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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. I think is Aladdin/Beauty and the Beast level. Lion King is easily bigger than the rest, at least here in South America...
  2. About The Little Mermaid... I don't know how is the impact and popularity of the original in the US, but at least here in Brazil I think it's on par with Alladin and Beauty and The Beast. The Lion King is just miles above the others over here as you can see with it being the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time (it did more than 2x BATB and almost 4x Aladdin).
  3. All this overeaction with Disney (as a brand in general and not animation) will end when Avatar 2 just go completely nuts in December and then people will flip and starting saying again: "Disney is just too powerful", "Disney monopolizes the box office", "Disney needs to be stopped", etc... 🙄
  4. You are right, I can be just a VERY brief thing as most things nowadays are (which is IMO a serious problem for mankind in the near future but I digress). So that is 100% a possibility, but I don't know... This looks to me that will capture the attention of kids and teens hugely, combined with the fact that the movie also seems to be really enjoyable and better than the first, the complete lack of kids movies competition and the fact that the yellow bastards are just simply extremely iconic already, I think this could explode.
  5. This feels just completely surreal wtf 😲 I am starting to think Minions 2 is going to get in the "zeitgeist" level, not even kidding I can see this exploding...
  6. I personally always felt old regardless of age 🤣 But I guess I am truly becoming "old" now, I don't know but feels like anyone under 20 is from a completely different era of mankind...
  7. Bad IMO. Pretty bad monday to monday drop, but a somewhat decent drop from Sunday. At least that is how I see it...
  8. More like 30-32M. And could be higher if the PLF factor gives it a big boost...
  9. ET is a legendary movie here in Brazil, it was one of the most watched movies on tv for decades, mostly in the "Sessão da Tarde" (TV slot destined for movies in Globo channel) which aired movies in the middle of the afternoon in the biggest tv channel nationwide. I don't know about the newer generations (born in this century), but for everyone born until the end of the 90's it's one of the most iconic movies ever...
  10. Coco, Soul and Luca are a better to a lot better IMO. Coco is actually one of the finest Pixar movies... Brave on the other hand is just completely forgetable and bland, it's by far one of the worst from Pixar.
  11. It will have some upstes and underdogs. But they will be more in the likes of some big team failling to achieve the knockout stage and a weaker team getting to quarter finals, but that is probably it.
  12. I am hearing that a lot, that the movie starts extremely well for the first half hour and then goes downhill...
  13. That was actually one of the most satisfying nights of football 😅
  14. With all due respect: Messi can go to hell lmao! A Brazil vs Germany final would be one of the greatest finals of all time and the buzz about it would be legendary, it would not be boring at all. I don't want to crush your hopes, but the chance of some unexpected teams to get to SF's is almost 0. The final will probably be between two World Champions and the semifinals very likely too...
  15. You are right, we hate you a lot less because of that. That would be the absolute worse tragedy of all time in Brazil history as a country, I can't even describe how much I love Gotze because of that goal...
  16. You better not be hyped 😅. It's sad that you guys had to erase all the appreciation we had for you with that forking 7x1. We appreciated you for shitting on Argentina every time and losing to us in 2002.
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