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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. The average movie goer couldn't tell you which characters are DC or Marvel. They are the same people, spare a very limited few with hardcore fandom. People can love both TDK trilogy and the MCU. You conveniently left out Aquaman, DC's most Marvel like movie which made over 1b delivered DC their highest grossing movie of all time. I do however think DC should focus on the grittier side more for contrast but they are harder to pull off.
  2. It helps with comedies though, sometimes more than any other genre. The busiest I've ever seen a screen (not cinema) was 22 jump Street, people were sitting on the floor. The moment Tatum discovered Jonah hill had slept with the cap's daughter was epic in cinemas, literal uproar of laughter and added to the experience
  3. You lost me here. With Deadpool's success it's clear people do like juvinielle humour and gore. After all there has been a serious lack of adult themed comedies since Hollywood pretended to go woke. We went from films like The Hangover and Ted dominating the box office to literally no comedies being released Also DC fans and narvel fans are THE SAME PEOPLE. You're either a comic book fan or you're not. TSS's failure will come down to a terrible predecessor, and a pandemic, not gore and humour, Jesus
  4. This, it was the first and only 3D movie being advertised during Avatar, people wanted to replicate that experience. It wasn't the only film to see a post Avatar boom, Clash of the Titans did the same on a smaller scale. It was so bad yet made half a billion. POTC 4, Transforms 3 both unexpectedly saw sizable worldwide increases I think box office changed as a whole after 2009, we went from having only 4 movies making 1b to 48 movies 10 years later.
  5. I've not seen any TV adverts for this at all. Facebook is what informed me of it's release date. There's definitely other factors at play here, even Justice League made over 200m with terrible reviews and predecessors
  6. What is HBO max? I'm from the UK. Does it mean it's available for free on Friday for the US?
  7. I think BOP is a poor comparrisson. BOP had a fraction of the budget and was advertised as a fashion show. The reviews were't good enough to bring in people who had doubts, it never looked like it had anything fun to offer. Without Covid TSS will have needed what, 500m worldwide to turn a profit? I think that would have happened
  8. I'm simply giving examples of how audiences have been known to forgive mistakes. All the film's I mentioned saw sizable increases. I'm not suggesting TSS is going to out-perform the previous film, but I don't think questioning and opening as low as 30m, just a quarter of the first's shows a lack of understanding. Even your Justice League comparison wouldn't suggest an opening as low as 30m TSS is clearly being treated like a mini reboot/clean slate. It got an R rating, it looks fresh, now has positive buzz and it's a Big budget Comic Book movie. It's not getting beaten by some damn Jungle Cruise
  9. Winter soldier Infinity war Logan Thor Ragnarok BVS (opening weekend) All these movies arguably had weak predecessors yet created a pull. I think people are more forgiving with the Comic Book franchise. I do get what you're saying but 30m tracking is just shocking. After seeing the film, it just feels like something that should be a hit, obviously that means very little.
  10. But it is innevitable to see a big number of cases so why would we be screwed? If the vaccination programme ends successfully then we would expect cases to rise as normal life begins to return. There would only be an issue if there were a high number of deaths along with the cases. Fortunately the early figures in some countries are suggesting this hasn't been the case, though it is still early days. I think in time the cases will zigzag but deaths won't reach anywhere near the heights of previous waves. There will be less and less news coverage as the years go by and eventually will begin to fade away from everyone minds. We've done alot in 18 months, I think with booster shots and more time for research, we will see a much brighter picture a further 18 months from now
  11. 30m seems ridiculous. Just 8m more than Mortal Kombat? I would have thought the strong reviews would have helped turn the tracking around
  12. Maybe, what do I know. i'm basing this of the fact I believe'd it will be bigger than BW. Granted I'm not sure what the Delta situation is like in the US
  13. You sound like me with my nachos. I usually choose empire cinemas over Cineworld because the nachos are just that much better
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