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Posts posted by JWR

  1. I think it's a combination of factors:


    1. Some of the hype has leveled off from its Cinemacon premiere to now. 


    2. Ezra Miller is a Schrodinger's Cat. Either the general public doesn't know about the star's antics and it doesn't hurt the movie. But it doesn't help among those who do know about the controversy. 


    3. That last point aside, this version of the Flash isn't much of a draw. The character last appeared in a panned team up movie where he was a supporting character. They've mainly been selling this on Keaton returning as Batman, which itself isn't a guarantee outside of older demographics. 


    4. Even with favorable reviews, it's still saddled with the baggage of the DCEU and general audience apathy to the DC brand. Something I fear will continue for some time until Gunn has regained audience goodwill.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Boxx93 said:

    Then why did it opened so freaking low? Puss In Boots is part of the freaking Shrek franchise.


    Maybe Universal just sucks at marketing animated movies that are not Illumination.


    Shrek was also a franchise that hadn't had a movie in over a decade. And it was a sequel to a spin-off, no less.

  3. 3 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    Watchmen is a pretty faithful adaptation, so I’m not sure what your argument is. All I was saying was that they clearly read things besides Frank Miller. 


    It's faithful in that it recreates panels and moments from Watchmen. But missed the point of the source material.


    It glorifies in the violence the graphic novel was satirizing/condemning. It lionizes Rorschach, who in the book is a conspiratorial bigoted asshole.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Boxx93 said:

    Remember... Puss In Boots 2 opened to 12 million opening weekend. I'm not saying it will have the same insane legs that Puss had, but good critic reviews and word of mouth might save it a bit, considering there's no animated movie until Ninja Turtles in August.


    Except Puss in Boots had a visible marketing campaign and early screenings as a show of confidence. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, RichWS said:


    I feel this is the biggest hurdle. Why should the public be excited for a movie with a character/actor combo that was last seen six years ago in a movie nobody liked? There's ZERO build-up here. 


    It feels like any momentum has long since deflated in between this and Justice League. 

  6. Just now, John Marston said:

    Ezra Miller absolutely is a factor.  In addition to the legal controversies (which more people probably know about than people want to admit. It was reported in major media outlets and things spread faster and wider thanks to social media) Ezra simply does not have the looks or charisma of a leading man. May be harsh but it is true


    Doesn't help that the character's last appearance was as a sidekick in a poorly received team up movie.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Ohana said:

    I think the general audience is assuming it's yet another CBM like Shazam / Black Adam.
    Add to that the Superhero movies fatigue that even Marvel is effected by and here we are...
    Most people aren't aware like us so I think WoM will be crucial here, but It sure feels like the golden age of CBM is behind us. 
    DC's reboot in 2025 will be a real case of late to the party.


    Superhero movie fatigue isn't a thing. At least not to the extent some here think it is.

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  8. 1 minute ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    It's not that surprising when you really think about it. The Flash is a highly controversial movie that is part of both a dead franchise and a genre audiences are losing faith in. On the other hand, Transformers is benefiting from brand nostalgia and being a breezy, standalone crowdpleaser barely requiring any primers. Said brand is also not held up to a critical standard, so middling reviews won't affect it too badly unless it's particularly bad.


    Most of this is spot on... minus the "losing faith" part.

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