or Tom H or Greta being attached to a musical but none of them care for Ansel. It's a semi-dead genre and I think Hollywood has been taking the wrong approach to reviving interest. Forget remakes and broadway shows with no crossover audience, stop trying to entice older millenials and boomers look at maybe a light hearted romance (everyone's being crying about the death of theatrical romcoms after all) with young leads (under 30), a more futuristic or whimsical twist to appeal to those that need that extra spectacle. Remakes are more miss than hit I don't know why we're doing this to ourselves still.
  12. I didn't doubt the quality, I just doubt the interest. Also I don't get the point of this (hoping it changes in the final release)? Your film isn't more genuine because a chunk of the audience don't understand portions of it. I even watch English movies with subtitles a lot of the time. For a film that already didn't need to exist I'm not sure it helps sell it idk.
  13. ?? those films get high critic and audience scores and did 880m and 1.1b+ respectively so...
  14. Wasn't Sony the one who pushed for 'at least one major MCU character' to be a part of all these films? They plastered Stark all over their marketing too because it was good business. It wasn't enough for Sony to get these films in the MCU they wanted deep connections so they could leech of their goodwill, confuse casuals and pull stunts like the 2019 dispute. Fans complain but Sony loves that connection as can be shown by the fact that Amy Pascal had been dying to do what they did with Venom's post credits since 2017. And by continuously making films for villains they fuck with Spidey's story too. Kraven should be a Spidey movie villain, we don't need a seperate movie for him, he was who I was expecting in NWH. I actually don't think it would have been as messy without Sony's oversight so I do agree I'm tired of Sony and how they manage the film properties.
  15. People have been really forgiving of Dune because they NEED it to be seen as a huge success which is funny to me. It's already got a sequel (which will hopefully be more deserving of this energy) greenlighted it's fine. It's still yet another big budget IP-milking remake so why act like it's some underdog indie flick. I wish people were this gung ho about actual mid-budget smaller scale movies they say they need to stay in theatres.
  16. Someone just pointed out that the bringing back another Spidey's green goblin might mean no Harry Osborn in the future and I hope not. 😕 I'd like an MCU version.
  17. This actually looks good but I feel like the buzz has been really muted all things considered. There's still a month to go though
  18. I want to be surprised by what's going on with this movie, but this is the same studio that had its executives emails hacked and dumped on the internet and it proved everyone there was barely competent. Also the same studio that was going to take SM outside of the MCU once FFH became the first one to hit a billion (which is ironic since they linked up with the MCU and stipulated an MCU character be a major part of these movies so they could leech off that goodwill in the first place). And this is already outside the point that this trilogy wasn't ready for multiverse stuff but we all know Sony used it as an excuse to nostalgia bait for $$$ (Spiderman Endgame? After two films? Really?) Everything they do is so blatantly $$$-tinged and they don't even have the skill to make it not obvious. But they continue to get lucky and Spidey is flop proof so the madness will continue.
  19. Wait so Dune, the 3rd remake of a book, that cut off the story before it got good, and Eternals, the new property, both had just okay/divisive WOM despite big budgets and respected directors, and Dune did much less numbers and was spun as some magic success when the only notable thing that came from it were memes about sand and its poster, and Eternals doing 70-ish is considered this massive disaster that means the MCU is in trouble? Feel like I'm taking crazy pills here but agendas gonna agenda I guess. Not saying any deserved to fail or succeed but it's weird watching how hard these narratives, no matter how cynical, really has people in a chokehold.
  20. 70+ feels good to me. Don't get the doom and gloom some people are already trying to run with. I dunno I think at this point the fact that the only hook it has is 'MCU' and 'some actors you might know including Angelina and Robb Stark' these are good numbers. BW involved a beloved character, and Shang Chi was more in line with MCU fare. Personally the expectation that all MCU films especially new and less popular properties should do much more/the same as previous entries feels... unrealistic. Just like all the D+ shows weren't going to have WandaVision/FATWS level hype. I'm all for MCU trying different things even if it isn't always a slam dunk, better than doing the same thing over and over. Now if they keep having this issue (which is unlikely with Spidey and Strange and Thor coming up) then I'll be concerned. But I've only watched the trailers and will finally watch tomorrow so maybe I'll eat my words and hate it
  21. They're right. People are increasingly seeing cinemas as event movie fare. Instead, studios should consider new marketing strategies for mid-budget/prestige fare on streaming. It would also help if these streamers were more universally available like Netflix, because more eyes, more revenue to make up the theatrical loss. Dis, HBO Max (and Apple TV especially which had no existing distribution deals or licenses, but has an arrangement with A24 and a shit ton of potential ready audience thanks to its hardware) have no excuse to still be so limited still. I stand by the idea that those two streamers could position themselves as the go-to prestige streamers and let Disney/Netflix/Amazon take the more mass appeal stuff. There's some ego in here as well, as many directors think their stuff 'needs' to be seen on an IMAX screen and the Academy being how it is. A lot of these smaller movies are getting lost to the void of time because no one's seeing them in theatres and they're lost in the noise when they finally go digital.
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