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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. Orange Panther Harkins WED - 6453/59466 (329 showings) $62,333 Couple of shows pending but will be 6.5K max. Looks like eh $3.25-3.5M OD.
  2. That's because we aren't a weekend market yet. Our weekdays hold much better than anywhere in the world.
  3. I am very sensitive just coming out of movie, especially if dont like how stuff ends.
  4. Whenever I feel like update need be made somewhere. So pretty much daily for 1/2 weeks.
  5. Most of these are due rewatch. Gonna put them normal. Titanic T2 Avatar T Aliens A:TWOW True Lies first 5 great. A2 mediocre. TL eh except for mid part.
  6. So they are somewhat adjusting Weekend discount on weekdays I believe. Both MON and TUE are higher than my estimates, total now getting closer though.
  7. No I mean it did 6.8M on MON, so if it did 22+ on Mon + Tue, that means it did 15+ Tue?
  8. 420k mon 440k tue 2700k week Should do 10M with ease.
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