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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. The WoM seems strictly average. It is good for Nolan heads, which thankfully are alot but for normies its too complicated. In fact even many regular moviegoers aren't understanding the film. Have heard reports that dialogues are not understandble in like 25% of film. Legs won't be that good.
  2. Well liking a content is subjective but IMDb IMO is best there is for checking a film. Yeah there are few exceptions but its so much better than Rotten Tomatoes which is like opinion of 400 people while on IMDb its millions of voters. Again liking anything is subjective. Something which you or me like may be trash for many. Something good for others could be trash.
  3. Unsubscribed Netflix for same reason. Amazon Prime and Hotstar are really well priced, but Netflix is priced ridiculously. Felt like an idiot, also spending more data on similar quality for nothing. A 1080p on Netflix cost like 6GB while pirated is barely 2.5GB.
  4. The evening is very depressed. 170mn / $24.75mn. -26% last week. 2nd weekend 491mn / $71.5mn. -15%. Total 1927mn / $279mn. Lifetime I will guess around $385mn.
  5. Comparing C$ gross of MCU films in Canada with rest of NA in USD Iron Man: C$28.5mn i.e. 9.8% of rest of NA $290mn Iron Man 2: C$30.25mn 10.7% of rest of NA $284mn Iron Man 3: C$39mn 10.6% of rest of NA $370mn Captain America - Civil War: C$45mn 12% of rest of NA $374mn. Despite grossing higher than Iron Man 3, exchange rates put Civil War a bit lower. Avengers: Assemble: C$61mn 10.8% of $563mn Avengers: Age of Ultron: C$52mn 12.5% of $416mn Avengers: Infinity War: C$81mn 13.2% of $616mn Avengers: Endgame: C$114mn 14.7% of $774mn Captain Marvel: C$57mn 14.8% of $384mn Spiderman - Far From Home: C$49mn 13.9% of $353mn The general share of MCU has increased in Canada. Exchange rates aren't as good as in Early 2010s and Late 2000s. Though not at The Force Awakens level yet, but can expect in future. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: C$134mn 16% of $840mn Star Wars: The Last Jedi: C$80mn 14.4% of $556mn
  6. added 45mn in last 4 hours compared to 55mn yesterday. more likely 175-180mn as expected last night.
  7. These two are same. 12,469,306 views from 3 pages sharing it. Batman Page - 7,886,485 DC Comics - 3,484,599
  8. TENET will do numbers almost on expected grounds but Deadline posted a fucking 25 million, which has set people expectations so low that numbers will look way bigger when the most reasonable expectations were atleast $40mn. One such example is Indian box office portal doing this shitty article. https://www.boxofficeindia.com/report-details.php?articleid=6080
  9. Sales have slowed after strong first and second day. I won't panic for now as it's final two days that matter eventually, but we need some indication for that on Monday.
  10. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On Saturday, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TENET?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TENET</a> grossed another est. $12.5mn internationally, taking its total to an est. $37.5mn. The opening frame internationally will be around $47-48mn. The official estimates from Warner Bros. are expected tonight. <a href="https://t.co/yyXxHPoOwc">pic.twitter.com/yyXxHPoOwc</a></p>&mdash; charlie Jatinder (@itisjat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/itisjat32/status/1299987178370473984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  11. I expected a drop on Sunday, but this seems like will increase, flat at worst. Crossed 100mn at 15:15. +10% yesterday currently.
  12. Since Deadline hasn't mentioned Canada numbers of TENET, they are most likely not reported, which TBH suck. If WB gonna roll all of Canada 7-8 days in NA opening day (?), that will suck. Though IIRC, they have reported the sneaks for Aquaman, A Star is Born separately. but Fantastic Beasts 2, they added in OD, so who knows
  13. MTC 1 and MTC 2 were just 25% for New Mutants on Friday and 45% on Thursday. Don't know what to make of that for TENET sneaks. @keysersoze123 any updates. If you can, can you post TENET numbers for all 4 sneaks and OD. Will be great to know. Thanks.
  14. so it begin. may be Korea miss double digit (Oldboy, Parasite and Handmaiden are only one I expect this high) but expected this film higher. I still hope TZP from India make it. there's Pan Labyrinth still pending. Confident on Japan winning this.
  15. It is possible but considering the film isn't exactly playing at capacity, except for IMAX, it shouldn't be that big a problem.
  16. Yeah Saturday increase is bad in Italy, hopefully Sunday make it. Few films last year had bad Saturday jump with Sunday doing better.
  17. I would like to think that, but sort of trending WW2 had even in normal times, this is nowhere close. May be additional $100mn to $500mn.
  18. IDK, may be this can be incorporated in the universe giving it more realism to universe that life is unpredictable. I don't know about others, but if they go the way "King T'Challa passed away due to Cancer will be apt for me." Giving the respect to life as we all should. If they want to go Shuri way, I have no problem. Could be great film wise, a younger one getting responsibility that big but considering Okoye is the one managing the Wakanda from 2018-2023, I think she will make a nice pick too. Have Shuri at what she do, a fun loving tech guy.
  19. Okoye was leading Wakanda from 2018-23. Shuri blipped alongside T'Challa, I assume Queen mother too. Okoye is experienced warrior too. Shuri is still of 2018 age.
  20. Also I assume, the What If episode, unless he dubbed for it already, should be cancelled. T'challa as Starlord one.
  21. Whatever the way they go, I think a bit gap will be appreciated. Though COVID most likely will give that gap on own.
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