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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. You mean $50mn weekend right? well for $50mn weekend, I think $13mn OD is must i.e 90mn yuan. Will roughly need 30mn final PS. First day of PS is not really that important, final 2-3 are. That said over 1mn would be enough, TENET looks like going for 1.5mn PS on day 1 today.
  2. That's a relief, but I sorta assumed that if you read this message and still using "sold", that will be sold. 😛
  3. These are pretty good IMO. I mean usually for a big opener day 2 is lower despite being Saturday, this is a working day. Interested in how actual OD & Thursday previews are.
  4. No such thing happening actually. The local films we tracked in last month had perfectly normal PSm. Covid is the reason expectations were $13mn, without Covid perhaps $17-20mn, considering the increase in release size & inflation.
  5. I guess that someone here would be me. Interstellar had 4 days weekend of $13.5mn with 4.75k shows a day. TENET with 9k shows a day for 5 days doing around same wasn't all that crazy with around 10-15% inflation.
  6. A friend of mine told its doing really well in Cinesphere. A couple of shows sold-out for that big theater.
  7. cool. Most likely 3500 since it was 3x of that local film. So 1mn is actually possible and not pipe dream.
  8. Yes and we aren't really comparing with those films now. Its just that "see Dunkirk did only 22mn" is not really a good case to be made. e.g. Endgame opened to 200mn in US, that would have been great number in isolation, but anyone trying to justify saying Captain Marvel did only 153mn, so 200 for Endgame is great won't be a good justification. Yeah Warner didn't expect that, neither any of us. That's why before latest COVID insurgence expectations were $40mn, not $90mn. South Korea can have legs, but WOM is not that great as yet. Yeah it can rebound from external factor like COVID and typhoon, but that's always case of Will it? than When?.
  9. Yeah that CAN happen, and I am not really disappointed with OD TBH. It's 2nd day which is hurting.
  10. How will say 1750-3500 for TENET considering 9am number you shared was 3x Mutants and local film.
  11. I won't be looking at Dunkirk for TENET TBH. The better comp would be Inception & Interstellar, both of which are potential $90-100mn grosser today. Korea was supposed to be huge for this one.
  12. 19.5mn PS for tomorrow. I will guess PSm will be more normal Thursday PSm now, so expecting 120mn ($18mn) day. Week 1 will be $206mn including previews.
  13. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TENET?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TENET</a> opens with $830k in South Korea on 2229 screens selling 138k tickets. The total including sneak previews is $1.55mn. Should go for $7mn 5-days weekend. WOM good with 92% audience score. <br><br>IMAX accounts for 13.5% while 4DX 4.2% of total box office. <a href="https://t.co/mgv5vO4CaH">pic.twitter.com/mgv5vO4CaH</a></p>&mdash; charlie Jatinder (@itisjat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/itisjat32/status/1298638212609396744?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  14. 130k OD. let's see what are actuals in 35 mins. Actuals: 138k $830k.
  15. TENET sales open on 1500 odd shows but nothing yet to report worthy.
  16. At one point PS were like $10-13mn 5 days 😕
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