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Everything posted by Cochofles

  1. Yes, this: JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Good for THG; awesome that a female-centric action film is kicking ass. So-so for 3S, but still better than expected. Terrible for CITW. Overall, a meh weekend.
  3. "yep, 500 now......btw, did you know that theaters get to keep a % of the gross of the film...I had no idea......lol "Goes to show how little we know, even so-called box office experts missed the memo.
  4. Exactly, fishnets. What surprised me was that CITW got a 'D' from women. I mean, Hottie McHemsworth is there, and it still left women cold, which tells you how bad the box office prospects for the film are. They should have had him shirtless in plenty of scenes and promoted the hell out of it.
  5. "CITW currently has a positive to negative tweet ratio of 1:1...that's putrid. How does a film become this polarizing? "Marketing that basically lures people with the promise of something that the film doesn't deliver. If you market your film as a horror film, and people realize it's actually a "comedy" ( in quotations because winking at the audience and referencig pop culture—whedon's only trick in his bag— should not be confused with comedy) you bet your sweet patootie that audiences are going to turn against your film.
  6. Mainstream audiences don't salivate and hyoerventilate over self-referential jokes, nods at the audience, and obscure pop culture winks. They want either straight up horror or broad comedy, and according to most reviewers, CITW was smart and snarky, but not too scary, and yet, it was marketed as horror. Plus Whedon fanatics always overestimate his appeal. He is pure niche in his humour, and aesthetic.
  7. Wow. I had not realized 21JS had already passed 100 million, the second 100m plus hits for Channing Tatum as a leading man) in a row, in two competely different roles. The last person on Earth I would have imagined to become a full-fledged star this year was Tatum. Does this mean that Magic Mike (or whatever the name of that stripper film is) is in for solid grosses??
  8. Holy crap...can you imagine living with someone like that? "Honey, here's some flowers!" "BWAAAAAA!!!!! BOO HOO!!!!!/ "Honey, I bought you that turquoise brooch you always wanted!" "BOO HOO BWAAAAHHHH!"/ "Honey, little Billy got an 'A' in math!" "BOOO HOOO BWAAAAAHHHH!!!" "Honey, we're out of milk!" BOO HOOO BWAAAAHHH!!!!"
  9. She did Veronica Mars, a show that, just like Firefly, was a ratings flop and is one of those ridiculously bad, yet-somehow-ridiculously overrated TV shows that its fans worship as if they were brilliant works of art (their failure is also blamed on the networks by the fans, as if the fact that nobody watched them was not the reason they were cancelled) She has developed somewhat of a cult following among fanboys, and for a little while, Hollywood tried to make her a rom-com star. Fortunately, audiences were not impressed with her "acting," and instead of becoming the new Meg Ryan, she became the new Brittany Murphy, but with less death.
  10. Sparkling vampires is the greatest contribution to mankind since Post-It notes. Admit it.
  11. Don't laugh! Picture this: Kristen Bell playing Sophie's daughter, whose long-thought-to-be-dead brother reappears as a half-robot zombie, sending Sophie's and his sister's life into a vortex of despair and confusion. Streep could play Sophie. Unless she can't, in which case, they can hire Helen Mirren. Oscar sweep, I tell you.
  12. So you don't want to see Raging Bull 2? I am hoping they greenlight Sophie's Choice 2: Return of the Sopha.
  13. Indiana Jonas ? Is that the new one with one of the annoying boybanders?
  14. Avatar, Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Sixth Sense, The Passion of the Christ, Meet The Fockers
  15. Man I remember the buzz, hype, and way outrageously unrealistic overpredictions for Scream 4. Everyone was uber-convinced that it would open with 40, 45, 50 million dollars. Then it actually opened. (Hmm, reminds me of a current fanboy favorite around here that has everyone convinced it will open to beyond amazing numbers in the summer)
  16. Yeah, not to mention that is played on TV like, every week.
  17. Oh, no! It went down one million from the original estimate. The biggest flop since John Carter!!!!
  18. Congrats to THG fans. It's always a thrill to fans when a film/property they love succeeds, but when it succeeds this smashingly, it's bliss. It would be hilarious if this film, in March, opened with better numbers than any other film this year, except for TDKR.
  19. Damn, I knew that when my parents, who could care less about pop culture and "hot movies" in general told me me that they wanted to see "that new 'Hunger' film about the archer girl who has to fight for her life," this was going to be huge. (The last films that captured my parents' attention? Titanic and Avatar) When your movie has such gigantic awareness even among older people who never pay attention to what's the latest trend, you know you're on to something. Then add the great reviews, and the continued buzz over the box office, and you'll get more people wanting to see what this is about, which will add to its box office.
  20. " Ferrell, who speaks surprisingly good Spanish..."Whomever wrote that has absolutely no clue regarding Spanish linguistics. The trailers for Casa de mi Padre are cringe-inducing, but when I hear Ferrell's massacring of Spanish, I want to throw things at the screen.
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