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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. I think it's a big difference between teams that are currently bigger threats and rivals. Of course Palmeiras is today a much bigger threat than Vasco (our biggest rival actually and not Fluminense), but almost every Flamengo supporter would definitely like a lot more to see Vasco fail and to defeat Vasco than to defeat Palmeiras. So I understand your point, but these are 2 different things.
  2. You definitely has the right to have your personal biggest nemesis as a fan, but the fact is that 99% of Inter fans sees Grêmio as the biggest rival of Inter. GreNal is probably the fiercest derby in Brazil and that is pretty common place.
  3. Also... com'on. Inter does not see Grêmio as their biggest nemesis? You know damn well this is the furtest away from the truth as possible.
  4. They DEFINITELY see us as their biggest rival, this Uruguay story is complete BS. My father lived in Argentina for 6 years (is also married to an argentinean woman) and I saw with my own eyes how much they root against us, which is completely understandable and is an integral part of rivalry in football and why is so great. Germany and all the other teams are secundary rivals and have nowhere near the same animosity with have with Argentineans in football, it's just the way it is.
  5. Bad name because of what? Because our biggest rival is winning a World Cup and I am not liking it? Lol
  6. Can you guys please stop? Let's return to the box office guys 😁 This is one of the saddest days of my life lol
  7. No. Like Waluigi said we have Filmow and AdoroCinema, but they are too small of a sample. It's nowhere near as reliabe as Cinemascore, CGV, etc...
  8. I already said here that social media reactions are extremely positive. There is really nothing to measure the reception here the same way it has for other countries, so the reactions from social media and anecdotal evidences are the only things we havest so suggest the kind of legs. We will have to wait to see the legs unfold...
  9. I went yesterday at 3D IMAX and the crowd reaction was extremely positive. All my family from my mother and father sides is planing to see this. I remain very confident about great legs over here.
  10. Brazil will definitely come in the higher end of the estimates.
  11. Avatar was never about the opening day and previews shows. All that matters is the word of mouth and the legs... Let's see how that plays out...
  12. NWH just did almost 60M with the same currency. With expectional word of mouth it's possible. Let's see how this plays out, but the reception here is excellent.
  13. Opening weekend I think something like 10M and overall 45-60M depending on legs IMO.
  14. Might be indeed, that is why I said "apparently". Well... we will know soon enough.
  15. Yeah, based on the early reactions on social media I was expecting something like that. I am confident that the legs are gonna be fantastic.
  16. As I predicted, the walkups will apparently be good to compesate at least a little the stall in presales. All in all, I am happy with the projections, things were looking really bad these last few days.
  17. Some highly positive reactions to the story and characters and some that feel that is just decent or passable in this regard, but the immersion, visual effects and cinematic experience are being praised to the sky. People are going to see this to feel it again just like the first one over here. Maybe Latam which was one of the concernings regions for this movie (for most people) is actually going to overperform relatively to other hyped regions? Let's see...
  18. The early reactions from Wedsneday previews were crazy good at social media. I expect it to leg out in a spetacular way over here. Let's see...
  19. Also the other major markets that could do incredible numbers with legs and together make a huge difference. Here in Brazil, for example, the WOM from the early shows seems extremely positive and it could explode here, so that is potentially 50-60M and it could be the case for other relevant markets as well. We have to wait for the Christmas to make more absolute predictions IMO.
  20. We have to take into account the World Cup, Covid situation, the extremely backloaded nature of sales and a lot of factors that make this a lot more difficult to predict than normal. So I would not work with absolutes in the slighest at least until we see the legs...
  21. It's completely within reason to adjust the expectations and almost everyone is doing that. But being overtly negative to the point that it seems like wanting the movie to fail (just an impression) is not the same thing. I can definitely understand saying that 2B is no longer secured, but to say goodbye to it is a huge reach IMO.
  22. So it's definitely not close to "goodbye" 2B. It's only Thursday yet and there are many variables at the moment that makes this extremely hard to predict. Also the doomposting is not only because of that line, but because of the all negative comments in many threads...
  23. I would be really happy with these numbers given the cirscunstances not gonna lie
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