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Everything posted by reddevil19

  1. My point isn't related to quality either - it's that you seem to have skipped a whole movie in your comparison. Even if you ignore the live action to animated effect (again, Spider-Verse), there's a whole second Bay-produced live action movie that dropped massively from the first one and is far closer to this, box-office wise...
  2. Not on weekdays. We'll see if it is a weekend movie with the second weekend drop. But I wouldn't be too optimistic...
  3. How wide is the IMAX release - do we know how many screens it might be getting (and if it will be exclusive, or sharing)?
  4. There's obviously always interest from the large Indian communities, and the summer big movies are deep into their runs so less competition, but does Jawan even have enough screens for that sort of performance? I live in an area of London where Turkish, Black Afro/Caribbean and Eastern European minorities are more prevalent than Indians, so I definitely don't think it's representative, but my local has very few weekend screenings and they're all basically empty. It's also sharing IMAX with Oppie and Nun 2, with the Nun having far more showtimes.
  5. Why would you compare it to that? Considering how bad a taste that left and how much the sequel dropped, why don't you look at the 2016 film? It still doesn't make sense, because it's a different medium, but at least the difference is far smaller. But that's like saying Into The Spider Verse dropped 500 million from Homecoming...
  6. Tbf, even after its opening, 900+ still seemed like a near impossible target. Don't think there's many people anywhere that would have realistically expected these numbers. It's basically made as much as Dungeons and Dragons, The Flash and Dial Of Destiny put together (to name major flops from three of Uni's competitors). Those three movies also cost a combined 650 million, against Oppenheimer's 100. Hell, by the end of its run, it won't be far off those combined totals plus Haunted Mansion, if we wanna include another 150 million disaster. There's really no way to describe Oppenheimer's box office except for outstanding.
  7. I think Paramount would hope for a Spiderverse situation with the film continuing to get love on PVOD and streaming, leading to a great increase for the sequel. Combined with the low budget...think it's a strong possibility for a sequel.
  8. Ya, can't argue with that. Ton of stuff for kids (good stuff at that), so families seem to have really taken advantage of it, as well as good to great adult fare. I think overall people will have been satisfied with their cinema experience yesterday.
  9. Threequelizer was always going to be a bigger hit to it than any of the previous openers. Not only is it playing in premium formats like IMAX, but its demo will have been far likelier to watch Oppenheimer deep in its run. Only Barbie and Talk to Me in the top 10 had better holds this week, as well (though obviously actuals might see some slight adjustments all around). Nothing to be negative about imo.
  10. Ya, 100%. I do think Denzel should definitely have had better movies in his filmography, but his career does also show a lot of versatility, which would give him the opportunity to slot into a lot of potential ensembles that Nolan likes. The question is if he'd want a lead role, though...
  11. I mean... I'm pessimistic, but you make me look like a ray of sunshine, lol. "Good chance"...900 is 100% locked. China and DOM alone will take it above that.
  12. I think DiCaprio's gonna end up working with Nolan again sooner or later and I think Denzel might get one ride out with him too. I can easily see them either in a high budget, high concept epic, or a more intimate, Prestige-scale movie from Nolan. His next project is probably one of the most eagerly anticipated announcements out of Hollywood once the strikes are over, awards season is over for Oppie, etc. Uni execs must be so gleeful.
  13. That was one lunatic tweet base don zero facts. I may be guilty of being overly negative at times, but that was pure pie-in-the-sky nonsense. 60 million range is the most realistic final number as it stands now. It could trend slightly down or slightly up depending on next few days, but 100 is a fantasy right now. As you said though, the total numbers for this are insane regardless. It's going to become the biggest biopic of all time.
  14. Don't see how - not in a first run, at least. A large portion of that international number is China opening. I suppose it can always surprise with insane legs there, but I think it's far more likely it only makes another 30 million there. Another 20 domestic? 25 at a push without major re-expansions? It's not got enough in the tank for a billion. It would need Japan to play - and play big. I do think it will hit that billion eventually though, with various re-releases.
  15. My audience for Threequelizer was great. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. A lot of people came in late - probably because of the huge concession queues - but otherwise quite a good audience.
  16. Just got here for my Threequalizer screening. It's absolutely rammed. Huge crowds at bus stops outside as well, with people leaving, and the car park is impossible to even get into (I ended up parking on a side road). Think everything is pretty much sold out for the evening, though I didn't check earlier in the day to see how it went throughout... Concession wise they absolutely made a killing today.
  17. Most of the showings at mine are sold out. Oppenheimer and Barbie doing the best for the evening shows (Oppie sold it's one afternoon IMAX and the evening shows), but overall it seems pretty booked up...
  18. Firstly Nolan doesn't ever do unused material. It's just not his style. What you get is his definitive vision. So in that regard you're not going to get alternative takes, extra scenes, etc, because it would compromise the movie. And for separate material...you want to add a documentary to a three hour movie and expect that to do more than a few hundred grand in very limited release? That would be similar to Marvel or LOTR marathons or something. They'll do some business but not significant enough to move the needle. Either future expansions and re-releases tadd enough (a la Interstellar, 30-40 million) to get past a billion, or it won't. It won't get a sing-along and it doesn't need it. That's what I mean when I say not everything needs a gimmick - you appreciate the movie and watch it or you don't.
  19. Lol. 600 million+ overseas for a 3 hour historical drama. If LATAM had done a bit better, this would have had a billion in its sights. European markets have really delivered for this. Is it too much to hope China legs are good enough for 70-80 million and Japan comes up with a late surprise performance to hit that billion? Haha
  20. Ya, I had no issues either. I do think his movies do have this issue, but I 100% think a lot of it is down to the quality of the presentation. I heard the same complaint when I was walking out of a different movie and the manager was saying how Nolan likes to do his mix. I asked what screen it was and I was more than happy to back the customer up as I had had the same issue with Barbie in the same screen on its opening weekend (and then again Blue Beetle). Some standard screens are such poor quality nowadays, with zero interest in maintaining, let alone improving quality, both for projection but especially sound.
  21. I've just realised I have never seen a single trailer for The Marvels in cinema. I dunno if my local Cineworld is just crap like that, but even at the Westfield Stratford Vue, where I've also seen a few movies recently (including superhero flicks), never once got a trailer for it. Weird.
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