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Posts posted by JWR

  1. The funny thing about all of this is how most of Bob Iger's "wounds" are self-inflicted. 


    Yes. Bob Chapek was an inexperienced fuckup and a liability to the company. But had Iger been smarter about picking a successor or left before 2019, he wouldn't have had to come back and fix a mess that he helped make.


    He also could have chosen to not be the root of the problem with these strikes or ar least kept his mouth shut about the demands of the WGA and SAG. Now, he's rightfully getting flack from people on all sides and burned through the goodwill he had back in November. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Porthos said:

    I'm gonna be even handed here about Iger.


    Quite a bit of the current trouble in Disney Land is either inherited from Chapek's decisions or out of his control.


    On the other hand, he's overseen some RECENT decisions which I do blame him for and judge him harshly.


    For one, and will be the main objection I raise to his tenure here, his overseeing of the recent content purge on D+ is a pretty huge black mark on his resume in my book and one that I have personally noted.  I don't particularly care if it made "business sense" to do it, as lots of questionable/objectionable things can make business sense; that doesn't mean they should be done.


    (as always: Just coz something is legal, doesn't mean it should be done)


    The axing of Willow after, what four months? Five? Was just downright idiotic and axing of Crater after less than seven weeks (SEVEN! WEEKS!!!) even more so.


    Now I'm not gonna throw Iger under the bus over this as I recognize the whole game of "plusses and minuses".  Not so much "take the good with the bad" as "recognize that folks can make good and bad decisions — so praise the good ones and call out the bad".


    Now I get the notion of "triage" and "cost control" and all of that other Wall Street Jargon that is used to justify anti-consumer and anti-artist behavior like this and... I. DON'T. CARE.  Dude made bad calls here and I'm not afraid to say it.


    Doesn't mean I want him gone (I don't).  Does mean I want him to... not do things like that in the future.




    Though I'm not surprised that Iger is extending his return. Two years was never enough time to get all of Disney's houses in order while also finding a proper successor.  Plus, with the WGA and SAG going on strike, he can't afford to ditch town when he's part of the reason why there's a mass strike in Hollywood.

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