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Everything posted by thedast

  1. This looks painfully predictable, like Venom but maybe less camp (thanks trailers). He's down on life but good at heart, finds weird cure, spends some time fighting and understanding le urges, has crisis of faith about whether he'll do good or bad with said powers (only truly cool element I saw), chooses to become anti hero in the end, sprinkle some Spidey/Venom elements to make people care about a ~connected universe~. Fin. At least mix it up a bit, Sony.
  2. I mean, at this point Morbius and SM have the same number of trailers and Morbius needs promo more as the more unknown property and was initially meant to come out first. That said, Sony is pretty blatantly using the hype for SM to sell these villain spinoffs but I don't know if they're going about it right (would have made more sense for them to actually come from SM movies instead of being unconnected but whatever). I think they can live with a dislike bomb because it still means impatient SM fans viewed the trailer. They know SM won't flop no matter how much whining and leaking happens. They need Morbius to be another Venom: a box office success powered by SM fan nostalgia and the promise of a connection to the MCU even if it ends up being mediocre.
  3. Really just not enjoying the energy around this movie at the moment and I'm seeing more people say the same. I don't get the point of leaking anything. Why ruin it for yourself and others, second trailer or not when it's out in like 6 weeks?? The first trailer had almost 3 minutes of content?
  4. I've only seen memes for this around the poster which is weird but kind of makes sense I guess.
  5. Yes, and thats why I didn't mention him lol. The last time Feige told people to chill was when people were over-predicting for Wandavision. It'd be awkward if we have another Mephisto/Ralph Bohner situation. I'm just a cynic I guess. I rather go in and be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.
  6. Mad that thousands of people let themselves get hung up on the opinion of like...60 people. If you saw the trailer and were interested, go see it and form your opinion. You're watching a movie not critic scores. Never understood the energy of doubting your own desires because of someone else's opinion. I wasn't interested in Loki so I didn't watch it. I was always going to see Eternals just cos the MCU has on a base level kept me relatively entertained and I'm a fan of Richard and Kit. Even TDW that is the fandom scapegoat wasn't unwatchable to me idk, or maybe my bar is low for some things. Regardless everyone will be fine if this doesn't have 90% fresh or a 120m OW. I think there's people who have made this universe their personality and take anything but praise personally, and others who are hungry to see it fail because reasons and both are weird.
  7. Eh, tom's also a really good dramatic actor. And he's not just shooting a gun in this he's literally climbing shit and doing stunts, which is still a good use of his skills. Hollywood makes one good musical every 3 or 4 years man's gotta eat.
  8. This looks fun even if the trailer wasn't the best (hate the song). And I hope they lean into the exploration side more. This just needs to have decent entertainment value, and scratch my Mumm/Indiana Jones itch. Tom Holland was definitely built for stuff like this.
  9. This is objectively childish and SM fans are beginning to act like crackheads. The fandom wasn't this weird and toxic till the Raimi/Garfield shills got even a smidgen of hope of their return and became unbearable. I don't even think this movie needs another trailer. Leakers and journos are all telling lies for clout. It's weird. On the other hand, I feel like Sony is milking the hype generated by leaks and fake news and is intentionally fanning the frenzy by sitting on promo/content 7 weeks to the release and saying nonsense like 'NWH is like SM:Endgame'. Feige and the actors have at least tried to temper expectations but I'm worried this might all backfire and the fans will finally devour themselves (they're never happy, after all they complained abt SM3 when TASM came out, then said TASM was trash after MCU SM came out, now are back to saying MCU SM is trash).
  10. This is how I've felt for a while. There was a lot of manipulative messaging for this too ('more Zendaya in part 2 we promise!', 'it needs to be seen in IMAX for you to be really WOWED!', 'superheroes bad for cinema, watch this if you're cooler than that!'). I guess it worked out sort of for them cos it didn't bomb TSS style.
  11. A simpler version of what I was thinking. I gave Paul for having no personality as a protagonist but almost everyone was this way. When you have this it just becomes a bunch of people expositing.
  12. Disclaimer: I actually didn't hate it. TLDR: It was actually kind of engaging for the hour and some, an audio-visual feast. But once you get used to it, you realize nothing that interesting or unique is actually happening and the visions kind of already tell you where the story is going wiping it of any suspense. For me, I didn't need humor, I needed humanity. Dune felt very style over substance. Yes the main characters are worried about life issues... but the movie to me didn't do enough to explain what those issues ARE so I can't relate. What came before all this? What's going on in the rest of earth (?), why do people need said spice to jump universes or whatever? Why is this important? What happens if you don't do it? There's no context. Some say this is the beginning of the story, but it felt like I was dropped in the middle. The scale was so over-emphasized I couldn't get a proper bearing on where anything was geographically. People praise the world-building but I have no idea what anyone outside the royal families even do so why should I give a shit if it's burned down or whatever. Maybe it plays out better in the books but it felt like the movie spent a lot on scenery chewing and exquisite screenshot ready frames than on the people beyond thin characterization. I don't have a better suggestion tbh, I agree that it should definitely respect its source material, but maybe the source material just isn't that great. That said... people like relatable characters. Something could have been done here. Most of the emotion was either stoic or pained. I'm not a fan of Momoa's acting but he came across as the most human person there. The movie was asking me to care what Paul did, but he was the personality-free son of a semi-decent colonizer, and his visions foreshadowed him going bad anyway, so why should I care? This blandness is why I didn't care much about Anakin Skywalker either despite knowing his motivations (and probably why SW gives you Luke's story before giving us Vader's backstory), and Lucas was wise enough to give us Obi-Wan to counteract this. His mother doesn't work for that here. She comes off fragile and her family had apparently been up to some eugenics shenanigans so they could kick rocks too. I'm going into Part 2 only interested in the visuals of however this 'twist' plays out. The fact that the highest praise comes from the visuals/sound and it seems to undermine the constant condescension from the story's fans that it's somehow superior to the average Star Wars film (also overhyped eh). It's not. It's a basic and by now overdone (sorry) story hiding behind aesthetics and a painfully convoluted world. If this story has struggled to find a wide audience for decades, I want those fans to consider there's a good reason beyond 'lol normies are basic and need Marvel quips', which I'm seeing a lot. The MCU wasn't around in the 80s.
  13. Dropping in to say: I agree. People, especially young people with less to do, are finding more content, better experiences, and most importantly, breathing room to care about characters in long-form storytelling. I mean that's always been the case, but now it's better mostly. Stuff like Twitter and Reaction channels on Youtube means people who like a thing are finding themselves easier and talking about art they love longer, so it makes sense almost that such people would be prefer ongoing stories than one-offs. TV used to be the lesser brother of movies just because of budget but stuff like Game of Thrones (despite all its failings) showed that you can get high quality, high budget stuff outside a cinema and I think that's where a lot of the change took off from. Look at the bigger cultural moments of the past few years outside CBMs: You, Witcher, Squid Game, teen-tilted shows like Euphoria and Sex Education, WandaVision etc. Once high budget stuff started coming to TV/streaming it made the movies seem less special especially mid-tier stuff. CBMs just happen to be the one genre that checked off all the boxes which is why they're thriving: - High fantasy (even the Fast franchise has gotten more unrealistic and ridiculous with time) - Existing lore to dissect, compare and discuss endlessly - Big budget to pull off the WOW factor - Most importantly: connected stories and loveable actors/characters (this last bit is why I think DC struggles more than MCU) We give studios shit for mining nostalgia and searching for the next franchise always but truly when you can get a ton of decent content online now why should I leave the house for your basic drama story? Bond is literally surviving on the familiarity factor but it hasn't done a lot to bring in the younger audience. Kingsman, had it kept up quality wise (and it could still turn things around in sequel) would have completely knocked Bond off the 'spy movie' throne. I see younger people saying a well dressed young guy in glasses looks like a 'Kingsman' and suggesting spin off ideas, that's cultural impact Bond is lacking, and the producers saying they'll never consider it either puts them in the 'ye olde' category. Theatres are now for the event movies, and I think that's okay tbh. The Oscar darlings would actually get more eyes if they embraced streaming and marketed themselves to be those kind of viewing events instead of begging people to go see it in a cinema and calling the things they watch there instead, stupid. There'll always be the occasional breakout like Star is Born or Get Out or Knives Out, but the latter also operates on a premise that promises more stories sooo
  14. Still think Kraven will be the main villain. This isn't the first time Mando has tweeted that emoji. Also I can't think of a scenario when a unconfirmed returning MCU actor tweets like this but what do I know. If Tom has had a pitch meeting with Sony and Marvel already I can imagine everyone else that's involved has gotten a heads' up also. Filming starts in less than 4 months.
  15. Agree. The biggest buzz points right now will be the actors, who just started physical promotion yesterday. Saw them on Kimmel last night. Personally I've never considered Pixar stuff as must-see viewing? Idk I feel meh about all their trailers and never see them in cinemas despite good reviews, and only saw Inside Out because it was on TV. Credit to it though, it did make me cry, and I'm hearing the same for Onward. But... between this and Soul, Soul may do better just because that one's premise is a bit more unusual.
  16. I agree. When I heard they were doing a Harley movie, this isn't what I pictured. People were saying they didn't want to see a Joker/Harley movie because of Leto, but to non comic book nerds the most interesting thing about her is her connection to the Joker. Clown faced psycho couple engaging in bad behaviour while dealing with their demons is more unusual and arresting than 'girl squad take down random bad guy' which we've done to death. Deadpool's hook was unusual for the time because OMG VIOLENT BUT COMDIC SUPERHERO IN TIGHTS but I see the novelty wearing out after the 3rd. Joker was a psychological thriller about a guy who happened to dress up as a clown. Choose your Rs for this genre wisely.
  17. Take it down a notch. He just made a couple of decent comic book movie 15 years ago. And they were cheesy even for their time.
  18. I believe this movie was always seen as a Harley/Robbie vehicle, but WB/Robbie added the BOP to get some extra points (some of her stans made it out like she was doing them a favor by sharing her spotlight), and it showed in the Harley-centered marketing. This is unappealing, if you're like me, and can't handle that character for long periods of time. The R-rating also locked out a lot of young female fans. Still, the numbers are decent.
  19. Wow that's ... random. I wish they were doing the God Butcher story, I could kinda see him doing Gorr, but I have no idea what he'd be right now. Haven't read much with BRBill so I'm not that attached to the character.
  20. Spies in Disguise trying its best after being dumped to compete on all quadrants with bigger movies.
  21. Sony CLEARLY wants to use Tom Holland in multiple properties in a short window of time and I think it's holding him a bit hostage really. This new delay means he now has a block of time where he could have filmed something else. I like him as an actor and he ought to be in more non-franchise fare. Was unhappy to hear he missed out on 1917 (among other things) due to his Spider-man schedule. (Though Uncharted not happening doesn't hurt my feelings, let's stop making video game movies HW). Don't see the NEED to put out a Spider-man movie every two years, and they want him in their SUMC as well. I know he feels some sort of alliance to Sony but he needs to walk away from this project. No-one is excited for it but Sony, which is just bad tidings. That said, how is there suddenly a conflict, unless Sony is fast tracking Spider-man? They own both properties and knew the timeline for months. Holland even mentioned he started Uncharted in Berlin in Feb this past weekend at an event so if there's a delay he doesn't know about it. I think there's something else going on. I saw a production breakdown for Uncharted a couple of weeks ago and it was dated 19th September 2019 and had Knight as director (they waited till Spidey leaving MCU announcement to announce Dan left and waited till he was 'back in' to announce Knight).
  22. So many theories about what China 'likes' and why it couldn't possibly love SW–like it's this inherently lovable thing–but it's most likely as simple as: SW is not that great if you don't have that childhood lens. Not just a 'China' problem too. The markets that missed out on its initial hype likely don't 'get' it now, because they probably saw a lot of better sci-fi movies first. Like you know 'SW' is a 'thing' and at first you bought into the hype, but then after a couple it's like, this is just... fine. While the internet diehards debate the intricacies of each character and wax about legacies or whether it was some scene that ruined everything for everyone, there's a large swathe of people just shrugging and feeling glad there'll be less peer pressure to go see these movies. I'm sure many kids born after this year will grow to be adults who won't be as geeked at the Avengers' first assemble because screen-sharing superheroes is all they'll know anyway. All in all, nothing is a big deal forever. As long as Disney keeps chipping away at the novelty of it with each movie/spinoff/tv-show, people will lose even more interest because there's little differentiation and it's ubiquitous.
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