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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. That would leave only Endgame and NWH (need to say more?), Captain Marvel (boosted by Endgame) and Far From Home as comparisons. The Batman being a reboot in an isolated universe and grossing 375M is not detrimental to it not surpass any of those.
  2. So a finish in the same ballpark for FB3? Like 55-65M...
  3. That I completely agree with. In the movies Harry/Hermione relationship felt a lot more organic, engaging and palpable than Rony/Hermione and I think that is in great part because of the chemistry between the actors. The dance scene between them is one of the best scenes of Harry Potter and is miles better than anything Rony/Hermione related.
  4. The GA does not give a crap about that, mostly does not even know about that or even know who she is. Of course Harry Potter is an extremely fanbase driven franchise (even more than superheroes I would say) so it makes a part in the fanbase, but the GA is still the most relevant aspect of it's box office and so The JK Rowling and Johnny Depp situation are not that important of factors as people in the internet believe it to be.
  5. I never said it was THE worst moment of the pandemic. There is a really big difference of saying it was A worse moment of the pandemic compared to now than saying it was THE worse moment of the pandemic.
  6. Dune released during a worse moment of the pandemic, with day and date release and costed 35M less. Also it's not even close as an IP to Wizarding World. I don't think this is a great comparison personally.
  7. I agree with almost all of your reasoning, but I don't think 400M is the floor for the next movie (if it really happens) at all. I think it has a chance of grossing even lower than this one. This movie was better received? Yes, but not enough to restore the faith in this franchise IMO. Audiences response are still lackluster and the momentum is still in a downward spiral.
  8. " The original Avatar has essentially no cultural relevance" This argument is getting really old and will be prove to be absolute nonsense when this thing does billions at the box office. Avatar 2 just being the sequel to the highest grossing movie of all time that most people loved to see in Cinema will be enough. This "cultural relevance" argument is extremely overrated when talking about box office.
  9. Why do you guys call it football and not "Gridiron" then? I would argue that a sport that came before, is way more popular pretty much everywhere and is actually played with feet is more suited to be called "real football".
  10. The result for The Batman (770M~) is absolutely solid, it's only a disappointment for people who put the expectatives way too high based on NWH performance. The movie had many things against it like a controversial pick for Batman, terrible previous movies with Batman, 3hr runtime and really dark tone, no Russia/Ukraine and Covid in some big Asian markets, etc... and it exceed with a solid box office and critical acclaim which is a great sign for a billion dollar sequel. That being said... I am really liking all the things I am seeing and hearing from Zaslav and his plans to DC, I hope we get a more solid planning about DC universe as a whole.
  11. I completely agree with your reasoning, but as a brazilian seeing someone calling football as soccer always hurts 😪
  12. I am going opening weekend with my girlfriend and a couple of friends.
  13. Tuesday increases are just not what they used to be anymore, I think there is enough data to suggest that by now and we will have to accept it. Maybe it changes again, but right now this seems to be the new normal.
  14. How is it compared to the others? Any data? I just think this will follow the downward trand that it's getting worldwide...
  15. I know, but nonetheless that is not good IMO. Morbius opening was mediocre and FB3 opening close to those numbers would be pretty bad. If this does less than 15M including previews then it would likely mean a sub 50M gross.
  16. Is that good? I would assume that being behind Morbius is not a great sign. I think this won't match CoG...
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