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Sophia Jane

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Everything posted by Sophia Jane

  1. €30m means it will enter all-time top 10 list in Italy,really hard for a superhero even a Star Wars movie
  2. I just wondering how much do Koreans love go to cinema and watching movie? A country with a population of only 50 million have 27 films cross 10m admission, equivalent to one fifth of the country's population Watching movies is really one of the most important way of entertainment for South Koreans.
  3. I heard some backroom information that Spider-man may release in China in March.....can't be sure
  4. Your words make me feel that all parts of the world are similar in a sense. In China, there is a forum highly similar to BOT called "TNABO". There used to be (more like 7,8 years ago)many professional box office data analysts in this forum, they found a lot of very rare data,most of users extremely love movie and they discussed professional box office data everyday. but now the overall discussion atmosphere is not as good as before. The old users who used to be active on TNABO were mostly "movie" fans who treated all movies equally, whereas now with the Marvel film popularity spread out rapidly ,the users who are active on TNABO now are mostly Marvel movie fans ,they only care if marvel movies are doing well, many people don't care at all about other series and movies,and they don't have the same expertise at the box office as older users, many of whom don't even know the basic knowledge of the box office .(Many people don't even know what is Box office mojo,which movie is the Highest grossing film in North America,like I said they just care about Marvel) Too many "movie"fans (The old users)complain about this situation ,they satire"Why this place still called TNABO,it should called The Marvel fanboy base"and many old users choose to leave the TNABO,and for now there are no rare box office data was published in TNABO anymore. We just face the same problem,that's really interesting,even I 'm a Marvel fan (actually I am a fan of entire Hollywood),I'm not happy to see that TNABO don't have box office experts,but only Marvel fans now.
  5. Well,you don't need to apologize lol,I'm not a guy that easily offended and we just set a topic and have a talk doesn't mean "you don't like China,you hate America bla bla bla",that's nonsense,we are just here to have a talk,lol. For your second point,I think it's the difference between the "literal" and the "actual feeling" If we only talking about the "literal" sense of dictatorship, then China is indeed a dictatorship, because we really don't get a choice to choose our own government, and the president Xi does keep him in power for a long time,that's true. But to be honest, if the discussion for the most part, 99% of the Chinese "actual feeling", the most people totally don't think we live under a dictatorship and not free, because we lived very well without too much need to complain, if you don't break the law, You can do whatever you want , You can say whatever you want to say ,and that's the freedom of "actual feeling", and the political things that most people don't care about, because most of Chinese "actual feeling" is we're very free.
  6. That's a political stuff,I mean in the real life we are free,we can do whatever we like,say whatever we want to say Actually most of normal people don't even give the shit about the political stuff,even they can vote for the leaders they still don't care about it.
  7. The standard of " China have a dictatorship and 1.4 billion Chinese are free or not"is whether Marvel movies get released in China or not? Very strange standard So if Spider-man can release in China and gross $350m(it's still got a chance,it's not dead),then you guys will change your thoughts and say"wow,What a free country without any dictatorshicp"?
  8. Well,as a Chinese, I don't feel the suffer from the "dictatorship" which is not even exist The movie can't be released doesn't mean that we are not free, in fact, we live very well, China is a safe, comfortable, fast developing, rich country, if you come to China, You can even wandering in the street at three in the middle of the night and don't have to worry about any dangerous situation, if you want to published your views on the Internet, no one can control you, you can even satire the government ,so I think our country is very free, Marvel film failed to release does not mean that China have a dictatorship
  9. If we talking about really globally phenomenon I think the movie should doing great everywhere Avengers is not strong in Japan and some Europe countries,Star Wars is only popular in America and Europe... The only two movie which popular everywhere in the entire movie history are Titanic and Avatar
  10. You know what,I even happy that Japanese Demon slayer overtake The Eight hundered to become a 2020 worldwide champion,even I am a Chinese. Because I always think our film is not deserve to be a worldwide champion before our movie become the international event,Demon slayer is popular everywhere, it's popular in China among anime fans as well,this anime popularity is the Naruto's level ,even more popular than Naruto in Japan so I think Demon slayer is more deserve to be a worldwide champion because It's turly popular globally.
  11. I will laugh,too. I don't think our film deserve to be the worldwide champion before our film become international event,for now only Chinese people watch Chinese movie,It's just means our market is super big,not means our movie is popular globally I think The three-body problem will be a good chance for Chinese film become international event because I heard this book is so popular in many countries
  12. I think Disney won't let Marvel just dead in China easily,after all China is one of the Biggest market for Marvel film and we have to admit that without China,Marvel film worldwide box office will reduce a huge I think Disney will apologize to Chinese and never let Shang-Chi and Eternal characters join the Avengers if they truely want to save the Marvel in China.
  13. Then I can't even see Avengers 5 cross $2B without China
  14. Wait,just a few days ago we perdict Spiderman will cross $2B,at least Jurassic World,but now just $1.2-1.4B?
  15. Not only in Douban,Many Marvel fans have complained about the release of Spider-Man on the entire Chinese Internet, and they have been called 'traitors' by some nationalists. The whole situation is really complicate,Nowadays on China's Internet,there are two groups, Marvel fans and nationalist,they fight against each other,nationalist think Marvel should be banned, because it is insulted China ,Shang-Chi and Eternal, and Marvel is the source of all these movie, and they will satire Marvel fans" If you want to see Marvel movie, then you can immigrate to the United States and get fuck out of China". And many Marvel fans fighting back, many radical Marvel fans will even attack our government, thinking they are no different from Qing Dynasty In short, the two groups of people fighting each other is the true situation of the Chinese Internet at present.
  16. Yeah,'Hollywood' not be banned in China,The whole damn thing it's just for Marvel
  17. I'm just plan to study in Ireland,not live in Ireland forever,I'll be back to China when I finish my study in Cork university. I'm sad that Marvel film maybe never be shown in China in the futrue I'm also sad that Marvel success maybe end in China I heard Shang-Chi will join the Avengers,and you know our government really sensitive about this,so any Avengers Film with Shang-Chi have no chance to show in China,and China is the biggest Market for now,which means Marvel film worldwide box office will reduced a huge without Chinese market.
  18. My parents have decided to send me to Study in Ireland next year. Maybe I will have the opportunity to watch Marvel movies for the first time during my stay in Ireland
  19. If NWH can't release in China,I will be very disappointed,because that means no Marvel film will be released here in the future. Also I heard Shang-Chi will take part in Avengers in the future,then the more terrible thing is that all Avengers movie with Shang-Chi have zero chance to show in China. I'm just so sad as a Marvel fan Seems I have to fly to HongKong to see Spider-man.
  20. It's true,we love Cameron so much,All his movie was a true cultural phenomenon in China , especially Titanic and Avatar.That's why we called him "Cameron the God" . I didn't have experienced the Titanic , but I know the hype from my mother at that time, just everyone was talking about the movie, my mother lived in a remote village, in the class ,if whose parents took him/her to the city to see Titanic, the entire class will envy him/her, and my father was live in Shanghai, he said,he has a friend who was blind ,but he went to see the Titanic,because if he didn't watch Titanic,he had no topic to talking with other people. And for Avatar,It's almost same level of Titanic,At that time, there were few movie theaters, and many people flew from one city to another to see Avatar. The movie was so popular that if anyone had a ticket of Avatar, people even willing to pay ¥1000, just for a damn ticket Even more dramatic,Avatar tickets were considered as a gift to our relatives during the Spring Festival,because it was just so precious and everyone wanted to have it. I have never seen such a phenomenon,other than Cameron's films, no film can do that, that is why he is a legend
  21. Relax guys,Avatar is safe in China,Just Marvel movie recently be banned in China because of Shang-Chi and Eternal,and even for Marvel movie,Spider-man still have a big chance to show in China. JC is super beloved and popular in China,For example,in China,No matter you are or not his fans,we all call him "卡神"(Cameron the God),everybody call him by using this nickname because he is just incredible,that's how popular JC here
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