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Everything posted by vale900

  1. Mhh no definitively bigger in the Us. Just the trailer is so big and great. It seems like a big sci fi epic you have to see on a big screen and it seems like an adult movie, not a cgi cartoon in Europe "everyone" over 45 hates. And it's a sci fi epic with a great cast with a multi target appeal.
  2. So industry insider predictions are around Bd 2049 and Black Widow numbers but I think it will make something more.
  3. The Denis Villeneuve-directed adaptation of Frank Herbert’s 1965 classic will be playing in just 24 markets this weekend, beginning offshore rollout tomorrow. Of the majors going this session are France, Germany, Russia, Italy and Spain. Our industry sources are projecting a launch in the mid-$20M range. PLFs will play a large part; IMAX is on about 150 screens. Pandemic era comps to consider for Dune include Black Widow, while Villeneuve’s 2017 Blade Runner 2049 is also worth noting given the film’s pedigree and history. In like-for-like markets, and at today’s rates, those films opened to $22.8M and $24.4M, respectively. Anticipation is high for Dune in Europe — and there’s a fair bit of rain washing across the continent over the coming days which is music to distribution and exhibition’s ears. Then again, the long runtime will impact the number of showings. Because the film only hits HBO Max on October 22, in line with the domestic release, piracy may be less of a concern — at least in terms of pristine copies.
  4. "I haven't seen a movie theater so packed to the brim in years , even more in a movie theater that is usually uncrowded" This is another screen in France Some people here really underestimated this movie 😅. I don't know about the Us but here in continental Europe has been promoted as "the movie of the year" and the appeal is really multi target.
  5. Previews in France started in the last couple of hours in over 300 screens. Tomorrow the movie will be released in 950 screens (!) according to this tweet they are doing good translation: "judging by the row for the previews the film should be a success. Let's see if it also deserve it....."
  6. I don't know if this movie will be a huge box office hit but it's clear it's gonna be a cult for a large audience. So i mean a sequel will be highly anticipated anyway. It would be a good investiment even for Hbo Max alone. The sequel is like sure, they are just waiting the american release to entice people to go to the theaters.
  7. No sorry my mistake. I saw a tweet from an AMC account but it wasn't about the Us. I thought Amc was only in the Us.
  8. The New york Post ‘Dune’ review: Sci-fi spectacle will blow your mind “Star Wars,” “Lord of the Rings” and “Avatar,” bow down to “Dune.” https://nypost.com/2021/09/11/dune-review-sci-fi-spectacle-will-blow-your-mind/?utm_source=NYPTwitter&utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_campaign=SocialFlow 😅😅 Anyway Amc has opened the pre sales in the US.
  9. I'm reading some reaction from the TIFF. I would say 75% are very positive and 25% kinda of disappointed so the same as Venice. Most of them are critics only for rotten so i guess on RT for now the percentage won't change a lot. Now we have to wait for the critics in New York.
  10. the only link between BD 2049 and Dune is the director. Dune is a huge movie, you're gonna see how the connection between the two movies feel forced. BD 2049 is a sci fi noir/action. Netflix makes like 45 movies like that every year. It's a genre so overproduced I think People nowadays feel it's like something you can find on netflix or on a HBO series. Reminiscience by Lisa Joy flopped so hard too cause it seems just the next Hbo sci fi. And by the way as for BD 2049 it's not true, if you love noir it's not a bad movie at all with very interesting visuals. Dune looks like a big sci fi epic you want to see on a big screen!
  11. My friend watched it in Venice. He said this is easily the Ridley Scott movie the general audience will love more since The Martian and a lot even since The Gladiator. Don't watch what critics are saying (I mean The gladiator has a 67 on metacritic). It's a totally absorbing historical thriller. Some dialogues and plot points are a little bit too semplicistic but still in a way the generale audience will like. He's sure it's gonna get a lot of Oscar noms.
  12. Dune is clearly also a story about the effects of imperialism and colonialism. You found a social relevant issue in Avatar or even Joker (thats a little bir forced in my opninion, academy members loved that movie cause it was new hollywood style, just that) and not in Dune?. The themes of the environment and global warming are strong in Dune too. Anyway Timmy and Zendy are waiting for you all 😍😂
  13. The movie is fun and entertaining. It's a little bit of fresh air from all these political or kind of arthouse horror movies americans critics love so much in the last years. It's like a b movie but a well crafted one from someone with a huge culture in the genre, not a stupid b movie for kids. Midsommar is better? Yes. I would rewatch this instead?. Yes, too.
  14. I watched this last week. It was enjoyable. Anyway very different from "the conjuring zone" the trailer is selling. There is a lot of dario argento in this movie.
  15. someone laughed at me. Here the articles. Even if you don't know italian it's easy. You have the words Afghanistan and Dune in the title https://www.huffingtonpost.it/entry/a-venezia-la-prima-di-dune-kolossal-di-fantascienza-che-racconta-lafghanistan-di-oggi_it_613256b1e4b0f1b97060e0ab https://velvetmag.it/2021/09/04/venezia78-dune-il-film-che-racconta-con-effetti-speciali-lafghanistan/ Also the american Financial Times praised the movie for being very aware of the current political times and about the american foreign policy. https://www.google.com/search?q=afghanistan+dune&sxsrf=AOaemvJ5b69i4WYMf-S4Gj-Ig_H-C4BYfg:1631289915603&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivjMe_5PTyAhUMKuwKHZu8A4YQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=657
  16. Here in Italy i have read at least 3 cultural articles from The Post, Huffington post and similar about Dune being a movie about the Afganistan crisis this is about Dune as a metaphor of the crisis of the american imperialism https://www.huffingtonpost.it/entry/la-visione-imperiale-di-dune-un-pianeta-per-nulla-lontano-da-noi_it_6133187ae4b0df9fe276bce3
  17. Villenueve is not Nolan but The Prestige by Nolan, his last original movie before the Dark knight's breakout made 110M on a 40 M budget (and it was released after the first Batman movie). It's like the same of Arrival. Nolan is more famous and recognized. Sure, but he has made a Batman franchises. That's help, A LOT. Villenueve is a very recognised author even for the mainstream audience. BD 2049 maybe was a flop but on imdb has more than 500K votes, Sicario has 400K votes, Arrival has 650K votes, Prisoners has 650K votes. Again it's not Nolan but Villenueve making Dune is a solid part of the brand of the new Dune. Step by step is now a recognised name.
  18. I guess the budget is like 35-40 M. It doesn't need a X15 moltiplicator like TGS to still be successfull.
  19. yeah they want this new universe. The won't kill it because of the results during the pandemic. At least it makes somethig even under its 165M budget. They are planning sequels, tv serials and so on so they're gonna give us at least the sequel.
  20. In a new interview Villenueve said Dune "would have to do REALLY BADLY for WB to pass on "Part two" As i already said more than 200M WW (with hbo max) and we get the sequel.
  21. Anyway I don't agree with you. Both The greatest showman and Bohemian have like 8.0/10 on imdb or less more. It's definitely not a case of "i just liked the songs". Some people loved the full movies and loved the story. Maybe what you said is more real for something like Mamma Mia.
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