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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. Yeah. I have seen nothing but insane praise in social media except for a few people. I think the legs will be spetacular over here...
  2. I think I will do that. Hope to see great reception when I open this thread tomorrow 🤞
  3. So... when are we supposed to see the first reactions by the GA in South Korea? I am fighting against sleep just to see it.
  4. I will never understand these kind of reviews for a technical marvel and groundbreaking movie like Avatar. I mean... thinking it's mediocre or even bad it's ok, but these insanely low scores just seems unreasonable and filled with a lot of anger.
  5. Pretty mixed is a huge cap. Reviews are pretty solid albeit not spectacular...
  6. It always amaze me how things changes so fast in China. I mean... sometimes in a matter of hours the prognostic and enviroment changes there.
  7. Just 100m from China? I don't think even the more pessimistic predictions would suggest that...
  8. Avatar is unusal in every sense, that is why it's so difficult to predict anything related to this movie...
  9. Why exactly? The pool sample is already big enough to prevent from such a drop and the trend is going upwards. It should settle at 83-86%.
  10. The score is actually getting better? Not common at all. I think maybe the more harsh critics of the movie where eager to release really fast their reviews? I think this is going to land at mid 80's which after the 83% debut was very hard to believe it could.
  11. I think this is the most reasonable prediction, something along the lines of 2.4-2.6b with more or less this distribution. I expect this movie to barely reach the 3b range, but I am being optmistic. The pessimistic scenario would be a 2b gross, anything under that I think is pretty crazy, the same goes for anyone thinking 3.5b and higher. But we will all know in a couple of months...
  12. I feel that final presales push is not going to be too spetacular, but the walkups will surprisingly (?) be. Just a gut feeling though...
  13. Brazil has "Adoro Cinema". Here are Avatar and some movies that were very well received (most with great legs) for comparison: Avatar: 4.4 Aquaman: 4.4 Top Gun Maverick: 4.6 Titanic: 4.6 Joker: 4.6 NWH: 4.6 Endgame: 4.7
  14. I think it can match Endgame's in BRL, but the currency is a lot worse now then it was in 2009 so don't expect it to reach Endgame's gross in Dolar.
  15. LATAM is the only region that I can see NWH doing better honestly (apart from domestic).
  16. The reactions are honestly insanely good for the most part (especially in the attributes that are big box office indicators). And people here were losing their minds after the first reviews lol
  17. I think it could be the case given the natural divisive nature of Avatar. The first one has actually a 82% RT and a 83 Metacritic, so it's definitely not impossible.
  18. It does not seem the same at all IMO. Especially when this time it mostly was actuals critics posting their opinions and not just pop bloggers and pages. The reactions seems to me like a high 80's RT (% wise) and low 80's Metacritic.
  19. The comps were already trending higher this couple of days, after these reviews I think there is only going to get higher and higher. There is also the RT embargo ahead so it will definitely give it another push.
  20. All I am seeing in the tweets in portuguese is people extremely excited about the reviews and telling that they are definitely going to see it, apart from some people who are eternal haters of the first movie and won't give it a chance no matter what. Also anecdotal, but my family (mom, grandmother, uncles, etc.) never goes to the theater but they are excited about it and are going to see this. This movie is just next level GA appealling, people won't notice it's appeal until everyone and their mothers (that are not vocal in the internet) goes to see it. James Cameron is going to do it again.
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