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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. when did this drop to 52% on RT? I think it was only a week ago it was at 65. Guess a lot of reviews were added
  2. Flair was not only the best thing about this, he was the only good thing about it
  3. probably not to get confused with the other movie called The Avengers from 1998. As if anyone would confuse the two
  4. yeah I have no problem with what happened after it ended. just during, I wasn't fully into it. But I came around pretty quickly
  5. well hope they don't do what they did last time then when they went right back to selling them https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2018/02/28/dicks-sporting-goods-pulled-assault-style-rifles-after-sandy-hook-too-didnt-last/381385002/ so yeah giving them credit, but they better know go back on it again
  6. I am out of likes right now for you two so I thought this would fit just as much
  7. caught up with the two new episodes. I liked them both, don't get all the "controversy" about the one part, but I get it isn't for everyone. I was kind of not into it at first until they at least put Ahsoka back in the same place so nothing actually changed
  8. yeah I really enjoyed the trailer. I liked the first one so hopefully I will like this one, as well. It's off to a good start with the trailer
  9. So That One Guy apparently got that one more warning point to get banned for 2 weeks. Guess he will have 2 weeks to look at that scene in Interstellar and enjoy
  10. yeah i love when that happens myself it doesn't happen often but I like when I see a page look like it is going that way at least lol
  11. it's easy. I have watched every vcr tape, dvd or blu ray I own numerous times. It's not that hard or a chore as you make it out to be. Right now I am rewatching a mini series from 1983 and it's at least the 4th time I have done so since I've own it. So that alone makes it worth the money I spent on it too. And all those obstacles you wrote are with digital too. Unless you are saying you don't buy any movie at all, which if you are, that's fair enough too. I just don't see the big deal about rewatching a film
  12. agreed, it's not good, not awful, but not good. AH is pretty good at least, but she wasn't good in it. but I think SLP was good for the most part
  13. exactly. People know it exists but how much they care is another thing entirely
  14. yeah this must be Futurist and others right now
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