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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 40 minutes ago, YM! said:


    In particular, “thin skinned” Iger and Zaslav are “stunned,” according to one insider, that they have been so vilified by the guild and its members over the past several months. “Almost everyone is looking for someone to blame,” another insider says of the backbiting among the core CEOs. “They’re paralyzed, even as the clock is ticking, and it’s Ted’s fault, Iger’s fault, even Tony Vinciquerra’s fault, depending on who you ask,” the source added, name-checking the Netflix co-CEO, the Disney CEO and the Sony Pictures chair and CEO. “It’s not helping the situation, or anyone.”



    Lmao. Get fucked losers.


    Cracks are beginning to form... 

  2. 1 minute ago, SpiderByte said:

    So they have Destination D23 this year, which is separate from the D23 Expo, and usually it's a relatively minor thing...except this year they have a 3 hour Walt Disney Studios showcase. My guess is it's not as big as say SDCC, but I definitely could see them covering stuff that's coming out within the next 6 months or so (Snow White, Percy Jackson, the various Marvel and Star Wars shows, maaaaybe an actual title for Deadpool 3).


    I expect several of their already announced projects to get delayed. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I genuinely do not understand the logic these sociopathic executives are running on. They’re willing to screw over the companies they’re in charge of just so they can hold on to their excessive bonuses? 


    It's also a matter of ego. Giving the writers and actors what they want would hurt their image of being tough, serious business people. In their minds, it would make them look weak.

  4. 27 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:

    Eventually both sides will agree to a deal, with both sides conceding on things. It's just a matter of what they're willing to concede on.


    But honestly this just shows you that any story about how any of these studios are "struggling" are bullshit. If they were struggling, they would've made a deal already. They can afford to drag this out.


    I think it's somewhere in between: The studios are losing money with each day/week productions are paused and shut down. But the AMPTP won't blink until things get REALLY dire for them. They still think/hope that the strikes lose momentum so that the studios don't to have to make any major concessions. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Porthos said:

    Anyway, once again call me cynical but once these strikes are over and if/when Disney has a few hits under its belt and/or Marvel/SW gets on a strong winning streak and/or WDAS/Pixar is belting out hits again, "everyone" will go back to loving Iger and view this period as a regrettable misstep.

    (yes, using the hyperbolic definition of "everyone" here)


    Or, to put it another way:


    People react strongly to current events,

    News at eleven!


    Yep, once the hits start churning out, Iger basically gets a mulligan from the general public and gets to keep being "one of the good ones."

    • Like 1
  6. 51 minutes ago, Speedorito said:

    It’s honestly kind of interesting that the two movies had completely different trajectories.


    Textbook examples of how good word of mouth can propel a movie and how bad word of mouth can sink a movie.

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