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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. $5.9mn Disney Actuals. Seems like South East Asia is bigger than I expected. So Taiwan is only market that underperformed.
  2. That will be pretty good. Possible too. Let's hope Disney reveal numbers, likely too. Otherwise actuals will be out tomorrow.
  3. TENET did S$764k last week in 5 days. This had similar occupancy but 3 days but yeah I think S$600k as well. Thailand perhaps $0.4mn and $0.3mn in Malaysia.
  4. UAE Weekend Admits 36 (03-05 Sep) Mulan: 50.8k (2 Days) TENET: 21.9k (-39% 3 days, -60% 4 days) / 89.6k Scoob: 3.3k (-34%) / 38k Mulan good opening, best since reopening, even better than TENET which had lower admits for 3 days, but not sure how it will trend. In gross $0.69mn till Saturday, $0.83mn estimated till Sunday. Scoob has done well at low level despite being out digitally. Thinking of $2.5mn full run perhaps. TENET good hold. Better than I was thinking in Weekdays. Gross till Saturday $1.28mn, will be around $1.32mn till Sunday. Thinking of $2.25mn full run perhaps but since there's no competition, may be it will keep running. Scoob pretty good for a film which has been out on digital for months now $450k from $104k opening.
  5. Middle East good start. UAE better than TENET with $0.83mn Approx in 3 days compared to $855k of TENET in 5 days. Saudi I am yet to receive numbers, but I will guess $2.1mn weekend in Middle East. Taiwan $0.75mn Approx weekend. Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand perhaps $1.1mn Approx. $3.9-4mn weekend.
  6. Seems like ¥60-61mn Sunday. ¥200-201mn weekend. As similar to Dunkirk as it can get. Admits 5mn Approx, 700k less than Dunkirk. Ps pretty crap for tomorrow. Thinking ¥20mn may be. That's about same as Dunkirk. Full run thinking ¥325-340mn range. i.e. $47-50mn. Edit: And Maoyan come alive at last minute. 65mn Sunday. 205mn weekend. Better Sunday than Dunkirk. Though Monday looking around same.
  7. I think pretty good. It had like 24 admits per screening yesterday. Endgame had 73 on its OD and 37 admits per screen on its 1st Sunday. I assume Endgame was almost around capacity on OD. So this is like a 3rd of near capacity. There must be social distancing restrictions too, so pretty great start. PTA $2650 for weekend. Dunkirk had 15 on its best day.
  8. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TENET?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TENET</a> grossed an est. $52mn in its 2nd weekend internationally, for a total of $121mn Approx. China and Russia were two new major openers with $29.5mn and $2.5mn respectively. Good hold by holdover markets.<br><br>Note: Contain estimates. WB will announce actuals in few hours. <a href="https://t.co/urqoYwSrHB">pic.twitter.com/urqoYwSrHB</a></p>&mdash; charlie Jatinder (@itisjat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/itisjat32/status/1302584218657021953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  9. For a better analysis of @keysersoze123 numbers, doing some math. There are two ways to do it, One is per show average performance. Second is checking how many shows we tracked of Nationwide. The New Mutants had an true Friday of $2.02mn Approx in USA. Approach 1: Looking at show wise numbers, it had Per Show Average of $162 in MTC 1 and $136 in MTC 2 on OD. TNM had $960 approx PTA for True Friday, which assuming there were around 10 shows per locs on an average, means $96 approx, around 60% of MTC 1 and 70% of MTC 2. Approach 2: MTC 1 had less than half of theaters open while MTC 2 had around 60%, which would be 475 Approx. That's about 22.5% of TNM'S total USA locs, but the show count seems extremely low for that many theaters open, usually a big film has 13-15 shows on an average per locs as per Keyser, in case of TNM it just 6.5 and 11 respectively. We have roughly 4k shows tracked, that's 19% Approx of total. So 19% tracked shows had 29% of total gross. Coming to TENET, Approach 1: MTC 1 per show is $126 and MTC 2 is $117. That's lower than TNM. Yikes. I am thinking of on an average $80 per show avg across country. Assuming 12 shows per loc for TENET, we have around 30k shows, that gives about $2.4mn Approx US only True Friday. Approach 2: MTC 1 and MTC 2 both have around 70% of theaters open, that will be around 27% of total US locs it is releasing, considerably up from 23% of TNM. Show wise, we have 19.75% of shows tracked, that should be 30% of total country box office. Again $2.42mn. Canada I am thinking of $375k 2nd Friday Approx. TL;DR: North America $2.8mn True Friday.
  10. $1.4mn in Europe 2019 re-releases. $130k in Korea in 2020. I am sure there will be some other fiddle grosses. This is over $2050mn as well.
  11. Or TNM flopped just because of Covid. Considering TENET would have opened atleast 50mn in normalcy, say we are doing 25% of normalcy now, TNM would adjust to $28mn opening.
  12. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TENET?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TENET</a> grossed $21mn on Saturday internationally, taking its total over $100mn to $105mn Approx. China is the top market with so-so numbers, but Europe is doing heavy lifting with good numbers in Taiwan and Saudi Arabia. Should be around $122mn by the end of day. <a href="https://t.co/X8qoMiUPCN">pic.twitter.com/X8qoMiUPCN</a></p>&mdash; charlie Jatinder (@itisjat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/itisjat32/status/1302477435972190208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  13. The numbers will be revealed tonight (IST) and I suppose they will give the day breakdown just like elsewhere. Anyways, if TENET really do as much as I thought in tracking thread, can we have it on VOD in like late October. I hope thearers open in October in India but am not entirely optimistic so will love an early digital release.
  14. IIRC there are over 350 MTC1 open this week. The number of show seems very low for 350 locs.
  15. or give limited theatrical run in US and on VOD after 4 weeks.
  16. Date Admissions Daily To Date % +/- YD / LW* Daily in $ To Date in $ Day # 22 Aug 2020 43,576 ₩438,693,920 ₩438,693,920 $368,000 $368,000 0 23 Aug 2020 41,132 ₩412,835,120 ₩851,529,040 $346,000 $714,000 0 26 Aug 2020 137,724 ₩980,971,070 ₩1,832,500,110 $828,000 $1,542,000 1 27 Aug 2020 84,663 ₩755,086,470 ₩2,587,586,580 -23.03% $636,000 $2,178,000 2 28 Aug 2020 91,140 ₩889,848,220 ₩3,477,434,800 17.85% $753,000 $2,931,000 3 29 Aug 2020 144,845 ₩1,408,596,610 ₩4,886,031,410 58.30% $1,193,000 $4,124,000 4 30 Aug 2020 117,097 ₩1,130,354,510 ₩6,016,385,920 -19.75% $957,000 $5,081,000 5 31 Aug 2020 54,007 ₩478,330,280 ₩6,494,716,200 -57.68% $403,000 $5,484,000 6 01 Sep 2020 46,455 ₩405,747,600 ₩6,900,463,800 -15.17% $342,000 $5,826,000 7 02 Sep 2020 37,020 ₩327,363,350 ₩7,227,827,150 -19.32% -66.63% $275,000 $6,101,000 8 03 Sep 2020 37,413 ₩331,540,990 ₩7,559,368,140 1.28% -56.09% $279,000 $6,380,000 9 04 Sep 2020 48,586 ₩466,889,670 ₩8,026,257,810 40.82% -47.53% $392,000 $6,772,000 10 05 Sep 2020 93,180 ₩890,085,500 ₩8,916,343,310 90.64% -36.81% $750,000 $7,522,000 11 Guess this can pull $11-12mn may be .
  17. Yeah can but Maoyan didn't add anything in last two hours yesterday, so who knows.
  18. Since you didn't update afterwards, not entirely sure what to make of these, but gonna try. US Only Monday-Wednesday: $3mn Thursday: $1.1-1.3mn Friday: $3.5-4mn So around $4.6-5.3mn opening day in USA + $0.3mn Approx Canada giving $4.9-5.6mn OD. My exact shot will be $5.1mn Friday in NA. Weekend $13.5mn weekend.
  19. Week 22 29 Aug - 04 Sep 2020 Movies Peninsula: was surprisingly... good. Especially the first two acts. Third act do a bit overkill and climax gets bit too cheesy. This hardly feels like a sequel to Train To Busan, though smart strategy to sell a zombie film, which well worked. 5/10. Alive: 2nd Korean zombie film back to back. It started off pretty ok, was expecting it to explore the 'cast away during a zombie apocalypse theme', but it turned out pretty routine rom-drama in the end. 3/10. Rushmore: I like Wes Anderson films a lot. This was pretty nice but not as good as his last few films. 6/10. Mulan (2020): Its dull and bland with absolutely nothing that works. The action pieces had hardly any energy to them, and neither the emotion worked in the story. However found it better than original. 2/10. Mulan: I only liked the opening 5 minutes better. The rest felt way too casual. 2/10. TV The Boys S02: The first episode was pretty good though 2nd and 3rd felt a bit off. This lacks the novelty of S01 but still pretty good but nothing concrete to judge so far. Let's see how it goes in latter episodes.
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