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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. This looks so epic. Could dennis actually deliver a big hit? I hope this is the beginning of a top tier new franchise
  2. I'm actually quite excited for it. Its the first movie out this year that's really enticing me to go to the cinema. AQP2 doesn't count because my partner wanted to watch that
  3. Well the Hangover 2 may have been lazy but it still gave audiences exactly what they wanted
  4. But you're not ruining her day. She doesn't need another hit. The thousands of people working on the production however could probably do with a hit given how the industry has been lately. I remember reading one of her quotes stating that trans people she finds doesn't have an issue with her, the backlash comes more from non trans people speaking/arguing on behalf of them. I guess people like you are who she meant
  5. The Snyder Cult has been baffling yet surprisingly passionate. To their credit, it was them that got the Extended Cut made and as someone who just assumed the Snyder version must have been bad for Whedon to basically remake it, I was so surprised that it managed to not only be an improvement, but also quite enjoyable. I know Snyder has essentially tarnished the franchise which now needs a reboot but given the circumstances that led to his departure from JL, I think it's nice he got to finish his project and have the craziest of fans to support him along the way.
  6. Is JK Rowling getting her own way such a bad thing? After all, you don't hear many people say they prefer the movies to the books.
  7. Just highlight the text you want to be marked, then click on the bold B in the tool menu You're welcome
  8. UK is going to need Air Con in all houses soon. Its too hot
  9. It would be the most watched event including the streams. BBC and the Guardian, 2 highly reputable new sources have claimed 31m discluding streams. Radio stations and tv news claimed 31m discluding streams too. They can't all be wrong Are you Scottish or Welsh by any chance?
  10. Yeah I can't imagine the lads going down the pub to watch Diana's funeral. Same with Bojo's speech lol. Though the 31m doesnt seem to include live streams. One source is saying there was an additional 11m watched online, hence my 42m figure. Even the sources saying 31m have added that this doesn't include live streams. 32m back in 1966 when the population was 54m is impressive though. We will beat that when we win the world cup next year 😛 I watched BW last week, it really is just a filler movie. It's doubtful it would have set the box office on fire even in normal circumstances
  11. Its all over the Internet as 31m. When you take the 60,000 packed pubs and household get together, it would be over 40m anyways. Most normal Brits wouldn't watch that game alone Edit: the 31m is actually the average according to this.. https://www.sportspromedia.com/news/euro-2020-final-tv-figures-bbc-itv-rai-england-italy These 2 suggest the 31m doesn't include live streams https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/media/2021/jul/12/euro-2020-final-attracts-estimated-31-million-tv-audience-in-uk-diana-funeral https://www.google.com/amp/s/inews.co.uk/culture/television/euro-2020-final-viewing-figures-england-vs-italy-most-watch-event-uk-history-1099039/amp And finally from the BBC who reported a 0eak of 30.95 and an average of 29m https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57802981.amp I cannot find your figures anywhere online. Either way its the UK's most watched event
  12. I think you're looking at average viewers, not peak viewers
  13. Wow that's quite the difference. I did post a link with my figure, I didn't just pull it out of my ass lol. Though I don't believe your 22m figure is correct as every other link on google still states 31m. 22m would be a drop from the semi final viewing of 23m so that can't be right. I can't imagine more people watching the semis than the final
  14. The problem I have with the app is I cant simply 'not go to work'. My boss has had a leg operation so I have to be in to run the business. As soon as the app pinged me I felt I had no choice but to delete it and get a test done. Same goers for contractors where installing the app just means there is a higher chance they will be forced to self isolate without pay. I wont take the piss and start visiting pubs or cinemas but not everyone can simply take a week off work at a drop of a hat And then we find out our own PM doesn't even take the app seriously as not even they were isolating after being pinged. I don't even blame them either, but it's no wonder the app has been quite the failure. Even my mother-in-law got pinged and you couldn't get her to leave the house if there was a fire
  15. Most of us I know have already had it. I know 2 people who currently have it, they have a slight cough and are still working from home. Its getting back to normal from my perspective. People don't even take the NHS App seriously these days, if it tells you to isolate, you just uninstall the app. Comparing all this from a year ago where people were too scared to walk on the same side of the road as others, I'd say there's definitely less interest or concern amongst the public. It was only last weekend the entire country was out socialising. People used to be scared of catching Covid from the side effects, now people are just scared of having to isolate
  16. Its at the point where we only know about it because of the news. The weather in the UK is lovely and people are quite frankly happy to get back to normal now. We may see another wave in deaths but I dont think anything is stopping the country from opening back up thanks to the higher number of jabs administered
  17. You know the world is going backwards when you have to apologise to grown adults minds for sharing a post on twitter. Reminds me of when they tried getting JK rowling to apologie after sharing a an online store that seemed to mock pronouns. Some people just get a kick out of complaining
  18. I watched Black Widow. You could tell that young girl was Milla Jovovich's daughter the second you see her.
  19. Space Jam would have opened over 50m pre pandemic, maybe 60
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